The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, December 30, 2017

A Year in Photos

It's pretty hard to pick one photo from each month that describes something special in the year. After all, it's been a pretty good year! But I'll give it my best shot!


January brought a trip to Dallas to celebrate Rick's mom's 80th birthday and connect with family -- and with it, the chance to meet bloggers Stacy, Jemma and Eilis (standing) and Laura and Carol (seated)!


The big event of February? The birth of our beautiful Baby Grand with his wonderful, tiny feet!


March brought Italian classical guitarist Giorgio Mirto to Michigan where he stayed with Rick for two weeks. We especially enjoyed getting a pasta-making lesson and fabulous Italian dinner by my neighbors Rosie and Frank who hailed from a different part of Italy. But at least Giorgio got to speak a little Italian during his visit!

 (We also enjoyed a wonderful trip to New England for Rick's trade show with stops in Pittsfield to spend time with his brother; Geneva, NY, where we celebrated 22 years together and Sharon Springs to see my friend Jane's fixer-upper. Someday I'll post before-and-afters (but we're still waiting for the "after"!)


Spring! That robin certainly heralded a long-awaited season. It also brought gall bladder surgery but you can't have it all good, right?


May gave us beautiful weather and long walks at the Ditch with the occasional deer sighting!


Summer! We kicked off summer with a weekend spent with friends near Lake Michigan in Ludington. The sunset on the beach was perfection, as was the company! Then time to head north to the cottage!


Lake time! I spent 55 nights at the lake between June and September (and the days, of course!).


That photo at the very top of this post, Quebec City looking over the St. Lawrence River and down into the lower town, represents one of the highlights of August.

The other was art camp at the lake -- and absolutely glorious weather!


I love September at the lake. Beautiful sunsets, a quieter space. We enjoyed several lake weekends and a visit with friends who had moved north. It was also when my lip cancer was diagnosed. I won't show pix of that!


Well, there had to be something good to come along with the radiation! For me, two big events were finding the property that my grandfather was born and grew up on in Western Michigan and the return of the Southern Exposure workshops.


Two Southern Exposure workshops, my art sale, the rainy greens workshop and wrapping up radiation topped this month! We enjoyed Thanksgiving with friends and anticipating some hall-decking!


Good news! A clean thyroid biopsy (we'll watch it), wonderful time with friends! Our Cork Poppers celebrated the holidays and I celebrated everything with anyone who wanted to celebrate something! Best of all, Christmas with the kids and this little angel. (I know I've shown this photo before but it's my very favorite!)

So kick up your heels and indulge in a sweet treat...

...or a liquid one.

Find your safe haven...

...and your happy place.

Exercise your creative streak, whatever it may be...

... go exploring!

... and visit someplace you've never been!

And don't forget to look at life through the eyes of a child. We can learn a lot from them.

Here's to a wonderful 2018. And thank you...

...for being wonderful blog friends this past year!

(Stay tuned for Reading Recap and Word of the Year!)


  1. A fabulous year for you Jeanie! A fantastic series of photos to depict it all. May 2018 be a smashing year too. Big hugs. xx

  2. Just INCREDIBLE shots and wonderful to realize how many trips you took this year. I so enjoyed this look back.

  3. What a wonderful way to remember the year and to ring in the new.

  4. You did a great job of picking 1 photo per month. I don't know if I could do that. I have a hard time picking just 1. Happy New Year to you Jeanie. I wish yours to be full of more magic than 2017 had. Hugs-Erika

  5. What a glorious year, Jeanie! I love seeing the smiles on your face and remembering these fun posts. :)

  6. Jeanie, what a fabulous recap,of your amazing year! I remember all of these shots! I am so glad your radiation is behind you and that Baby /rand is bringing so much joy! Keep smiling beautiful lady! Wishing you a Happy and Healthy 2018!

  7. Sounds like you had a good year, may 2018 be just as good. Good luck, health and happiness to you and yours! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Your photo retro-look makes 2017 look pretty good despite the medical parts. I hope your year in 2018 is all good times and happy places!

    best... mae at

  9. You clearly had a good year, despite the occasional little blip (including your lip blip!) Here's to a wonderful 2018. Who knows what that handsome baby will be into by the time another year has passed -- or you, for that matter!

  10. Oh Jeanie, the year in pictures. Every image taking us through each season is full of bright colors, quiet moments, then unspools into the message we all need to take with us into 2018: find your happy place, explore, change your perspective.

    May all the goodness waiting to bless your world come from your generous heart and talents. Thank you for always being there in Nowhere!

