The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, April 10, 2017

Picking Up Pencil and Brush

Somehow, despite the chaos of the past few days,  I've managed to get my act together enough to enjoy some art time! (OK, let's be real -- much of this was done before the great ER visit!)

Out came the watercolors and some photos of some of my favorite scenes. I love this fabulous pink house in Martha's Vineyard, especially the wonderful chair on the porch.

I can do better. But I have to say that adding a mat to it really "tidies things up" and makes even my failures look a little better! (This is a great tip if you look at your painting and think, "What was I thinking?)

Ever since I took my "pet painting" class, I've been trying to perfect the intricacies of animals. Pickles, the cat of Randy and Elaine (Randy is Rick's brother) and Daisy both make great subjects!

And here's the one I'm most pleased with.

I also did this yin yang version. Here's the photo.

I need to redo the watercolor on that -- it just isn't quite right, but I'm on the right track.

(By the way, I'm getting ready to add notecards of the yin yang cat and several other images to the Gypsy Caravan link at the top of this page soon!)

Pickles' "sister" Daisy was a challenge too and I didn't like the way I did her first. So, I did it again. But now I think I like the first one better.


Which do you think is best? Left or right version? (I kind of like the first layer of color, below! Unfinished but interesting.

Then there was my first version of a scene from Giverny. I started out with a sketch.

And then went on to add color.

I need to add here that I was so inspired by Vivian Swift's Giverny painting that I had to try one of my own. And I really wasn't happy with it (though it did look better with the mat!) So, again and again if need be. (That's another great lesson I've learned from Vivian -- do it till it's right.)

We may be doing a little experiment with this one, so stay tuned!

I've also been doing some sketching. My main focus is two-fold. Working on cats and working on drawing from life. I was pretty happy with this one!

And this works, too. Simple. Not great. But it looks like what it is!

So, stay tuned! More to come!

Sharing this week with Share Your Cup and Pink Saturday!


  1. Jeanie, I love your watercolors and sketches. You definitely have a way of truly "capturing" a cat. I would love to learn watercolor painting some day ... sigh

  2. Loving your art. As I have said before you just keep getting better and better. Thanks for sharing your process along the way.

  3. When will you make sketches of the Baby Grand? Babies are really fun to sketch! (My FB pic is one my mom did when I was a baby. She was always sketching me until she had more kids and was too busy).

    best... mae at

  4. I love to see your process in your paintings. I'm such a lousy sketcher but I know I need to try more and I'll get a bit better. The cat on the chair is fabulous. I would love to get where I might attempt cats but for now I'm such a beginner that I'm happy really with what i'm doing. Hugs!

  5. Wonderful paintings. The one from Martha's Vineyard is great, and I just love pickles. My fave is the second from last, the wonderful cat sketch - priceless! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  6. I really enjoy your watercolors and sketches. I miss our art challenges. I have to organize my studio (I did some work in there yesterday and art table top has been spotted) so I can start making art again. You are an inspiration to me.

  7. Well I think you are doing an awesome job with the watercolors. I just have never tried them, not sure I could control the paint like I can with my oils and acrylics. Loving the chair matted one and your cat turned out great. Keep on making time for your art. I need too but I have paintings all over the place so I think I will limit my painting to gifts now so that they are not just piling up. I have been painting for 15 yrs now and I love it. Helps me to relax.

  8. Check out my friends website. I met Tracie a few years ago when we were both in the art crawl in our city. Check her out..
    She does amazing work.

  9. Wow, Jeanie! I think you've been making some terrific progress with both your drawing and painting! :) You kitty-cat pieces are are sooo sweet! You're really getting cat facial expressions down really well. Drawing takes practice. I'd be wise to do more of that myself. A real, daily sketch book--I like that idea. I enjoy how you share your process with art, it inspires me a lot... thank you! ((HUGS))

  10. You are amazing. I love these! Like the one on the right best. You need to paint every day!!! Hope you are feeling better today.

