The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Getting Back to Normal

I can't believe January is nearly over. This is from my friend Kate's annual bird calendar and I just love the January image. I'll hate to swap it out next month (but February is really cute! You'll see.)

Before I forget, I need to clear up something that I might have shared with you when replying to comments in an earlier post. That wonderful drawing of the two cats in this post was not by me and is not Lizzie. It was from the Beatrix Potter book I'd been talking about. I should have put a caption under it. (And I did go back to the original post to do so!) I apologize for the confusion and on behalf of the late Ms. Potter, thank you for the compliments! I wish I could pass them on in person! (On behalf of me, I thank you for thinking I was that good!)

From "The Art of Beatrix Potter," not the art of me!
I also want to thank you for your comments on my last post about the happenings here in Lansing related to the gymnastics abuse case. It's a powerful world of support out there for these young women.

Our little city is returning back to normal, which means pretty quiet and huddled in during the winter, though I have to say that right now it's relatively benign. Snow has melted for a bit, ice is going out on the ditch and the temperatures aren't terrible for a January. It's Michigan. It will change. But it's a nice break in the action.

Rick is a away for work for quite a few days and I've been taking the time to pull together a few Valentine things. I'll have a fun tutorial for creating pretty altered candy boxes for you next time -- I've been making a model for a potential crafternoon project next week. But meanwhile, I had fun putting together a simple bunting with hearts and embellishments from Michael's and buttons from my stash.

The "Love" sign above it is one of last year's projects.

I don't decorate all that much for Valentine's day. This heart wreath stays up all year.

But I do like to have a few reminders that love is in the air!

I was making a progress list to share on my family genealogy blog, The Leatherman Tree, looking at what I'd done last year and my goals for 2018. The list made me tired! And I realized, I'd better get back on it! Now!

Meanwhile, I will leave you with a few sitting ducks to ponder.  Stay cozy!

Sharing this week with: Let's Keep in Touch at Let's Add SprinklesShare Your Cup / Pink Saturday 


  1. Hello, the bird calendar is pretty. I love your heart shaped wreath and your lovely homemade hearts. Looks like a nice gathering of the ducks! I am sure Maryland will have a cold February, the weather has had a lot of ups and downs lately. Enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. Those ducks need a Florida vacation! lol Love that bird calendar and the pretty things you've put out for Valentine's Day. I need to do some creating this weekend! Hugs!

  3. Nice bunting Jeanie. I've been thinking about doing some Valentine's art but this past week has been busy. Maybe next week. And it will be February then too. Wow. I will say all your book buying has me hankering badly to visit a book store and browse. I am curious about that Beatrix Potter book. I've seen it online and it looks fascinating. Happy weekend-hope you still have a little warmth still. Our weekend is suppose to be nice-Hurrah!

  4. I love creative touches in a home and yours always has that. Adorable bird calendar! I need to put out a few hearts but that will be it for this year I think! Hugs!

  5. That bird calendar is gorgeous! Love all the pretty hearts at your place, you always make it look so lovely. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  6. I'm currently working on valentines - little by little. Have fun on your crafternoon.

  7. Amazing that you don’t decorate for Valentine’s Day! I’ve loved it since elementary school, when I would volunteer to decorate a box for the class valentines, using one of my mother’s hatboxes. I seriously doubt if anyone has any idea of what a hatbox is — no doubt they became obsolete when the hat went out of style. But what great starters they were for craft projects!

    best... mae at

  8. Your Valentines stole my heart. I must get mine out, because I'm really late with them. I DO love the bunting and the idea of decorating the heart boxes. i had to throw all of mine away when they got wet in the basement flood a couple of years ago. I look forward to the tutorial. Thanks for the inspiration.

  9. I really did think that you had painted the cats and the bird calendar. It is very pretty. I am glad things are getting back to normal. We needn't say more about it. Your Valentine bunting is terrific and it gives me an idea. Oh no, another idea.
    Enjoy the weekend, Jeanie.

  10. Oh, those ducks on the icy water is a pretty picture, Jeanie. Your heart garland is cute, and how fun to work on some craft projects while Rick is away for a few days. I have a few things I put out for Valentine's Day every year, but it's never excessive, and I always think that this wonderful holiday has a limited selection in all the stores. I am going to miss your snow pictures in your great state.


  11. It looks like you are doing some fun and creative things.
    Nice to do in winter.

  12. What talent you have!

    I like the 'sitting ducks'!

  13. Loved having time to enjoy your things, pretty, cute, white . . . red too!
    And this “warmer” beautiful Michigan Day!

