The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Postcards from the Lake: Life at the Lake

It doesn't always go to plan.

If you click over to my July 4 post on Modern Creative Life you saw how we generally spend our July 4 holiday. But this year was just weird. Not bad weird. Just different.

I came north on Friday, the trunk of the car loaded down with my basil, rosemary, dill, cilantro, pansies and petunias, along with Lizzie's cat grass (thanks, Deb!) and catnip, which in our household is called "Gyp Nip." Lizzie was in front with cut hydrangeas and sweet peas and the back seat was so full I couldn't pack another thing!

After settling in, I waited for Rick, who cycled up over two days and arrived on Saturday, just in time to cook out and settle in for the fireworks.

Yes, the fireworks were on July 1. OK, it was a Saturday. More people are at the lake on Saturday. But it's so early!

That didn't stop them, though, from having the best fireworks in years. Last year, to be honest, was quite a dud in the Otsego fireworks annals. I think they blew off the finale first and it was downhill from there.

No such problem this time. This batch was good from start to finish and as the crowds watched in their boats and on shore, they all had a jolly good time!

It didn't take long to settle in, though! Lots to do -- pine needles to rake (and rake and rake) and a beach to weed (and weed and weed). Only minor complaints on that front (and sore shoulders!). I'm lucky to have a beach to weed that is steps away from the porch.

We've had our fun, even if the fireworks were early. Our friends Linda and Dan joined us for dinner one night. Linda brought the best taco salad ever and when I figure out how to duplicate it, I'll share!

Now, as I mentioned in the other post, our July 4 activities usually include a parade and picnic in a little town about 50 miles away. Rick bikes and I meet him there. But this time, the biking roads were pretty bad so we skipped that option.

Instead he rode to a very (and I do mean very) remote campground around 30 miles out and we picnicked there. (It appeared someone else had the same idea!)

It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. We may have missed the floats, candy tossing and flag waving but we did indeed have a wonderful time!

Friends Kate and Mike joined us for lunch as they journeyed home on Wednesday. Always fun to have friends come by, especially the ones that feel like family.

Rick's been practicing hard on his guitar -- a new piece by Giorgio Mirto, who came to visit us last March.

Then friends Joe and Jeaneen came to visit. A wonderful time -- and that piece Rick was working on -- a duet with clarinet -- came to life with loads of practice between Rick and Joe. And when they weren't playing, we had more than a few good times and great conversations!

I've read two books so far, a wonderful mystery by Jill Paton Walsh called "The Wyndham Case" with an intriguing female detective (well, actually, she's a nurse at a college in Cambridge) and a book called "At Home with the Queen." You'd love or hate this one. Brian Hoey, the author, tells us in detail what every single person who works for the Queen does -- duties from footman to gallery coordinator to dresser to secretary to gamekeeper to Lord Chamberlain to Keeper of the Privy Purse.

Now, I love the royals and I'm fascinated by the whole Upstairs/Downstairs thing. It's a really interesting book but it might just be a tad too detailed! You'll learn why the Queen likes round ice cubes, the reason why the maids have to vacuum walking backwards, and little tidbits (like how if Charles wants to talk to his mother, he has to send the Queen a written note to her Page of the Backstairs. It's both intriguing and a tad disillusioning!

And I've painted a bit -- mostly just some cards.

And, inspired by Sketchbook Wandering's journal pages, a very fast line drawing of my view of the lake in ink, then watercolored in.

And for those who care, it's cherry season! Get those sweet cherries while you can!

Fun to check in here and with you as I can! Enjoy July!


  1. Hello, sounds like you are enjoying your time at the lake. The fireworks display and reflections are beautiful. I love your sketches and those cherries look delicious. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

  2. What a fun post. The fireworks might have been early, but you seem to have enjoyed them far more than last year. Love the photo of Lizzie in the cage, and the pictures of Rick doing his "thing(S)."

    I'm intrigued by the book on the Queen. If I had a son like Charles, I'd treat him the same way (just saying).

    Your paintings are out of this world. I adore them all, but the first with champaign and flutes was my favorite.

    Hope you're still having fun and please save me some of those cherries.

  3. When I was a kid I used to fantasize about being an artist. I saw myself in a smock, beret, and holding a palette on a hillside, with an easel and canvas in front of me. Ha! What an imagination. I love it when you share your art.

    I love how you grab life by the tail and live it with friends and family and with grace.

  4. Sounds like you're having a great summer time. Love the photos of the fireworks. Those cherries look great too, they're plentiful here, too, but still very expensive, so I'm waiting and hoping for a price-drop! Have a fun time, hugs, Valerie

  5. Oh my! I will start at the bottom with cherries, total yum! And then the mention of taco salad is making me crave one. The book about the Queen I think I would rather skip, but the other sounds like a good one. But above all else friends at the cabin, sharing meals, and watching fireworks, with a bit of artwork tossed in are all wonderful. Last year I wanted to run and join you, now I want to do that again. Loved your quick draw of the lake too.

