The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Lighted Conservatory at Southern Exposure

I always have mixed feelings about my last visit to Southern Exposure for the season. In this case, it is still early in the spring and I know that should I be there in the summer the gardens would look entirely different. 

It will be the last Chef Elsie dinner till fall. And I'll miss the camaraderie of creating with others on an all new project.

In this visit we'll make a lighted conservatory, which you'll see later in this post. But first, the garden update. Lots of purple as the lilacs were in full bloom.

And the alium (I love these!).


One of my favorites, the muscari.

Plenty of pansies and violas.


And sweet woodland violets.


Scott let me pull up one of these woodland poppies for my garden. I have it in a small pot right now till I can get it transplanted but so far, it's looking very healthy!


The tulips were saying farewell, but there were still some generous clumps of them. 

I loved these striped ones!


The herb garden is coming into its own. My first Southern Exposure project years ago involved collecting herbs from the garden and integrating them into an arrangement. I wonder if that will be on the fall schedule this year?


The greenhouse was ready to welcome visitors who wanted to take a rest...


...or peek inside! Check out that grassy birdhouse at the front of the table! (And all the plants in her have become much fuller!)


I really love how the plants in this little chest of drawers has filled out.


Every year I say I must get a bird bath, just to put pretty flowers in like they do at Southern Exposure!


And of course there is always plenty of critter action with the chickens... the koi pond...


and with the sweet cows in the pasture.


And you are always being carefully watched by angels...


...and cherubs.


And here is that fun birdhouse in action!

Southern Exposure's Scott explained that the concept of this project was developed while traveling in France so Chef Elsie prepared a French-themed dinner. It included chicken with French tarragon sauce, fresh asparagus and new potatoes, a berry salad with raspberry vinaigrette, bread, wine and apple pie a la mode!

Then on to the craft tent. Here's how our place was set up. We had our container, moss, gloves, scissors, dirt, a spoon, the candle we brought from our place settings and a hens and chicks plant.


Supervised by Joan and Bette, the adopted chickens, we put a small layer of dirt on the bottom of our container, then moss on the edges to mask it and our greenery, also moss, with the plant and candle included.  (Southern Exposure supports their county's humane society with a portion of our admissions and several fundraisers each year and also fosters abandoned chickens who entertain us wildly in the craft room!)


It may have been the fastest and one of the prettiest projects we've ever done! Here's how it looked at home after I added a small bird. I'll probably replace this tea light with a different, more subtle one.

In the end, it will hang outside at the lake but for now, a misting on the mantle!

Thanks for joining me on our last visit till fall! (Unless I sneak back just to take some photos!)


  1. Oh my, this is such a special place. The bucolic setting and the creativity that takes place makes me want to hop a plane!!

  2. I think I need a cute little shed like the on in the last photo to make into an art house. Every time you show photos you inspire me to make my yard a little more beautiful Jeanie. (Of course no doing that until I recover from surgery). Wow, all those gorgeous blooms. I hope that you'll be doing lots of fun things before your next day at Southern Exposure. Hugs-Erika

  3. That is such a wonderful place for body and soul, I would love to visit there. Great idea with the lighted conservatories, it looks so pretty. Glad you had such a fun visit, hugs, Valerie

  4. You should sneak back to see what's blooming next month! I love those angels...they make me swoon! and that green house sure is sweet! Enjoy your day sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  5. Oh, i would have loved to have gone with you. Just great. So many beautiful flowers and the chickens are so cute.

    Your lunch looks so good. Did yo get the recipe for that amazing lunch? If so, I sure would love a copy.

    I love your project that you made, it is really pretty. Your pictures are wonderful.

    How are you feeling? Thanks for sharing this great post. Have a great weekend.


  6. Jeanie, I am always so jealous of your fun times at Southern Exposure! ( I think that's what it's called) lol! Would love attending something like this! The gardens are pure delight! I have a lot of purple in my garden right now as well. The Woodland poppy is darling! I have not seen one before. Loved your project! I have a fun lantern very similar that I create scenes in now and then. I'm glad you will be linking this to SYC.

  7. I love to see Southern Exposure in all of its seasons. I wish I were joining you at the table as you share your beautiful meals. Elizabeth xxx.

  8. Oh Jeanie I loved every bit of this post. Such gorgeous gardens. I adore the plants in the dresser drawers. That meal looks absolutely scrumptious. Thank you so very much for such loveliness.

  9. Loved all the purple/blue flowers . . .
    Southern Exposure is the place to visit . . .
    and come away with ideas and new creations.
    Love your little candle lit terrarium like container . . .
    Sweet look for the cottage entrance . . ..

  10. What a fun place to visit and to create something for the garden. The lantern with the moss turned out great. This is a place I would love to visit and to participate in the crafts.


  11. What a beautiful place for pictures! I enjoyed seeing your wonderful photos. :)

  12. Jeanie, every time you visit here i get a rush just knowing the photography will be amazing, what a beautiful place to visit! All of the early spring flowers and plants have come and gone here, hot and in the 90's already. Thanks for the tour.......

  13. Always fun to join you on your Southern Exposure adventures.

  14. What fun! I love what you made..a super sweet treasure to remind you of the last visit:)
    My kind of outing:)
    Have a lovely weekend!