  11. Wonderful photo recap . . .
    I am happy to have been on the journey . . .
    Aren’t we fortunate to be able to say and do . ..
    Happy New Year . . .
    Here’s to Happy Jeanie . . .

  12. oh Jeanie the photo of you, Rick and baby grand is just gorgeous, I hope you have framed it, it deserves pride of place in your lovely home. What a fantastic round up of photos. Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2018 x

  13. What a great year, Jeanie! Cheers to 2018!

  14. Great pics..! It has been a wonderful year for you and I hope next year is just as great if not better:) Happy Happy New Year!

  15. A good end of the year photo summary. It's good to remember there were some beautiful moments this year. Happy New Year!

  16. A beautiful album to celebrate a blissful year. And even with the occasional scares, you came out unharmed. With a thankful heart we all come to greet a new year. May 2018 bring you more blessings and beauty, Jeanie!

  17. Thank you for sharing your year ... I enjoyed each event vicariously through the photos.
    And nothing is better than ending the year with macarons and white wine!
    Happy New Year! (I think I said the same thing in a post yesterday, but one can never receive too many good wishes!)

  18. Hello, Jeanie! The meeting of the Texas bloggers looks like a fun time. I recognize Jemma from her blog. Your photos are wonderful and your new grandbaby is adorable. You have had a great year, except for a couple of health bumps. I am glad all turned out well and you recovered. I wish you all the best in 2018, Happy New Year to you and your family.

  19. What a lovely summary to a special year and you. May your 2018 be blessed with JOY and HOPE.

  20. What a wonderful post! Happy new year, my friend!

  21. You picked some good pictures to tell about this year of 2017. And you got to see my beloved friend, Jemma. Oh, what a pleasure that would be to see her. I love all the pictures, but this bridge picture with the snow got to me right away. And there's nothing sweeter than seeing a baby's face, especially when they're smiling. That November picture is so cool. And your Robin looks just like our California Robin.

    Happy New Year, dear friend. I will still be visiting and commenting, and I do hope you come over when Jess or Nel post, as I will see you there every time.

    love to you, Jeanie.


  22. Dear Jeanie,
    It was a positively fabulous year and you are also healthy and a grandmother! I treasure our friendship! Happy New Year with love!

  23. Dear Jeanie, I’ve so enjoyed sharing some of the year with you through your blog, (and I’ve still got lots of previous posts to read), thank you.
    I hope you have a wonderful New Year with your friends and family, and I look forward to visiting you in 2018. Hugs Barbara

  24. Such wonderful pics and memories! Happy New Year to you Jeanie!

  25. Beautiful post and such wonderful terrific photo's. The best one was of you and that beautiful little boy.

    Happy New Year dear friend.


  26. This was a fun recap to read. You definitely had some challenges in 2017 between the gall bladder surgery and the lip cancer diagnosis and radiation to treat it. But there were lots and lots of high moments! Here's hoping that 2018 is full of even more high moments - and no health issues!!!

  27. What an exciting year it has been for you and your family! A new baby is always a blessing. We got one almost 3 weeks early, truly a blessing after losing one just a couple of weeks earlier. I love your artwork and I agree; we should all be more childlike! Happy New Year! Oh, and so fun that you got to meet the sweet Texas girls!!

  28. Oh Jeanie:)
    This is wonderful:)
    Thanks for the way you inspire! remind me how beautiful:)
    I appreciate you so,

  29. Beautiful photos to re-cap your year. Some great things happened, some no so great...let's hope 2018 brings you health, travel and lot's of joy with your grandchild.

  30. You had wonderful year! I love your photos, it's always hard to pick one the best :P I also had this problem, so I decided to not to pick any :D I just wrote everything the simplest way I could :)
    I wish you everything the best for New Year, especially I wish you a lot of health and happiness :)
    Take care!

  31. Oh, Jeanie... what a treat this backward glance! It's been a treat of a year for you & yours, I'd say. So many blessing,s and good times...but even the "bumps in the road" stretch the heart in news ways!! Thank you so much for SHARING so much!! :))) ((HUGS))

  32. Oh, I love this post. I'm glad 2017 was such a great year for you. Your pictures, as always, are gorgeous.

    I think I'm going to copy your idea at the end of this year. :-)

  33. What a great idea to do a month by month year in pictures to review last year. I should do that also. Blogging is a journal almost for me and when I look back I can't believe how much I did.If I blogged more it would be more accurate.
    Happy New Year. Your New Year celebration looked like a blast!

  34. Jeanie, I love your year in review. I love the blue car with the lit Christmas tree. Glad to hear good test results. Onto a great 2018!! Happy New Year. Sylvia D.


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