The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

On the Road Again

Anyone for a road trip? We're headed to Rick's trade show, traveling from Michigan across Canada to western Massachusetts, via upstate New York for a special dinner!

Our early morning departure was designed to get us to Geneva, NY before dark and dinner. Our mission was simple. We were again celebrating our together time (which all started in a March long ago) and we wanted to get to Belhurst Castle, our dining location before it was dark!

And yes, we fought those winds you may have heard about all along the way, even seeing an overturned semi on an overpass (fortunately for those of us on the highway, it overturned on the overpass, rather than over it). You'd never know I had a new "do" by the wind damage!

But as it was last year, the place is delightful. I wrote more about it here so I won't go into its past. Let me just show you a few details. Like the fabulous view of Lake Seneca...

...the wooden walls and beautiful cozy art...

...the magnificent fireplace in our dining area...

...the Poseidon mosaic fireplace in the corridor...

...and us! Friends for 24 years, partners for 21!

The dinner, as always, was fabulous. We both chose the prime rib special which included a fabulous Caesar salad, a delectable soup with black beans and pineapple (I'd kill for the recipe for that one) an oversized portion of prime rib and so many potatoes that we took them to our MA hosts and enjoyed them later.

Dessert was nothing to laugh at either! We ate the ice cream and enjoyed the apple tarts as a road snack the next day!

Then we worked our way toward Pittsfield, MA, where we would be staying with Rick's brother and sister-in-law, traveling some through drop dead gorgeous territory.

But we had a stop on the way -- Sharon Springs, NY, where my friend Jane is restoring an 1830s guest house.

Most people would have torn down. But Jane is a historic preservationist and she is intrepid! The house is basically being rebuilt, using whatever they could salvage from the original, including floorboards and doors. The floor boards are numbered and will fit back together in good order when the rest of the construction is complete.

I loved the details of the doors, their locks and knobs.

I love this!

During the restoration they have discovered lots of interesting things -- shards of pottery, an old sign, coins, and bits of wallpaper from a previous design incarnation. It's Sharon Springs' own little archaeological dig.

And of course for Jane, this is the frosting on the cake! All the discoveries and the things that can be saved and used again!

Most of the town was closed and very quiet. We wandered a couple of stores, regrettably missed lunch at the Black Cat cafe and then headed on.

More pretty territory! And when we came upon the Shaker Village at Hancock, MA, just outside of Pittsfield, we knew we were almost there!

It was an early rise the next day to head to the trade show. You can see that while the snow had melted, the ice on the rock shelves was still strong.

And the weather was bitter cold and looking a bit tricky.

I'll bet they saw a lot more of this sign later in the week when the blizzard would arrive! (More to come!)

Delighted to be linking up this week to Share Your Cup!


  1. Belhurst Castle looks wonderful. What a beautiful place to return to for a celebratory dinner. And such a gorgeous photo of you two dining. Your friend, Jane, has the right idea. Our home that we moved from two year ago had all the old doors with original hardware, too. It was one of the features that helped us choose the old home years ago. I hope you had a fun time at the trade show. And, did you think to wave as you drove across Canada. ;-) Deb

  2. Thanks for taking us along. It looks like a wonderful road trip. Hope you have made it safely home now.

  3. Oh what a wonderful trip, everything looked perfect. So glad that you and your honey had a wonderful trip there.

    The beautiful countryside, WOW I loved when I traveled to Mass. Tried to see everything I could when I traveled there.

    Enjoy your time there.


  4. Love your pic in front of the castle. Beautiful place and I'd like to try their prime rib too... and apple tarts with ice cream. Now that's on my list the next time I do my New England road trip again. ;)

  5. What a wonderful trip you had. Love the castle where ou had your anniversary dinner, and all you saw - and ate! along the way, but I especially love all those finds in the old house at Sharon Springs, what a treasure. Thanks for sharing, hugs, Valerie

  6. What a fantastic road trip so far. The place where you and Rick mark your anniversary dinner is a beautiful place. I love places like that and the dinner looks to die for. I admire people like your intrepid friend who will go through the time and expense to restore places to their original charm. I couldn't do it myself but I sure love to enjoy the after effects. I look forward to the rest of the trip. Stay safe. xx

  7. What a wonderful Victorian pile! I'd love to go there one day!

  8. What a lovely destination to return and celebrate you anniversary. The castle is beautiful with the wood and art and I really do love the Poseidon mosaic. The food looks delicious an I know I would love the soup. I am amazed at anyone taking on the restoration of an old home, hope you share this one when it's finished. Enjoy your trip and travel safe........

  9. I enjoyed this part of your trip. What a castle that place is. The meal looks yummy. I guess I need to go back to the older post to read more. :) Were you in New England when the blizzard came yesterday? Hopefully not stuck in some hotel somewhere. But looking forward to some more posts of your journey. I remember I "met" you last year when you went to the sugar shack and posted about it and Elizabeth over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth connected my sugar shack post to yours. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Hugs-Erika

  10. Wonderful way to celebrate your life and love together - congratulations, Jeanie. I bet you're sure glad that trip wasn't this week!

