The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, May 8, 2017

Thank You, France!

I don't know if you were watching the French presidential election like I was, but I was on pins and needles, despite the promising poll data. We've been fooled by polls before. But the French made offered a solid voice for freedom, the European Union, NATO and voted against racism, xenophobia and immigration bans.

All this had me thinking about and revisiting some of my Paris photos from 2012 -- and sharing some of the things I love about France.

Let's start with the food!

And the wine!

And the bread...


...and cheese!


And while we're at it, the patisseries...


...and flea markets.

And the street musicians, artists and performers.

I'm wild about the churches. You don't have to be Roman Catholic to appreciate the architectural wonder of these sacred spaces.

The beauty of the stained glass...


...and the sacred silence.


I love the monuments...

...the cafes...

...the Paris opera and the Chagall ceiling...


...and the views from the roof of Galleries Lafayette.

I love Montmartre...

...its winding streets...

...and the cemeteries.

And of course I love the military cemeteries throughout the country.


Le Mont Saint-Michel is magnificent...

...the coastal town of St. Malo fascinating with its history...

Cap Frehel dazzling with its beauty...

...and the rape seed fields of Brittany breathtaking, even on a cloudy day.


Driving through the countryside and seeing a windmill in the distance makes my heart skip a beat!

I love the parks...


...and the Metro...


...and the Tour de France, which I someday hope to see in person. (This brave fellow was riding in traffic around the Arc de Triomphe!)


Oh, gee. I love it all. I know the new French president has a lot on his plate and his job won't be an easy one.  


But with a little prayer and a lot of luck (or maybe the other way around), there is hope.

Check out other fun links this week on Share Your Cup, Dreaming of France and Monday Social!


  1. Beautiful reflections of France - there is so much of our history and heritage tied up with this eclectic country!
    The French have the "slowing living" movement down to a fine art - one of the many reasons for my love affair with France. Elizabeth xxx

  2. Wow, Jeanie, what a fantastic post! Such wonderful photos.

    best... mae at

  3. I love Paris! Your photos are beautiful and I'm praying for France also!

  4. Lovely photos and commentary! I wish I could eat cheese! Everything looks so elegant and YUMMY!

  5. Great photos. And, Hooray for the French!

  6. Jeanie, you have painted me a visual picture in my head with all your beautiful pictures of France. I do hope to visit someday. Your pictures are fantastic, and there were so many that got to me.....the flags, the bread and pastries, the flea markets, the sacred churches, the winding streets, and the beautiful stained glass. What a wonderful post filled with so much beauty. Thanks for sharing your journey in France.


  7. Jeanine, you have taken me on a wonderful tour of France, thank you so much. That has been on my Bucket List, but I am afraid that I won't be making that trip - to darn old.

    Your photos was amazing. I know you had a terrific time. I could live on bread, cheese and red wine.

    Hope you are doing well after your surgery - take care and get well.


  8. I have great hope for France with this new president. I watched a video of him today welcoming us to come and talking about climate issues. I like him. I want to move there. Your pictures are wonderful.

  9. Beautiful! Vive la France!

  10. Wonderful Paris photos, and I so agree that the election results are a sign of hope in these unsettled times. The windmill photos with the yellow rape seed are fantastic. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  11. What lovely photos of Paris and surrounding cities in France. I wish I'd had more time to keep up on the elections, but I only caught a glimpse of the news one night at the hospital and really didn't think much more about it. It sounds like the right person won, at least. Loved the tiny toy sail boats. They were fantastic.

  12. Beautiful photo journey Jeanie . . .
    What a trip you must have had . . .
    Thanks for the journey . . .

  13. Oh, Jeanie... this was YUM... every bit, yum! (Those heart-shaped cheeses!!) And the kitty sitting on/in a family monument... So much enjoyed your taking us back to France! It will be VERY interesting to see how things go for France politically now, post-election. I like new President Macron, he speaks well... ((HUGS))

  14. So many things to love about France.....

    Thank goodness for Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité!

  15. Great post, Jeanie. I share your sentiments. Have a great week.

  16. Perfect armchair travel Jeanie..yes here we followed the elections..we have a high French..(from France) population here..ap 68,000 and they turned out in droves to vote..

    Love the pics..we stayed only 1 week ..never went to Mont-St-Michel..what a wonder!

  17. Wow!! great pics! I too watched the election with great anticipation and I'm glad Macron won the race. He sure does have a lot on his plate though. I absolutely adore those stained glass windows...swoon!!

  18. Jeanie, I love your photos. I rarely mention it, but I am a closet political junkie. I watched the nail-biting outcome of the French election. Paris is still waiting for me to visit, someday.

