The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

"Paris In Bloom" Brings Memories

I am far from the first blogger to mention the beautiful book "Paris in Bloom" by Georgianna Lane on my blog and I probably won't be the last.

It's like eating the most delicate French pastry -- all pink and lovely and so delicious! The photography is to die for.

Not much text but with photos like that, who needs it?

But it reminded me of all the blooms I saw in Paris on my two trips in 2009 and 2012. 

I'm missing those times right now. The recent shooting of policemen on the Champs Elysses reminds me of how much I love this City of Light.

So as I'm Dreaming of France, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite floral photo memories. Like this flower shop exterior. I don't know which is lovelier, the unique potted designs on the table with their tight buds or the beautiful petals on the earth.

I was very fond of the garden on the backside of Notre Dame, Place Jean-Paul II. Not a garden, really. More like a lovely little park, but the blooms in late April were so pretty!

The poppies were brightening up the Jardin des Plantes...

...and so were the peonies. Can you imagine how lovely it smelled?

Of course, Montmartre has more than its share of beauty in its hilly, curving streets. I couldn't resist this beautiful wisteria...

...or the flowers by Montmartre's vineyard, so cheerful on a dark day.

You'll find florist shops everywhere, Left Bank...

Right Bank...

And I believe this was in the Ile St. Louis.

I stopped at this one in the Marais and selected several blooms and bits of greenery.

The result was a beautiful bouquet.

The Marche aux Fleurs never disappoints! I could have spent hours going from spot to spot!

And of course you can't beat the Jardin du Luxembourg for a spot to take in the blooms and rest your feet!

There are flowers on the buildings... front of the cafe's...

...and in window boxes (Shakespeare & Company).

This display was at Hotel de Ville.

And these blooms were in Rue Cler.

Even a hidden courtyard has to have flowers!


So much beauty, so much spring.

So much Paris!

Find a flower or two today and join me as I dream of France!

Sharing this post with Share Your Cup, Monday Social, Pink Saturday, Share Your Style and
 Dreaming of France and Simple Saturdays. Links will be posted when they become available.


  1. Wow. I hadn't seen anything of this book and I am stunned at how beautiful it looks. I am off to Amazon to check it out. Hugs-Erika

  2. Oh wow I must look into that beautiful book. Thanks for sharing. I too love flowers and this time of year fills my scents with pure joy!I have never been to Paris but since I'm not too far away I must go visit some day. You've captured some great shots.

  3. How gorgeous are those flower, wow, what beauty. I could smell them as I looked at them! Thanks for sharing, I would love that book, that's for sure. Hugs, Valerie

  4. One of the highlights of my life was my trip to Paris. I went in the Fall but even so it was such a stunning array of flowers and greenery. My photos remain a special treasure to me. This book looks really special, thank you for sharing it and your photos of my favorite city...Paris!

  5. Need I say more than . . .
    Oh my, oh my . . .
    Stunningly Beautiful . . .
    Every little corner . . .
    Loved the petals on the ground, under the table . . ,
    Thank you for this Paris in Spring . . .

  6. When I wrote my review, I wrote answering to your lovely comment, that Paris in Bloom is a book which makes you dream since it talks to one's heart, and you've tryied it on yourself, I wasn't mistaken, was I ?!, it recalled to your mind such loving memories, I'm sincerely so, so glad !

    Wishing you a lovely remainder of your week,
    I'm sending blessings to you,
    with utmost gratitude

    XOXO Dany

  7. Jeanie, I must get the book. I have read so much about it. Your shots are just gorgeous! I have been to Paris in 2003 and 2006, but in fall not in spring. I must go again. Thanks for sharing such beauty!

