The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Life as We Know It

Sometimes it's so nice to just have a normal life. No holidays. No heavy schedule, just time to "be."

As I type this, Lizzie is laying on her desk pillow (she is so spoiled), purring up a storm. I think she missed me! Rick and I spent a couple of days with our friends, Suzanne and Jim, in London, Ontario this past weekend. We enjoyed several games of Sequence, ate wonderful Indian food, saw "Victoria and Abdul" and the National Theatre Live production of my favorite Sondheim musical, "Follies," and did a late Christmas celebration.

Suzanne and I have known each other since we looked like this.

It's nice to imagine we still do. She kind of does!

I loved our drive through Canada. I always get a little entranced when we pass the wind farm near Strathroy. One wind turbine after another. They look especially striking in the snow.

Strathroy is a small town about a half hour from London. Rick had a client visit there so I hit the antique store. Let me say, I so appreciate it when I see a well-designed booth, like those Rita shares on her blog. (I wish I lived near her antique mall!) There were more than a few booths that were too stressful for me, though this one wasn't bad.

But I did see some fun things -- like this tilt-a-whirl car (Every home needs one) ...

And this, whatever it is...

I loved this teapot.

And if we had a bigger car and I had more room, I would have walked away with this!

And there were some nicely designed booths, too! Unfortunately, I had all the royal china they had.  I was hoping for a bit of a score in Canada but not this time! I have way too many quilts, too!

But I loved these typewriters!

Rick has been swamped with work and family stuff, so this was a well needed break for him and fun for me with plenty of team cooking...

...and presents, too!

The road home was a tad harrowing. These photos aren't manipulated.

Yes, the fog was this thick!


It was kind of beautiful, assuming, of course, there was no pile-up before us where we'd have to slam on the brakes!

By the time we got to the border, things had started to ease up a bit. Home sweet home, safely.

Before we left for Ontario, I made another visit to my favorite bookstore that is closing and came home with another pile.

I think I'll have to live to 95 just to read these! I've been plowing through -- nine books so far, but three of them were very short!

This one is my treasure.

I have coveted this book ever since the first time I saw it -- not in a book store but in a gallery shop. I've always been one of Beatrix Potter's biggest fans and this had been on my list for ages. But it was just too expensive.

Until it was 35 percent off. Paintings and photos and oh, such joy!

I've been doing some painting, too, and if you are Valerie, Jenny or Bella and won my anniversary blog giveaway, I hope to get to the post office this week. I'll post photos when I'm pretty sure that two of the three have made it across the pond.

I'm also pulling some things together for a Valentine crafternoon with friends. We may end up doing our own thing but I'm prepared for teaching/overseeing candy boxes and more! This is a box I did several years ago and I'm lots better at it now!

The Oscar nominations came out, as you know. This means that I will make a somewhat hearted attempt to see something that might be nominated so I can have a dog in this race. So far I've only seen Dunkirk, which I loved. My list is long.

 And yes, Lizzie and I are continuing our bird watching.

This female cardinal took my breath away.

Yes, it's been a good week. Now Rick is off on another work gig. Perhaps I'll be productive this week!

I need to be sure to add that this is a photo of Beatrix Potter's art from the book. It's not Lizzie, but I wish I HAD drawn it! I should have mentioned earlier!

Or, maybe not!

Sharing with Let's Keep in Touch on Let's Add SprinklesShare Your Cup


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely time in Ontario with your friends. I'm sure team cooking is much more fun than solo cooking. Especially when the kitchen is large enough like your friend's kitchen :-) So glad you made it back home safely.

  2. That last painting of Lizzie is just wonderful. Oh, antiques and books, my favorite places to visit when traveling. It sounds like it was a very good, but quick get-away. Glad you made is safely home through that fog. I saw that movie too and enjoyed their relationship.

  3. Jeanie what a lovely trip to visit your friends! Don’t we love a stop at an antique mall...So much to see! The fog is scary, so glad you made it home safely! Your female cardinal photo is stunning!

