The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Fudgies! And Three Recipes!

Here in Michigan we call people who visit the beautiful Mackinac Island (located in the Straits of Mackinac where Lakes Michigan and Huron meet) Fudgies.

Mackinac Island is know for its fudge (among other things, including a no-car policy, it's magnificent Grand Hotel and for being the setting for the film "Somewhere in Time.") Anyone who visits always seems to leave with a pound (or more) of fudge from one of the island's many shops.

Well, we make pretty darned good fudge in the lower part of the state as well. I decided that for our St. Patrick's Day dinner, I would make grown-up ice cream and candy. The result was my Bailey's ice cream, Luck of the Irish Cream Fudge and Paul Hollywood's soda bread.

I pulled the fudge recipe (originally called Irish Cream Truffle Fudge) from I'm going to print it here because my instructions are better than theirs!


Butter and 8x8 pan. (I did. It's too thick. Next time I'd use at least a 9x9 and I'd line it with foil or waxed paper for easier removal)

Melt 3 c. semisweet chocolate chips, 1 c. white chocolate chips and 1/4 c. butter in a double boiler.

HINT: Melt the butter first. It will help keep the chocolate from seizing up. You could do this in the microwave too, but I didn't have the nerve!

Use a mixer to ensure all is melted and shiny. Then add 1 c. Irish Cream liqueur (I used Bailey's), about a quarter cup at a time so it doesn't splash, as you continue to beat.

Then add 3 c. confectioners sugar -- again, a bit at a time, mixing, incorporating and then more.

Finally, 1 1/2 c. chopped nuts. The original recipe said to stir it in but I mixed because the fudge is thick and I wanted to be sure it was well incorporated.

Put into your pan, press a sheet of plastic over the top and smooth down.

The original recipe calls for a glaze. It's fine but I'm not sure I'd use it again. It does add to the thickness of the fudge.

Melt 2 T. butter, 1 c. semisweet chips, 1/2 c. white chocolate chips.

Using the mixer, add 4 T. Irish cream liqueur. Spread over the top and refrigerate till firm, at least a couple of hours.

This has HUGE yield! At least it did for me, because I made it in the 8x8 and it was so thick that I cut the pieces fairly thin. So far (and there is still a giant lump in the fridge with a good 25 pieces to it) i have had a yield of six dozen. A huge hit at our dinner and with the many friends who were on the receiving end of a delivery!


Are you a fan of the Great British Baking Show? I am. I love it and part of the reason are its judges, Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood, both noted bakers. Some of the PBS programs include master classes by Paul and Mary and this is where I first read of his soda bread recipe.

It's simple. But the directions on his site are not in good old American measurements and baking times, so I'll translate here.

250 grams white flour (this is about 2 cups)
250 grams whole wheat flour (about 2 cups)
1 t. salt
1 t. baking soda
1.7 cups -- I think that came to about 1 3/4 --  buttermilk (400 ml)

That's it. Mix it together, knead a bit, put into a round ball, cut all the way through the center crossways (see the video below) and bake at about 400 F for 30 minutes.  (200 C)

It's glorious. Here's how Paul does it.


I originally got this from my massage therapist, the Divine Sarah, and then Jenna at Painted Apron also featured a version. You saw this recipe in the last post, but here it is, a bit more complete -- just so they are all together.

Mix 1 pint heavy whipping cream to slightly stiff peaks (but not butter!)
Add 1 can sweetened condensed milk and beat again to peaks
Add 2 T. or a little more of the Baileys (or another flavoring) and beat again.
(If you want, you could then add fudge bits from the recipe above, mini chips or another add in).

Pour into a pan lined with plastic (mine was 7x11ish) and cover with plastic. Freeze. I served mine with grated semi-sweet chocolate.

This recipe makes quite a bit -- and it really is wonderful! I hope you try it and enjoy!

This post is joining up with Share Your Cup and Share Your Style, where you can find some delightful links to check out!


  1. WOW. That fudge looks unbelievable. I may have to try it.

    My grandmother made something similar to Paul Hollywood's soda bread, only she made hers in individual rolls. She made them in a 12 piece muffin pan. Before the dough had risen, she cut an x in each roll. Hers looked more like dinner rolls with a definite (round) shape at the bottom.

    I'm so glad you shared these recipes. And of course, the photos are always to die for.

  2. Oh my, I would have loved to join you, those recipes sound soooooooooo good, so yummy, so tempting and I just have coffee and toast here - SIGH! Hugs, Valerie

  3. I agree with Bleubeard and Elizabeth, that fudge looks delicious. I only make fudge at Christmas, and it's a super simple recipe. I've never made soda bread or ice cream. I do remember, when H and I were dating, his mother made peach ice cream the old-fashioned way, hand churned in her very old ice cream maker. We did the churning for her. It so yummy.

  4. Yum. You have made me want something sweet even if it isn't even 6 AM. I almost made Paul Hollywood's soda bread for St. Patrick's Day, but then I decided to save the calories.:) All your treats looks just delicious. Hugs-Erika

  5. Your fudge looks beautiful! I always melt chocolate in the microwave on one of the lower-power settings. The squares melt before they lose their shape, so you can watch carefully and stop heating before they seize up.

    best... mae at

  6. The first photo is eye-candy for me today as I look out our window to dirty snow everywhere. :( And that fudge...goodness. With the retired guy around there would never be a pile of it still in the fridge, that's for sure. I would go more for the bread. :)))

  7. You went to town! Fun reading your takes on te recipes:)

    Love the florals too..

    yes..I am a huge fan of Mary and Paul and the entertaiting..nothing heavy..light and airy!

