The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy Fourth!

Sending good wishes for the holiday! I will be sharing my celebration today at Modern Creative Life -- a truly a-typical Tuesday!

So, I hope you'll pop over and see how I'll be enjoying this special day in Northern Michigan. (Hint, parades and fireworks are involved!)

Have a safe and wonderful holiday!


  1. Have a delightful day!

    best... mae at

  2. Enjoy the day, Jeanie! I'm about to head out the door myself, to enjoy a little outdoor time before both the traffic and the temperatures heat up. I'll look forward to enjoying your other post later in the day. Happy 4th!

  3. Have a safe and wonderful day dearest Jeanie!!!!!!

  4. Wishing you and yours a safe and happy 4th of July! Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  5. Happy 4th of July Jeanie, Love parades and fireworks, have a wonderful and safe day...........

  6. Reading you always seems to place me "right there" . . .
    Real, descriptive in word . . . drawing pictures in my mind.

    July 4 . . . on a Tuesday north . . .
    at your cottage, coffee for Rick, a Tab (really) for you . . .
    a porch readied and waiting,
    maybe a book or two, or a few cups of water, watercolor tins in hand,
    sights and scenes swimming before you and summertime begins.

    Reading you brought me to remembering July 4th parades in
    Hill City, Minnesota while visiting my brother.
    Tiny little city . . , parade would travel the few blocks up the street
    and turn around and travel back.
    We would cheer, clap, for the tractors, animals, children and more.
    Thank you for stirring my memories . . .

    Enjoy your day . . . and the weeks ahead.
    Cycling for Rick . . . a picnic lunch here and there.
    Dreams of Quebec . . .
    Happy summer my friend!

  7. Have a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie

  8. I'm a little late for the party, but I'm not late for the fireworks. Loved this post and enjoyed the one on Modern Creative Life. Rick was certainly all decked out in flag wearing gear, and the photos you shared were so, so patriotic. Hope the remainder of your Independence Day is enjoyable and safe, too.

  9. Great post and I hope that you had a terrific 4th.


  10. I love these old fashion summer 4ths. Boat parades and fireworks over the lake are always great. We don't have a lake house but my mother-in-law does near us so we enjoy many of the same kinds of holiday joys. hope yours was everything you wanted it to be. Hugs-Erika

  11. What a great Fourth you describe. A lovely description of a fun, tradition filled day. I've always considered The Fourth of July to be the real start of summer.

  12. Love America and the red, white and blue!
    Hope your 4th was fantastic!

  13. That is the coolest fireworks picture that I've seen yet. I hope you had a very nice fourth of July, Jeanie. Ours was a quiet one this year, and just made hot dogs and baked beans and watched the fireworks later on. : )

    Happy July days.


  14. Super pics ! Glad you enjoyed your Independence Day !!


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