  4. Lots of neat things to see in this post! Enjoyed it! and guess what!?---I leave my snow men out as well!---till valentines day at least. Glad to see someone else does the same! I loved seeing that old typewriter. I used to have one, we lost/misplaced it in a long ago move I think. I like seeing all the neat things at flea markets and antique malls too--that was a pretty tea pot! So glad y'all made it home safely and oh my goodness I am terrified to drive in FOG....IT'S THE SCARIEST isn't it? Hope your week is going well so far my friend!

  5. Jeanie, I can tell you you had a blast! And I just love that teapot! There's a new Peter Rabbit movie coming out but it's not like the original and I think Beatrix Potter would be horrified at what Hollywood has done to her beloved Peter Rabbit.

  6. What a lovely post, sounds like a great road trip to visit your friends. Glad you had some fun down time together. That antique shop had lots to see and discover, I would love a storage unit like that with all those drawers. Pits you couldn't take it with you. Have fun with your new books, I would have bought Beatrix Potter, too. I still have the set of all her children's books from way back when. That fog looked scary, glad you got home safely. Hugs, Valerie

  7. Sounds like a wonderful time. Such variety, and it is always nice to catch up with old friends. The photos of the birds are amazing. Good luck with the reading. Just love the typewriter.

  8. WOW, from the looks of all those photos, you have not taken any time away from things, even though you were on ""vacation." Flea markets can be fun and antique stores can be fun OR they can be shoddy. From what you showed, most booths were acceptable.

    I loved all those photos of the birds and I bet Lizzie was happy to watch them, too. Enjoy your time painting and preparing for Valentine making fun day!

  9. Not all friendships are the same, there are friendships and friendships, but those which are lived with all one's love are those which last so many years, indeed forever, and fill both heart and life with such a richness which cannot be expressed by words ... you're truly fortunate, Dearie ... and Suzanne too ;)

    Sending blessings across the many miles,
    always thinking of you with so much love

    XOXO Dany

  10. A desk pillow... I dare not tell Luna about this! She already has one of those BIG floor pillows in my sewing room all to herself... she'll want up on the sewing table/desk next too! ;) After the post-Christmas fog, I'm feeling how nice these January days are too. Back to normal is good! Sooo lovely with your visit with Suzanne... And LOVE seeing the old photo of you both--love those clothes & coats!Ooo... and antique store--such fun! And that is a very well done booth--beautiful. How cute is that Tilt-a-Whirl??!! Wouldn't that be fun to have at home as a little tea time corner??!! Nice you book treasure taken home. I've seen that B. Potter book, which is wonderful. She is a huge creative inspiration. Oh, but that fog looked nasty to navigate... :/ Glad you are safe home now! Thanks for sharing the memories in the making! ((HUGS))

  11. It's nice to visit old friends. And even better to have some fun times with them in January. Your photos of the antique mall booth are great and I want those old printer (I think they are that) drawers. I have a thing for cubbies and drawers. :) Did you get the teapot? And I think the whole month of January is a great time to relax and hang out and just be a part of life. And not feel like you have to be here there or somewhere, unless of course you want to be. Sometimes going out on cold or snowy or icy mornings to work is just ugh! I am jealous you get to enjoy your winter days. Hugs-Erika

  12. Enjoyed this post immensely...and all the photos!
    What is the play you and your friend were in? I have been trying to figure it out, but just can't do it LOL.
    "Follies" is one of my all-time favorites, too! Just this morning (as coincidences go) I got my tickets to two Broadway shows and scored *third row seats* for both "Boys in the Band" (on the center aisle) and "Hello Dolly" with Bernadette Peters (center!). Can't wait. With already having "Carousel" revival tickets, we have quite the Spring Broadway line-up!
    I would adore having that Tilt-a-Whirl coffee nook! It's totally not my style - but I'd figure it out somehow LOL. How fun!
    Looks like a harrowing journey home - glad you made it safely and that you're back to blogging about your adventurous life!