  14. Hello there, new friend. All lovely pictures and artwork, indeed! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  15. Love the calendar art and your heart banner is adorable! I don't decorate for Valentine's Day but this year I found the cutest red and pink rag wreath in the shape of a heart at Goodwill so that will go on my front door.

  16. Lovely Valentine's projects, they've made me start to think about decorating a little ready for my nephew and girlfriend who will be visiting us next month. They're spending a couple of days in the City of Love before coming down to Normandy, how romantic!
    Have a great week, lovely lady.

  17. You're busier during your "quiet" periods than I am when I'm hustling around! LOL
    I love holiday banners and bunting - and I am mad for paper rosettes - so I'll keep my eye out for your Valentine banner tutorial! Though I have to say, the only way I decorate candy boxes is if I get to eat the candy :P .
    Thanks for another peek inside your life ... and the ducks outside it!

  18. The earth is starting to take a stretch after a time of celebration and sleep. We do have a way to go until we can truly be out of the winter woods, but I can see it, I can feel it!

  19. I love your Valentine decorations! I don't usually put any up but you inspired me. Enjoy your week, Jeanie.

  20. Oh, Jeanie, so much to respond to! I too adore Beatrix Potter. Love the calendar & look forward to seeing Feb! Valentine's Day: Such a great time for making pretty things, all pinks and reds and crimsons and purple!
    That bird photo, Amazing!! Yes, I like the quiet of January after the visual business of pre-Christmas! Keeping the balance in life!
    PS I responded to your note on the elephant post, I'm trying a new habit of responding to notes.

  21. I thoight for sure you had painted the cats:) You are that good:) I too just made a tiny garland/bunting ..:) Nice to have a theme..hearts..:)Yours is adorable!

  22. It's nice to have some quiet time between holidays, and even nicer that you have fun and pretty things to make you smile during that time.

  23. It's good to see that open water and accessible grasses. Hard winters for humans also bring hard winters for the animals and birds -- they do have some fine coping skills, but I'll bet there are a few ducks in the middle of that group that are thinking, "OK, already. Couldn't we have just a little more sunshine and warmth? This is getting long for us, too!"

  24. love your Valentine decorations. I don't have many, but I love bringing them out mid-January. :)

  25. January is almost gone and I have no idea where it went. I always enjoy this month of getting back to normal. Everything in its place and the cozy feel of enjoying being home. Time for reading and making lists of what I need to do and what I want to do in the new year. My lists are long this year! So enjoyed your winter scenery pics and the birds for January, so pretty. Now you've inspired me to think about a few things for Valentine's Day. Have a wonderful week as we say hello to February............

  26. I love your Valentine bunting and the January page is pretty. Looking forward to seeing February.

  27. Loving your crafting ideas! Valentine's Day/month is one of my favorite holidays. It is a welcome and whimsical interlude in the middle of Winter and it has zero pressure on all accounts! So I run with it and just maybe having our new puppy has ignited a new and youthful passion in my heart. Love your outlook.

  28. Dearest Jeanie, I can’t wait for you new craft are always so creative. I love Valentine’s Day, I don’t decorate but plan a special meal and bake something sweet for my sweetie! Enjoy the break in your weather!

  29. Such a pretty bird calendar! While I don't decorate for Valentine's Day (in my world every day should be filled with love) I really like your heart bunting.

  30. I love your LOVE sign. I don’t decorate at all for Valentine’s day, but this year, I’ve been thinking about doing a little something. I am trying to break out of the rut I have been stuck in for longer than I like to think. You inspire as always. XOXOXO

  31. That bunting is so fun and festive! I love Valentine's Day because I love pink and red and love! I don't need flowers or cards or anything like that to recognize the holiday, though. I just like that there is a holiday dedicated to celebrating love! I'm hoping that our next house has a fire place as I'd love to decorate the mantel for each season. It's very odd that our current house doesn't have a fireplace - it actually did at one point (it was built in 1915 so needed one!) but someone took it out during one of the renovations. We are the only house on the block without a fireplace!

  32. I really like your bunting. Those pin wheels are such fun to make. It's almost February already!!..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  33. Love your scenery -- I know it's cold, but it looks so pretty, peaceful and calm! Pretty heart wreath and I love your heart sign and the buttons!

  34. The heart bunting is so sweet, I don't do too much decorating either. I do have a decoration on the front door and a few little heart dishes here and there.

  35. That case is heart breaking. Those poor children. What a monster. Your heart bunting is darling. I love the burlap.

  36. Jeanie, I think you are that good of an artist! I love your sweet bunting. I love anything with buttons!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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