The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, March 17, 2017

St. Patrick's Day -- aka Cat Humiliation Day

It is St. Patrick's Day -- also known in our house as Humiliate the Cat Day and Lizzie just wanted to say hello!

Actually she really wanted to say "Get me out of this tie that makes me look like a bad burlesque comic -- or even worse, Milton Berle."

"Really, the treats aren't working for me all that well."

(I wonder if occasions like this are playing into her recent thinking outside the box issues?)

The soda bread is in the oven, the Bailey's ice cream in the freezer...(whip one pint of heavy cream, add one can of sweetened condensed milk and about 2T (or a tad more) of Bailey's, spread in a pan and freeze. Serve with shaved chocolate on top!)

...and I'm just getting the St. Paddy's Day Killer Irish Creme fudge out of the pan (which is easier said than done. Photos soon.

Rick's doing the corned beef and we'll all be listening to Irish songs today. Well, not Lizzie... girl doesn't know how to party.


  1. Your poor suffering cat looks very insulted, although she really looks great as a Paddy Ambassador! Your food looks great again, enjoy, have fun, and may the road rise up to meet you and the sun shine warm on your back. Hugs, Valerie

  2. I firmly believe that all pets should be dressed up whenever possible.

  3. Lizzie looks as if you used a clip-on tie and clipped it to her neck fur.

    Have fun!

    best... mae at

  4. Oh, poor Lizzie. She is a sport, though. The third photo looks like she's given up. lol AA would have that off and half eaten in 5 seconds flat.

  5. St. Paddy's Day Killer Irish Creme fudge - yummy! Tell Lizzie to "hang in there" - she's adorable!💚💚💚

  6. Lizzie is so darling! I truly believe that when a cat tilts their ears back that is them giving us the "finger"..... pay attention next time, you'll see those ears going back.... and you'll get what they are saying! lol

  7. Love your St. Patrick's Day routine, Jeanie! And thanks so much for the great ice cream recipe. The pictures of Lizzie are priceless. Now you've inspired me to see how much -- in the dwindling hours of the day -- I can humiliate our four!!

  8. The tie matches Lizzie's eyes. They are a wonderful green color. It all sounds yummy. Hope it was a "top of the evening" culinary adventure. Hugs-Erika

  9. Oh my how could you do this to her, Lucy has been in Mammoth all week with the husband. Magellan is enjoying his holiday at home with me. xo .

  10. Love that sound of Irish Songs . . .
    I won't turn away the Baileys treat . . . sounds yummy.
    Lizzie looks so cute . . . on "Humiliate Day!"
    I think I hear you singing . .
    Oh Danny Boy ???

  11. Are Lizzie's eyes really that green, or is that tie reflecting into them. Poor Lizzie.

    Can't wait to see your dessert concoction, and had to laugh at Lizzie's humiliation. I know what Bleubeard would have done if I'd tried to put a tie on him. Oh wait. That would be Squiggles who would have attacked me.

  12. What a fun way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day! Lizzie looks as if she's had enough of the fun but she looks so cute. Yum, Jeanie, I wish I had a slice of the soda bread and cream!. I love Irish music........

  13. Love the cat photos! I haven't tried to dress Annie up yet, but it's coming (bunny ears??). The food sounds so good.

  14. It's true -- the tie does match her eyes. But I don't think those faux Irish eyes are smiling. It looks more like an Irish stew, to me!

  15. Tell your cat that the "annoying tie" goes perfectly with the color of her eyes. Perhaps she will like it...

  16. I don't know how you do it! Neither one of our cats would ever let me put anything on them, and they sure wouldn't sit still long enough for a photograph! You must be a cat whisperer.

    Oh, my, that Bailey's ice cream looks delicious. I might have to try that one.

  17. I love the Lizzie photos!! You can just see her wrath for that bowtie in her expression! Too funny. We could never get a bowtie on Oscar. Maybe if she ever calms down a bit we could but that's years away!

    Sounds like a wonderful and delicious St. Patty's Day celebration!! I want a bowl of that ice cream and a slice of the fudge. YUM.

  18. Awwww, Lizzie is wonderful and such a good sport! Her jade eyes are a perfect match! Have a great weekend.

  19. Lizie's bow! How sweet is that.
    I love Irish music... Great post, Jeanie

  20. I'm a little late on this one. Lizzie looks like a hostage. Ha! But cute as can be.
    Killer Irish Creme fudge sounds delicious to me!

  21. Lizzie is so cute in her Irish green. The ice cream sounds amazing, Jeanie...I must give it a try!

  22. I'm a bit late here, but... Happy St Patrick's Day!

    Sounds like you and Rick had a great day, even if Lizzie didn't. ;)

  23. Oh Lizzie, you handled that tie better that my Joey would have done. I could tell you weren't particularly thrilled. How nice that your mama got a few pictures of you on this special day. Hope it was a good one.

  24. Looks like you had a fun celebration.
    That green bow tie sure brings out Mz Lizzie's beautiful green eyes!
    begosh and begorra

  25. She looks so sweet in her bow tie, and all those goodies, very naughty x

  26. Hello Lizzie. Aren't you a cutie? The soda bread looks amazing. I hope you had a fun St. Patrick's Day, Jeanie. I just went out to dinner and wore green all day hahaha!


  27. hahaha... she looks a teeny, tiny bit grumpy, doesn't she??!! Oh, this is so funny! She wins the prize for honesty... and super-sweetness! ;) ((HUGS))

  28. Love her pulled back ears...she is not liking this one bit...too funny.


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