  13. Hello, sounds like a fun day with your friends. The teapot is pretty. The antique store is a fun place to explore. I love all your bird photos and the kitty. The foggy ride home had to be hair raising, glad all was well. Have a great day!

  14. What a lovely, cozy post. Nothing better than good times with friends, going to see a Sondheim musical, antiquing, and arriving safely back home from a trip (especially to buy some books). The only Oscar nominee movie I've seen is The Shape of Water and I loved it.

  15. You are great at painting cats.. animals:) And your bird pics are so sweet too..your friend has not changed..does everyone you know including you have great smiles? Wow.
    Love that multi -drawered pièce de résistance!
    Glad you had fun!

  16. There's nothing better than spending time with old friends. So glad that you had such a lovely time. I put Dunkirk on my must see list. Have a delightful week, dear Jeanie!

  17. It has been so long since I just went antiquing .....I might have to do that today...thanks! I love the photo of the bird. Beautiful. Glad you had a good time visiting with your friend. It is always fun to reconnect with others. Have a great week dear friend.

  18. That cardinal - gorgeous shot! And oh my, Jeanie, thank you for the complimentary shout out of my blog and our booths! Those flat files are something all my collector friends of vintage and antique beaded purses covet...they're so wonderful for storing the weight of the beads over time so as to preserve the threads holding them. I must say, that tilt-a-whirl would sure make a quirky statement!
    So happy you were able to fuel the flame of this longtime friendship - how wonderful! The trip looked to be a perfect antidote to winter....other than that fog on the way home! We had the same conditions on 1/12. We once drove through fog conditions, and our opinion is it was scarier than snow!
    Stay cozy. Sounds like Lizzie is a master of the art. :)

  19. What a nice visit you had with your friend, Jeanie. The fog is so beautiful to me, but Yes, a bit scary to drive in. I'm glad you got to visit your favorite book store. Beatrix Potter is such a classic. The red cardinal always enchants and fascinates me. What a gorgeous bird of nature. You took some awesome pictures of this handsome fellow. : )


  20. Your bird pictures are stunning!
    Glad you made it safely to your destination with such terrible fog.
    Fun to enjoy old friendships. I love hearing about your adventures.

  21. Beautiful bird photos. Glad you've had a good time in our country. We welcome visitors, do come back and next time, maybe head west. :) Wonderful that you are up and about even in the most foggiest situations. I'm just waiting for winter to be gone so I can enjoy some birding here. (Just watched on TV a news broadcast on the extraordinary sentencing hearing in a court from Lansing, MI.)

  22. Glad you had such a good time. You must have been relieved to get home after driving through all that fog. I think wind turbines are quite graceful. That is a very pretty teapot. Your bird photos are beautiful.

  23. Hello Jeanie! That female cardinal is precious, as is the other little bird. Good to know you had a safe and pleasurable trip to Canada!

  24. This sounds like a cosy and contented time. I loved the close ups of birds. And wow, did you do the wonderful cat sketches? They are lovely! the pretty kitty reminds me of my neighbour's cat. She did some pictures of him which I have right here on the shelf.

    The antiques mall looks as if it sells many of the kinds of thing I like. We don't have as many quilts here as you do on your side of the pond, and I think I might have been tempted by some of the ones you pictured.

    The fog looks concerning, specially as I'm imagining you had a fairly long ride home. But you got back okay and seem to have decided to enjoy winter with plenty of hygge!

  25. What a delightful post, Jeanie. I am glad you got to visit in Canada. Driving can be somewhat tricky at this time of year.

    Your antiquing looked interesting. Those whirl-a-ma-thing rides always look so innocent when you see them at a fair, but they never fail to make me sick. I can't ride on them. Some of them are disguised as teacups, but I am not fooled. I know what they really are and stay away from them.

    Have a good week, Jeanie.