  11. What a great way to celebrate another year of partnership! That meal looked and sounded fantastic. I'm glad you guys stayed safe on the blustery roads! The wind has been ferocious lately.

    I would love to see the 'after' pictures of that renovation. Renovations are so intriguing to me. Some people have such a knack for things like that!

  12. We are buried in la neige right boards closed ..terrible pile ups..
    You must be happy to have not been in it..Your getaway sounds and looks lovely!

    I found this..

    If you Google many ecipes appear..sometimes..when you ask the resto..they will gracefully share..the graceful ones..

    All the architectural artifacts your friend has saved are out of this world lovely yo me:)

  13. I have black beans in the pantry and cut pineapple in the refrigerator. I never would have thought of combining them, but I might give it a go. I'll call mine "Rick and Jeanie's anniversary soup," and enjoy it as much as I enjoyed this wonderful entry!

  14. The trip sounds wonderful... Congratulations on another year of partnership!

    Also, that's great about the restoration, and really cool about the finds during it.

  15. I love a road trip! Looks like so much fun and that dinner looks amazing! Enjoy your trip and tell us more soon! Hugs!

  16. I absolutely ADORED the photo of you in front of Belhurst Castle. You always look so happy.

    Your friend Jane wins my heart. I also believe in restoration, so what she is doing is perfect. Good for her.

    I've seen a lot of those plow signs on TV recently. I suspect you are right in the thick of things about now, and hope you are warm and cozy while Stella passes over and out of the area.

  17. Wow, that fireplace has a beautiful design. What a nice road trip you had with Rick. Your meal looks delicious, Jeanie. Soups are so nice during the cold frosty months. I am a door and door knob lover too. The ones you came across were interesting. That last picture with the sign is great!

    It sounds like you had a fantastic time with Rick on your road trip. I am taking one coming up here pretty soon for my nephew's wedding. It should be fun!


  18. What an outstanding trip you've done, so many lovely things you've seen and visited - I so love the building where you've dined on the Lake Seneca, you have such a lovely goal to celebrate, my Dearie !

    Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week,
    I'm thinking of you with so much love

    XOXO Dany

  19. I will always be your constant companion on the road trips Jeanie!
    I love seeing the countryside and towns - it gives me a good insight into small town US.
    Jane's house will be lovely and authentic.
    I would have focused on the door furniture too!
    Food all looks yummy!
    All that snow and icy roads - do you drive with chains in the wheels?
    Maybe a silly question but Im not used to those conditions.
    Enjoy your trip!

  20. Hello Jeanie! Ruben is out in western Mass, and what a storm they had! Oh, but your photos bring me such great memories of the east. That guest house your friend is restoring is going to be dynamic!!!

  21. Happy Anniversary. I'm glad you're having such a wonderful time. Looks like you had amazing ambience and food for the celebration.
    Be safe.

  22. Jeanie, we both love to travel and the castle looks fabulous along with your meal. Great photo of you in front and you and Rick dining. The restoration project that your friend has going on is fabulous! Please keep us updated on it.

  23. What a marvelous trip you had! I love the photo of you in front of the castle. I think you would live well in that place. It suits you.

    Congrats again to you Rick!

    Loved the photos and the story about the house restoration. What a project!

  24. We've decided we will go off our diets on our birthdays and choose what we want to eat. H want's seafood, which I love, too, and I want prime rib. I don't get it often, but I always enjoy it when I do.
    I had a friend who restored an old house. H helped with some of the work. It's quite a job, but worth it in the end.

  25. The castle looks gorgeous, and the picture of you two at the dinner table brought a film to mind (what else is new with me). :) Reminded me of Same Time Next Year, not sure if you've ever watched it...with Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn. What fun you guys have on the road.

  26. Thanks for taking us along on the road was wonderful. The castle for dinner...WoW!

  27. What a fabulous trip. Traveling in winter is underrated, because sometimes you can really see more---without all the vegetation. Love your post, and the castle was fabulous, Grins, Sandi

  28. Oh, such fun to see everything, Jeanie! LOVE that photo of you & Rick at your lovely dinner. Happy anniversary! :) Such beautiful places in upstate NY. VERY fun your friend is restoring a guesthouse... Look forward to when you can stay there, and "report". ;) Oh, the Shaker place in MA... *sigh* ... You celebrate life in a great way, Jeanie... your on the road posts are always such a joy! ((HUGS))

  29. Jeanie, sounds like you had a wonderful trip! Cute photo of the two of you. The food sounds delicious. Oh my, that cottage is going to be fabulous when it is restored. I love the sign that was discovered! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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