  19. Wow Jeanie, I was also glued to the election, waiting for the results. I so enjoyed the scenes outside the Louve!!!!! Your post has me wanting to buy a ticket to France. Wouldn't it be fun to travel together, between the two of us I think we know so much about Paris it would be an amazing trip. Fun to dream again about Paris..........

  20. I was so very relieved at the election's outcome! These pics are spectacular. I would love to visit France.

  21. I enjoyed these beautiful photos. Especially the cheese! We were watching the elections in France, too, and were relieved at the results. At least something is going right some places in the world.

  22. I love this post, Jeanie...your photographs are stunning...we are sad that we had to cancel our trip to France for this year...but it's all about the timing...we also watched the election and send best wishes to the new president. :)

  23. On the election....whew.
    Your pictures are wondrous and make me want to visit.

  24. My adopted country, culture and language. AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  25. Thank you for the tour. I love following you around with your pics. I loved the tower pic....oh my, beautiful. I will have to show that to my daughter, she loves Paris (never been). She will love that pic. Thank you always for sharing.

  26. This is a beautiful post. I love your pictures so much---they really give a feel for the city. You really captured it! I can almost hear the music and smell the breads and pastries! What a lovely city, we have not been but our son and his wife went last year I think it was. I really enjoy that flea market photo as it shows so many trinkets and treasures! and the one of the tower in the sunrise or was it sunset?--very pretty colors. The cathedral pictures are outstanding as well. Thank you for sharing these!

  27. Wonderful post Jeanie, thanks for the tribute to my adopted home, Mr Macron I believe is exactly the President we need to secure the future for France however he won't find it easy unless En Marche win more seats in the next round of elections.
    BTW when are you coming to visit?

  28. I am so relieved that Macron won. I was so worried we were going to have another unexpected win by a Nationalist candidate. Thank goodness common sense prevailed in France! I saw something on facebook about how France gets to maintain their intellectual superiority over everyone else after the result of the election. Lol.

    This is a lovely compilation of photos! I love France oh so much as you already know! I have spent most of my time in Paris but hope to see more of the countryside on my next trip there (just not sure when that next trip will be!)

  29. I love the cafe shot. And don't you look pretty...and happy.

  30. Dear Jeanie, this is such a wonderful, wonderful post! I’m sitting here looking at all the photographs and feeling nostalgic for France.

  31. Jeanie, I am so far behind on my blog reading because I took time off. I love Paris, it is such a romantic city and I love the same things you love. I have been to several villages in Provence which I fell in love with. I still want to visit Normandy and the Loire Valley! Thanks for the lovely photos and memories!

  32. Great post, Jeanie. One of these days I'll make it to Paris, although my dream is Italy. The stained glass is gorgeous, and the flea markets remind me of Midnight in Paris. I know, me and my film fanatic mind. :)
    Clicking away with a loaf of bread under one arm, and a chunk of cheese with a bottle of wine in the other. ;)
    Beautiful day to you, friend.

  33. So true, bread and cheese, lovely scenery, Paris is a wonderful place to spend time.

  34. Gorgeous photos Jeanie. Oh, I hope to get there some day!! Happy Mothers Day to you. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  35. Happy Sunday to you. Thanks for leaving a comment on my post.

  36. Thanks Jeanie for this timely post and a beautiful tribute to France! Yes, I'm happy about their election result too. Your wonderful photos just brought back fond travel memories and inspire more admiration in me for that country.

  37. SO many wonderful photographs! I visited France when I was in high school and I just love all the memories that these bring back.

  38. There is a lot to love about France! Looks like you had a wonderful time.
    My sister lives in Italy, there is a lot to love about there too. ;-)

  39. I so hope this new young inexperienced French leader is able to build a coalition supportive of good ideas for the country as Europe experiences some challenging times.
    Enjoyed viewing your photos.

  40. What a wide array of French photos, and in each one, I see the love that you have for the country, just like I do.

  41. Oh yes, me too, I love it all (well I"m not crazy about Montmartre, I want to like it, but it's overrun). Great post.

  42. Jeannie, Thanks for joining in with Dreaming of France. We're getting ready to take a train to Paris and hoping for better weather than the forecast predicts.

  43. I loved your France pictures. They brought back so many memories. I never tire of Paris or any France photos. I have not been to Mont St Michel or the Loire Valley and they are on my bucket list.

    It makes me sad of all the problems there.

    Every time we plan a trip to another country there is a yearning to go back to France.

  44. Have you read, All the light we cannot see by Anthony Doerr? It takes place partially in St Malo. I loved it.

  45. Great post. I have really enjoyed it. Have a nice weekend. Thanks for your comment on my post.


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