  8. You make me long for Paris again. In summer the flowers change, especially the numerous rose gardens. And so many "fleurists" -- everyone goes to dinner with a bouquet for the hostess, and has flowering plants in pots on even the tiniest windowsill or balcony.

    best... mae at

  9. The flower markets were enthralling..I loved every single one..presentations..wrappings etc..we went in June..not much was blooming nature wise which floored me..a lot of topiary greenery..but nothing had gone forth and blossomed..:(

    Funny..I have been,and do not feel the need to go back..but Provence?
    A whole different feeling for us..would go back in a flash.
    I just think we are not city folk..

    the book looks absolutely delicious..:)♥

  10. Looks like a great book. I am going to Paris around this time next year and your post makes me very impatient for it.

  11. Oh my, how beautiful.
    I've never been to Paris.

  12. Oh, yes, Paris in Bloom! Love, love, love that city. I'm going to need a copy of this book.

  13. I didn't know about this book either! I see we are all ooohing and ahhhing over the photos! WOW! I'm going to look for a copy! Hugs, Diane

  14. Gorgeous post! I'm delighted with it!Fabulous flowers!

  15. It's funny that you mentioned "dreaming of France" because I had tea with a friend today who told me a couple prayers in French. It was so interesting to hear. Jeanie, your pictures of France are so charming, and look at all these gorgeous blooms! Of course, I loved all the red flowers, but the single Peony with a few drops of rain is so pretty. The picture of the petals on the ground is so unique. And those purple flowers, oh my. I can see why you're dreaming of France today.


  16. Now you have me dreaming of France also. Oh to be there in springtime. Swooning over everyone of the photos you shared.

  17. So very beautiful. I need to check that book out. I've yet to travel to Paris and when I do I want to savour all the beauty that I see in this post. Hugs. xx

  18. That was a heavenly post, Jeanie! I'm always so inspired by seeing beautiful gardens. I always think I should buy some cut flowers, but I never do. I wonder if people still regularly buy flowers, just because? -Jenn

  19. Absolutely gorgeous photos! Looks like the perfect coffee table book.

    I'm certainly ready for Cleveland in Bloom! Doesn't have the same romantic ring to it, but I'm sure it will still be beautiful.

  20. Those flowers are just gorgeous. What warm, uplifting photos.

  21. I wish I could say I have been there. Bucket List for sure. The idea of Paris is so romantic and the flowers in Spring must be magnificent. I enjoyed seeing your photos. Thank you for sharing.

  22. Your photographs are captivating...I had no idea that Paris and flowers and Spring are this beautiful...I am so sorry we are missing our Summer Paris trip, but perhaps Spring is the way to go...for next year. :)

  23. How beautifully refreshing to find this bouquet of photographs on this gray & rainy day! That book looks awfully interesting, too... thanks so much!

  24. Beautiful!! I hope to make it to Paris some day. The flowers are simply breathtaking! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  25. Simply STUNNING! I've been seeing/hearing a lot of about this book. G. Lane works magic with photos and blooms, and not least lovely Paris herself! From your own trips I love that image of the shop exterior with the potted plants, but with ALL those silken petals on the ground--I just LOVE all those petals!! *BIG SWOON* We've not done Paris properly, but hope to one day. Thanks for taking us back, Jeanie... With spring being v-e-r-y slow here, this was a feast!! :))) ((HUGS))

  26. I needed a post like this to cheer me up! It's been a tough week between my RA flare and our horrible weather (high was 34 yesterday!). The cold weather makes my joint pain even worse. :( 2 of my 3 visits to Paris were during the late fall/winter so I haven't had as many opportunities to see the city when things are in bloom! I need to go during the spring for my next trip. My first trip was during June/July, though, so there were lots of flower on the streets. I love how many shops have flowers for sale and those handwritten signs are just so adorable and charming!

  27. I adore Paris and want to go back. I've been four times but never tire of it's beauty.
    Your pictures and Paris in Bloom are so lovely. The lovely flower markets are stunning as well as the beautiful architecture. I wonder if I had the opportunity to stay a month if that would be enough. There is so much beauty to see and enjoy.