  15. Eilis@MyHeartLivesHereThursday, May 18, 2017

    Looks like you had another wonderful time at Southern Exposure. I have a similar but empty lantern/terrarium collecting dust at the moment. You have inspired me to give it a summer look.

  16. The container garden is perfection...and oh my, those Spring flowers are it all...and then to be able to share a meal in that lovely setting...what a fabulous evening...definitely a Summer trip should be in order. :)

  17. Oh my goodness, that garden is a wonderland! Lilacs are my favorite, but all of the blooms and plants look so lovely and healthy. What a great place to spend time and make art!

  18. Oh jeanie, thank you for this tour. As soon as school is completely out for me, I want to spend so much time enjoying my garden and inviting others to enjoy as well. How lovely Southern Exposure is!!!!

  19. Southern Exposure closes for the summer?!!? What a shame. Looks like it would be a lovely summer excursion. I may need to get details about these dinners from you when we get to talk next -- they sound like extraordinary events. And that opportunity to explore their gardens looks like something a person might not want to miss. More later on all of this. Beautiful photographs, as always (and tempting prose...)

  20. Oh, those pansies are soooo pretty. Your pictures really get to me, Jeanie. They are filled with wonder. Love that picture of the chicken and the lantern. The cherub and angel statues are precious. And the picture of the red chairs is striking also. Glad you got a chance to visit this charming place once again.


  21. You know how I love Southern Exposure, Jeanie, and this trip didn't disappoint. All that purple color in bloom - so regal, so pretty! I really love that grass roofed house,and the evidence of nesting in it makes it that much more adorable! I hope you will make a trip back in summer so we can get a glimpse of it in full summer bloom too. Thanks for sharing.

  22. What a special place that is! The meal looked wonderful, too. Thanks for bringing us along, Jeanie! -Jenn

  23. I just love all the pictures from this amazing place so much! I've never seen ANYTHING LIKE IT anywhere else. So many interesting things, and flowers, and even animals to see and enjoy! Loved the craft this time---I always do though! LOL It's really pretty. So glad you enjoyed the post about the flower fountain, I've tried to replicate it but several of mine died, so I'm sticking with what grows in our little yard in the hot summer sun!---maybe theres is more shaded or something. I also didnt' put mine in a big fountain like that...I was just using a big flower pot! ha ha ha LOL, but I do love the colors they used. And textures! Y'all got any fun plans this weekend?

  24. That went fast, this season you've had at SE! It's a pity they don't offer a little something in summer? LOVE seeing all that's in bloom there now... *swoon* ... Thost striped tulips are gorgeous!! Those bright pink Gerbera daisies in the bird bath make a pretty picture. Your French-inspired dinner looked sooo delicious--YUM! And just LOVE your creative project this time--what a beautiful and original idea--sort of terrarium meets lantern! Just love these visits and your taking us a long, Jeanie... Oh, and your Mom post was sooo wonderful...That skirt she had with the Christmas balls was such fun! :) So good to catch up with you. It's been "one of those weeks", here so I'm slow to visit around... LOL! ((HUGS))

  25. Today you're sharing such wonders, darling Jeanie, I thank you from the bottom of my heart !

    Wishing you a most lovely weekend to come,
    I'm sending hugs and blessings to you

    XOXO Dany

  26. I love hearing about your trips to Southern Exposure. They always sound so wonderful! It must be hard to leave each time... I know I'd be reluctant to do so. Plus, your projects there always sound like so much fun!

  27. Wow, those pictures are beautiful. So many colors. I also like to garden.

  28. What a lovely place! I loved all your pics.

  29. I would love to stroll through their gardens and partake at one of their meals.

  30. You are lucky to be able to visit such a lovely place several times a year, Jeanie! It must be relaxing to walk through this beautiful garden. The dinner looks mouth-watering and it's great that they even offer workshops. Your container turned out so lovely.
    I hope you're fully recovered from your surgery and wish you a wonderful weekend!
    xo Julia

  31. Everything is so beautiful! So many lovely flowers.
    That woodland poppy is so pretty. I have never seen them in yellow.

    That dinner sounds and looks wonderful.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  32. Jeanie, What a lovely project. I love the shape of the container. The garden pictures are lovely. Have a great day! Sylvia D.

  33. Jeanie, I am still playing catch up on my blog reading and commenting. I love when you visit Southern Exposure! How fortunate to live where you can go often. You never disappoint with your observant eye and camera lens...just perfect!

  34. Sorry to be the tail-end Charlie here but just had to pop by to admire your Wrens nest sign... and as I leave I promise I will close the door quietly!
    Wren x

  35. Jeanie, I love this place and your stunning photography of it. I just wanted you to know that I've chosen this as one of our features at Share Your Style! I hope you'll stop by tomorrow evening to see your feature and to party with us.

  36. That project turned out beautifully! It's perfect for a fireplace mantel! Or anywhere really. The grounds are so beautiful. I wish I knew as many flower names as you do. We saw some beautiful flowers in Maui but I had no idea what they were called!

  37. Just LOVE! The cow delights my heart.


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