  6. What a wonderful place to spend 4th of July and summer days. Lots of friends to visit with, painting and good food. What more could you ask for!

  7. We had 5 nights Friday through Tuesday) of neighborhood fireworks and the dog and cats did not like it one bit - and the small human wasn't very happy about it. the cabin looks wonderful, the lake looks delightful, and the company looks good. I really like your painting. When I go down to Florida for August and September, I'm going to work on doing daily drawing and painting.

  8. Everything sounds like summer . . .
    Weeding, Raking, Relaxing, Biking, Friends
    More friends, Picnics, perfectly wonderful . . .
    Love your water/lake/scene sketch and your water color . . .
    I need to do more of that.
    I love that sketchbook Wandering site . . .
    Enjoy every minute Jeanie!

  9. Looks like a day full of great times. Good for you.

  10. What a wonderful post, It felt as though we were with you all the way, watching the fireworks, going to the woods, having fun with friends...lovely. Loved the painting of the champers!

  11. Jeanie, what a delightful post. The fireworks looks amazing and all of your friends dropping by sounds perfect! I hope you enjoy your time and I look forward to reading all about it!

  12. Sounds and looks like a wonderful time so far. I think with the 4th on a Tuesday everything was thrown off. I think that looks like screen porch and what a great view of the lake. What a special place that is, especially with so many friends around. Happy summer! hugs-erika

  13. What a wonderful place your cottage is! I love that your friends drop in. Those fireworks look amazing! I am writing cherries on my grocery list right now. -Jenn

  14. sounds like lake living is agreeing with you wonderfully! So glad you are getting this nice quiet and peaceful time , and in such pretty surroundings! I love your art work--I'm not gifted that way at all, so it's fun and interesting to look at other's work and creations! Glad you had the time with friends too!

  15. PS---that book looks good! I just finished "Beach House for Rent" by Mary alice Monroe, and it was great!

  16. Seems like a busy, wonderful time. I just love your house. Imaging being so close to the lake. Great firework, even if it was early. It is just so nice to be able to spend rekaxing times with friends. In such an environment it cannot go wrong. Enjoy your summer.

  17. Oh Jeanie, lakeside relaxation is the way to go. Even the local lake here that I frequent to just take photos or walk around supply the greatest pleasure. You've got everything going here from spontaneous backroad trips to the fruits of the season ( I LOVE CHERRIES) - gosh, don't you just want this summer to keep going????

  18. Beautiful post. Sounds like you're enjoying yourself really well. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  19. Sounds to me like you'll need a vacation from vacation! You're very busy, but it all looks like fun, especially when the friends are laid back and easy to have over.

  20. Sounds like you're having a great time, even if things didn't go quite to plan.

    Mmm... Cherries!

  21. Sounds like you're having a blast!
    The fireworks were amazing.
    Keep having fun:)

  22. It's always a delight to know the cherries are in. They're still expensive here, too, but I'm hoping for a price reduction -- soon! I'd wondered what happened to our fireworks, but then I found out they had them on Monday rather than Tuesday. I can't think of any rational reason for that, but I suppose there was one!

    Keep enjoying!

  23. Good Afternoon Jeanie!
    Great catching up with you today, feels as though we sat down over a glass of iced tea and chatted. You have been busy in such fabulous, inspiring and energetic ways. Love your cards and your intimate gatherings with friends!

  24. I forgot to mention how much I had liked your fence paintings! Now these..


    Rita has such a way of making us want to line and paint!
    I have yet to discover"my style"..I fear I don't have one.
    I admire people like Rick who do one thing at least to it's best..I hate biking up a hill to be truthful.I ride my bike to the mail and my daughter's..both a one minute ride.

    We were are the Cape..about 18 yrs ago..brought our bikes..I was in Craigville..going up a hill..and I rose..the stupid seat stayed between my legs..that was the start of the decline;)
    You have SOOOO many friends! Good for you:):)

  25. Sounds wonderful to be there and relax. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time at the Lake.

    Have a great relaxing week.


  26. Your time at the lake sounds wonderful! The picnic location might not have been what you envisioned but it sounded beautiful and peaceful! I wish cherries grew around here! They do come down in price quite a bit at this time of year so I have been eating gobs but they are definitely not locally grown!

  27. Round ice cubes now that's posh - now, of course, we all want to know why?! I feel like I should send you some Thai brooms, sure they'd do something for the pine needle problem, they use them on absolutely everything around here. Your summer is looking good so far and I'm impressed with all you've achieved! Here's to more reading and painting!
    Happy Days
    Wren x


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