  8. My sweet mother-in-law was just talking about her visit to Mackinac Island she and my FIL took many years ago. She remembers it like yesterday, she is 95. I will have to ask her if she bought any fudge there.
    Your recipe looks really good, I'll copy and save it for the holidays, only time I make candy. The soda bread looks so good, actually would love it now butter and jam with my coffee. This has my sweet tooth acting up Jeanie! Thanks for the recipe.

  9. That fudge looks amazing! That is A LOT of fudge, though! Good thing it is something that keeps well in the fridge or freezer, and it's a great thing to share with others, too. I have never been to Mackinac Island but it sounds like a beautiful destination. That picture with the flowers has me dreaming of spring/summer. There is a popular ice cream shop in North Carolina (and probably other regions) called Kilwins and they get their ice cream from Mackinac Island! They also make their own fudge there and have some really interesting ones to try.

    I'll have to remember these irish recipes at Christmas and around St. Patrick's day next year!

  10. Good recipes always appreciated! Now I'm thinking about fudge.

  11. Jeanie, I love Irish brown soda bread. I add a couple of things to mine to give it the texture I prefer, but I've never met a soda bread I didn't like. Loved Paul and Mary on GBBO and was so sorry about the changes. Your fudge looks perfect! It's been too long since I was a Fudgie, but my husband and his sister spent a few days on Mackinac just a few years ago and had a grand time as usual.

  12. Mackinac Island is a place I have always wanted to visit. And now that I see the fudge, I DEFINITELY want to go. I loved the the movie "Somewhere In Time"
    and have seen it a million times. Great pics. Have a wonderful weekend, dear Jeanie.

  13. Oh, fantastic! I was hoping you'd share these recipes! The soda bread looks exactly like a wonderful bread that my friend Sister Rita McCormack, who is from Ireland, makes. I can hardly wait to try it! Thanks! Your pictures of the food and flowers are so beautiful!

  14. Yum. Yum. Yum. Everything looks so good. The island looks like a great place to visit too.

  15. Thank you for the so tempting recipes, darling Jeanie, I so love your bread, I seem to feel its scent here right now !

    Wishing you a most lovely day and remainder of our week,
    with sincere thankfulness

    XOXO Dany

  16. You're a dear friend, but bringing us Paul Hollywood's soda bread recipe -with video!- takes it to a whole 'nother level.

    Would it be wrong to add some of Trader Joe's jumbo raisins? (Nah.)

    Speaking of adding things, is the word "Baileys" missing from this line in the icecream recipe?
    "Add 2 T. or a little more and beat again."
    It looks amazing, even without chocolate adornment.

    Maryanne in SC

  17. Remind me not to look at food on blogs when I'm hungry! Everything looks delicious, Jeanie! Seeing the Grand Hotel reminds me how much I would love to get back to the island. It's been more than 10 years since we were last there, when one of our kids got married on the island.

  18. Oh my gosh, that fudge has my mouth watering!
    What a wonderful place to go for a vacation!

  19. Double yum!! I just gained two pounds reading this, but it was worth it! Haha! I would love visiting the island.

  20. Okay, I'm officially drooling now! That fudge looks and sounds so yummy...and I love bread of almost any kind. The soda bread is something I'm going to try. And not to mention topping off your post is ice cream! I think I could live on ice cream but my waistline wouldn't like it.

  21. Just read your question about Iceland being on my bucket list. No, I really have no interest in Iceland, other than to work on my 7 Continents altered book. I only started looking for pictures of Iceland after my internet friend Erika visited there last year. But, I have no intention of ever visiting there.

  22. I must admit that if I went there I would leave with some fudge. :) But it would be maple or vanilla. Can you believe that I am not a big chocolate fan? I can eat a small piece of chocolate fudge if it has nuts. Which yours looks pretty darn tasty. I make fudge at Christmas, but I eat the while fudge and may have a piece or two of the chocolate. I love soda bread, and it looks super yummy! Thanks for sharing your recipes with SYC.

  23. Really . . .
    Almost ten o'clock at night and all I can think of is fudge and a baileys dessert . . .
    Oh my . . . looking and sounding out of this world . . .
    I am tucking this post some place safe.
    Maybe next St Pat's Day . . . it will be my dinner dessert . . .
    Thanks Jeanie . . .

  24. The Island look beautify.

    That fudge (I dearly love it) and the ice cream put 5 lbs on my hips just looking at it and reading the recipe. LOL Thanks so much for the recipe. I am going to try it.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  25. It all looks and sounds so amazingly delicious. I am not a huge fudge fan, but I think I could go for this one for sure. Yummmm!

  26. AND...isn't this where the lilac shrubs are vast, fabulous and everywhere?

  27. YUM... I like your way of celebrating St. Pat's day with so much deliciousness, Jeanie!! Thank you for sharing the recipes... I'm bookmarking now! ;)I like that very easy way with no-churn ice cream. Happy Days ((HUGS))

  28. There's not much in the world that I love better than FUDGE...oh, my, your recipes for all this goodness sound wonderful. Hope to get to try all of them soon.
    Love to you....

  29. Fudgies?! And how do people react to this tag? Love that first shot.

  30. Jeanie, Thanks for the translation of Paul Soda Bread recipe. Video was great. I will have to try it. Have a great day! Sylvia D.

  31. What a wonderful idea to make soda bread in the shape of a four leaf clover. I have never seen that idea before. I guess one could add green colouring but that might be going just a LITTLE bit far!!! :)

  32. Oh my gosh, this fudge looks amazing! And I could eat that soda bread with just plain 'ole butter. : ) The four leaf clover is a clever idea.


  33. Oh my, Jeanie...I love fudge and yours looks delicious. Thanks for sharing your recipes.. wishing you a wonderful week!

  34. I LOVE The Great British Baking Show! I haven't seen any of Paul or Mary's master classes on PBS, but I'm going to look for them. The ice cream sounds great too.


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