  26. Sounds like a lovely visit with old friends. Nothing better. I'm glad you got home safely, despite the fog. Winter weather has so many complications for driving! It is nice to finish up projects and just ... be. :-)

  27. That sounds like a wonderful visit with friends. Wasn't "Victoria & Abdul" great? I really enjoyed that one. Dunkirk was also really food.

    That drive had to be a little scary in the fog. I'm glad y'all made it back safe and sound.

    I can't wait to see your Valentine's projects. I'm sure they'll be beautiful.

  28. Your bird pictures are extraordinary!! So much color in the winter--glad for that! We had that nasty fog here this past Sunday. I had a 2 hour drive from the lakehouse we have, to Chicago. Half of it was in this fog. The cold weather has come again!

    It's so nice to get away, meeting up with old friends is the icing on the cake. I agree, knowing we have no major holidays ahead makes me feel much less stressed out. I could use a long leisurely trip through an antique store. Great pieces at this one you went to. And I love Rita! Long time friend. She decorates and fixes her booth up in such an enticing way. What a wonderful talent.

    Take care and Happy Hump Day!


  29. Your posts always effortlessly glide - and then I find myself at the end. I love rooting around antique shops, but I'm not really allowed to, because I'm advised that we have quite enough old stuff already! Love your sketch - and that photo of the two birds on stage - oh, and the other one. Beatrix Potter's House in the Lake District is open to visitors; it's charming, but very cosy.

  30. Glad you had such a great time, and that you got home safely despite bad weather. Yes, I'm sure Lizzie missed you.

  31. That teapot is beautiful! I am glad that you and Rick had a fun getaway with a life-long friend! I bet it was fun to stretch your Christmas celebrations into January as it gives you something to look forward to during a month that can be a bit lackluster. Although, like you said, it's nice to not have any plans for a change!

    Your Valentine's craft day sounds like so much fun. I love that you host these crafting times occasionally! I am sure your guests look forward to it!

  32. Your weekend sounds lovely. Being with friends, enjoying cooking and meals is a wonderful way to relax after the hustle and bustle of the holidays. I would love the drive there and stopping to shop antique malls, icing on the cake. I would not want to be on the road in the fog, so glad you made it home safely. Enjoy your week to get a lot accomplished while Rick is away. You have sweet Lizzie to keep you company.

  33. Glad I happened upon your posts, I would like anything Rita had in her shop more than likely.
    LOVE Beatrix Potter books also and so does a close friend I thin she has all the little animal figurines also. I have the Movie LOL
    I may have to look for that book The Art of Beatrix Potter

  34. That looks like a wonderful time away. Such unique things in that antique store. Score on your Potter book.

  35. I like January too, Jeanie...What a nice trip, seeing all kinds of prettiness, but oh! What weather on the way home! I adore Canada...
    Oooooh, those books. Sorry the store is closing though...
    Yes, I love that Beatrix Potter book. Don't own it but maybe sometime I will. In the meantime I'm going to check it out from the library, again...

  36. Sounds looks like a nice trip to be with friends . . .
    Not the fog on the way home . . .
    I enjoy a trip to antique stores/booths . . .
    But I don’t need MORE . . .
    I would enjoy that Beatrice Potter book . . .
    Illustrations are like teaching moments . . .
    You write the best posts Jeanie!

  37. I need that Tilt-a-whirl seat. It was my favorite ride. The green in that booth is amazing. Your trip does look harrowing. I'm glad you made it back safe and sound. Have a wonderful week.
    Thanks for linking up to Keep In Touch.
    Katie @ Let's Add Sprinkles

  38. So glad you had so much fun! I love the Tilt a Whirl seat, but could never have one in my house. I have too many bad memories of riding one. lol! When I was young I got car sick so bad. I could never ride the Tilt a Whirl. I was with a boy and he wanted to so bad, so I did. Needless to say, I threw up afterwards. I love Beatrix Potters art! Miss Potter is one of my favorite movies! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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