  11. Good for you for making time and taking time for your art practice! You are an excellent role model, and I wish I could get myself to follow in your footsteps! Good work. :-)

  12. Jeanie, you have a real gift for drawing cats. What lovely paintings. I am glad that even though you are feeling under the weather you can find time for painting - it is always good to be able to lose yourself in cheerful memories and bright colours (like the beautiful Martha's Vineyard scene). Keep warm, keep rested. I hope you'll find the right surgeon soon and am keeping fingers and toes crossed that you will soon be 100 percent again.

  13. Beautiful watercolours and they are tricky to use - one can't cover any mistakes. I've always wanted to be able to draw and paint, but unfortunately there has been an omission from one of my DNA sequences.

  14. Wow, love the beautiful paintings. You are doing so good, they are terrific. I think I like the one on the left.

    Have a great week and enjoying your painting.


  15. What joy your painting must bring you! You appear to have a natural talent. I hope you are feeling better and that things have settled down! Enjoy that new TV!.

  16. You have such a good eye. It would be very hard to "capture" the essence of a pet (we humans think we know them so well!). I think you do an excellent job. -Jenn

  17. ALL of your artwork is really fabulous Jeanie!!!
    Looks like you are having a lovely time of it.
    Giverny really caught my eye too of course.
    We will be back there to check on the garden again this year.
    Not saying anything on my blog before hand but wanted to let you know I'll be among the missing starting 19 April.
    Happy Easter
    Happy Spring
    Happy Happy Everything oxo

  18. Oh my Jeanie . . . you are inspiring me.
    Amazed how the mat added the pefect touch . . .
    I which I could draw/sketch . . .
    Think it is time for some classes .for me!
    Love the birds you have done . . . excellent!
    Very talented . . .

  19. The pink MV porch and chair♥ Matted..what a great idea..and thank you for sharing..

    Jeanie..your cat paintings are FANTASTIC.I tried a kitten because of Doodlewashed's April day by day challenges..( you do it?..them?)
    An ewok..worse..:(

    Yours are a+

    I love Vivian's blog and hints and tips..and do it over!!

    Who knows? Maybe she will have a new book for our collection?:)

    The bunny sketch would be adotable painted too:)

  20. I love to see your art! I think we all wish you could give us some art lessons and some tips! You are so talented! How pretty the painting with the pretty pinks! Hugs, Diane

  21. Your cat has the prettiest eyes. You really captured the cuteness in your paintings. And I love that Pink building, so charming. I'm glad that you are continuing to paint, Jeanie, because you have such a talent.


  22. I love it when you share your work with us. Good grief, you are so talented, Jeanie.

  23. I am loving these sketches and paintings Jeanie. Pickles is an interesting subject and he (she) seems to love posing for the camera. You really catch the "cat" feel. Funny, I can do cats but not dogs. I don't know why that is either. Hope all is well and you are feeling a better than you did. Do you have a surgery date yet? Hugs-Erika

  24. So glad to see you've been busy with your paint brush Jeanie, your kitty art is wonderful!

  25. Oh I love that pink house! You really have amazing talent. I do a bit of watercolor, but have had no training. I really do not know what I am doing. I would love to take a class. This is random, but didn't you go to Carmel last year? Hubby and I just booked a cottage in June. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  26. I love it when you share your art with us! It's something I have no ability to do so I love seeing what others can do. You are SO talented. I like the drawing of pickles on the left slightly more but they are both great. I'd love to commission to to draw our Oscar some day! :)

    And I adore that pink house from Martha's Vineyard! That pop of color is just divine and it's such a whimsical piece of work!

    I hope you are feeling well enough to enjoy the Easter festivities! Will you get to see your grandbaby?

  27. Jeanie, I love the cat on the left as the background is softer and the cat is more of the focus. I love watercolor so your paintings are all lovely. Sylvia D.

  28. You have had a busy April/Easter and by what you have written it sounds pretty happy in spite of recent setbacks. Thank you for sharing your art and I am glad you found time to work on a few pieces.


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