The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Two Quick Valentine Projects

With Valentine's Day around the corner, company expected, book club and Cork Poppers coming, I had a few creative tasks to complete. (Actually, more than a few but that's another story.)

First, some invitations to our Cork Poppers event with the wines of Italy. My supplies included purchased cards as a base, ribbon, the Xyron 150 sticker-maker, hearts (from my stash, cut from various punches), pen and glue stick along with the message for the invitation.

I started by running my ribbon through the Xyron and then adding it to the edge of the card. (If you work with ribbon on paper, I can't recommend this enough.)

Then using the glue stick I adhered a heart to the center of the front of the card.

I had printed out the invitation in the three-column mode and trimmed them. I added this to the inside panel.

Then I embellished around the invitation to spruce it up a bit and wrote a message, asking guests to bring a valentine to share.

Back to the front -- with my Pitt brush pen I added the "We" and "Wine" around the heart! Good to go!

The second project was super-simple. I found a wooden cut-out of the word "Love" on sale at Michael's.

Using paint I already had, I painted it red.

Then I added buttons from my stash to give it a "marquee" look.

Here's the finished piece on my mantle, along with some very vintage valentines, including postcards from my collection and a few that my dad sent to his mom and that had either been sent to or from me.

And just a couple of valentines, just for you!


And a couple more!


I've only just begun. What's next? Heart cookies? Flowers?

We'll see! (And yes, I love you all to the moon and back!)

Today's post is shared with Bluesky Kitchen and Share Your Cup! Check both these sites for lots of inspiring creative links.


  1. Aren't you clever . . .
    Love the Marquee look . . .
    And the We Wine . . .
    I need a pen like that!
    Love the script . . .

  2. You've got gizmos I didn't even know existed. Best of all, you clearly know how to use them to good effect. Valentine's day? Already? Didn't we just clear New Year's Day? Hmmmm... Clearly, I need to pay more attention!

  3. Yet again, two lovely projects Jeanie! The cards are delightful and Valentine's perfect. Who wouldn't love getting this invitation. And, a yummy menu too! Love how you added the buttons for the marquee look. Love the mantle with the special valentine's and the two framed photos.
    Have a wonderful week.....

  4. Jeanie, would you privately send me your mailing address :)

  5. Cute cute stuff!
    I have never heard of that tool for ribbon and glue..what a cute touch..I have been using washi tape on envelopes.but on cards..this must be so nice!

    PS Have you noticed how long washi tape lasts? YEARS;)

  6. It's always festive in your home. Interesting ideas for the card and love that LOVE decoration. That one's not just for Valentine's too. Real cool!

  7. I had never heard of a Xyron. What a fascinating concept. Good thinking:)

  8. Jeanie, I would love to attend your Corkies event. Sounds great.
    Love your handmade invitations and decor. I'm crazy about your vintage Valentines. My mother saved some birthday cards from my first birthday! Image that! It would be nice to have some Valentines.
    Enjoyed seeing your framed Paris photos.
    Have a great week.

  9. What nice invitations. You have gone all out just for starters. Wow! I am impressed.

  10. You are such a clever lady, I would not know where to start, great stuff

  11. Hello sweet valentine!!!!!!! Remember in school, exchanging all the little valentine's cards? Oh how I wish I had time to do this these days. This Valentine's day is our 37th anniversary of when my husband and I met at church! 37 YEARS!!!!!

  12. Love the valentine invitations. So cute. I spent some time yesterday making some for the grands. Lots of fun.

  13. The cards you made are so pretty! Wish I was there for the Corkers...sounds like fun. And I love vintage Valentines. I find images on the internet to print and that's fun but there's nothing like the old Valentines cards! Enjoy your day sweet lady! Hugs!

  14. Jeanie, a beautiful job for your invites! You are one talented lady! I love the vintage Valentine' special. I am so sorry I am late in visiting with you, too much to do and not enough time. Hugs~

  15. How have I lived without a Xyron? What a neat tool. Have a wonderful week!

  16. Gosh I love your process! And your heart:)
    So much love and creativity here - THANK you.
    Always you inspire:)

  17. Oh, I love that RED wooden LOVE sign. You did a great job making that, Jeanie. It looks great on your mantel. And those vintage Valentine's are delightful. Thank you. :)


  18. Oh Jeanie your valentines are so creative and cute!!! Love the hand written additions! You corkies are going to have so much fun!

  19. Wow, that Xyron is so handy for that. I always use this narrow two sided glue tape for ribbon. Don't you just love vintage Valentines? The one with the little girl on the left made me swoon!! Love how your Marquee 'Love' turned out.

  20. This looks lovely, I'd like to come along to your gathering please :) I have never heard of Xyron, I'm going to look into it. I know you can use glue but it's so messy and never seems to stick as well.

    I love to make my own cards, although I generally do them one at a time. Your mantelpiece Love ornament is a very bright idea!

  21. Soooo much FUN!! Those wine cards are very sweet... And the buttons are fun idea on the LOVE piece! I didn't know about the Xyron either... genius little tool. Just gluing ribbon to paper isn't always easy, or pretty result. I like when you take us behind the scenes, Jeanie--thanks! :) ((HUGS))

  22. Gee whizz, I love your valentine projects. Almost makes me want to have a party just so I can make them.

  23. So cute. I love the button project. It's just darling. Thanks for sharing at Monday Social.

  24. What a lovely, fun party...and vintage Valentines...perfect. So what exactly is a Xyron machine (?) makes stickers(?) Love your photos too. :)

  25. You're so creative with your projects, and they always look so nice.


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