  28. Paris in Bloom has some great photos! Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  29. You would need to keep me away from that book on Paris, because I would probably cut it up and use it in my 7 Continents AB. Of course, your photos are SO beautiful, too. They make me want to be there right now.

    I don't understand why there is such a big push for people to share their e-mails. It's obvious they have never been hacked, or suffered the consequences of such an attack. I was hacked by another blogger, who allowed the e-mail virus to attach to all her e-mail addresses, one of which was mine. Even my friend Scott couldn't fix that one because the only fix was to buy the hacker's software to repair what was now on my computer. Sorry. I don't send e-mails and I don't check e-mails. Everything goes directly into my trash can, because I simply won't take the risk ever again, financially, or emotionally.

  30. Forgot to mention, instead of buying the software, I made the decision to wipe my hard drive. Not just once, but four times to make sure there was nothing on it that could lead back to the virus. Then it was add all the software back, and start over from scratch. Now I keep back-ups on Scott's off site back-up. No, I'm not paranoid, just cautious. Trick me once again, shame on ME!

  31. Such a delight!!! Wonderful photos and you've captured this aspect of Paris so well. I remember it with lots of flowers. Like you I love Paris. I haven't heard of the book but I will make sure to find it.

  32. Wow, wow, wow. I LOVE these images. So so pretty.

    Happy Weekend and boogie boogie.

  33. Oh my each photo is mesmerizing. Every flower I adore especially poppies (I keep waiting for by buds to open) peonies--I can smell them from here.

  34. I enjoyed seeing all this so very much! Thank you!


  35. So glad you stopped by and liked the "diner en blanc" post! I have bever heard of this book but i will definetly get it now-- looks lovely. I just love this post----your pictures are absolutely gorgeous! You know how i adore lace curtains and photographing old and interesting charleston windows--- and here you have a pretty picture with dainty lace curtains and neat old shutters and flowers hanging on---just love it. I love window boxes and that picture of the table with all the fluffy petals swirled below--- so pretty! I have not been there but get a real feel for it with your nice photographs-- so glad you shared and hope yall are having a real nice weekend!

  36. I can't believe how many blogs I've seen this book on Jeanie, and I am drooling over it! I would try to paint every beautiful page!! Lucky you!

  37. Hope your weekend has been wondrous.

  38. I do think the public gardens and flowerbeds in France are very beautiful. Quite different from the English ones, although they too are beautiful of course. My friend just came back from Paris and said it is unseasonably cold right now, so for the next few days photos seem like the way to go! :) I enjoyed looking at your flowers.Could almost smell the scent of the flower market.....

  39. Back for another look at your beautiful photos. Just this afternoon I was telling my buddy about this book.

  40. Jeannie, What a lovely garden of blooms on your blog today. I hadn't heard of that book, but I'll definitely be on the lookout for it. I'll try to find some pictures of lovely flowers when we arrive in France this week.
    Thanks for playing along with Dreaming of France. Here’s my Dreaming of France meme

  41. Oh my! So much loveliness! Nothing like Paris in the spring!

  42. These are all so gorgeous. Thanks for sharing at Monday Social. What wonderful images.

  43. Oh my! This is stunning. Yes, I'm scrolling through again. ;)

  44. Must get that book.
    Thank you for sharing.

  45. Paris in Bloom makes my heart sing - a perfect tonic for those who are yearning for France. Amicalement, Elizabeth

  46. Paris in Bloom makes my heart sing - a perfect tonic for those who are yearning for France. Amicalement, Elizabeth

  47. So, so, so pretty - but I loved the little pots on the white shutters. So simple and so French!

  48. Such a great post Jeanie, Paris is always full of so many beautiful things, flowers included.

  49. Thanks for emailing me about this post. I haven't been blog jogging much because I've been doing art like crazy!!!

    This book is beautiful. I definitely want to check it out! I enjoyed the "tour" of Paris!

    Have a great rest of the week!

    Ricki Jill


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