The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

A Few Faves from 2016

Elizabeth at Altered Book Lover did a one-photo-a-month recap of the year and I love the idea! January started out with a bloggie meet up in Ann Arbor with Mae of Mae Food

A baking class at Zingermann's in Ann Arbor gave me plenty of great tips (and three wonderful cakes!)

In March, Rick and I celebrated 20 years at Belhurst Castle in Geneva, NY, where we also saw my good friend Cathy.

April brought the first visit of the season to Southern Exposure, my favorite creative spot!

In May, my friend Barb and I hosted our second Make-and-Take-Tea with these colorful scarves as the project.

June brought us trips to Myrtle Beach, where I reconnected with my PBS pal Maryanne and then to Banner Elk, NC for time with Rick's dad and step mom.

July was Rick's family reunion at Minisa, the cottage on Torch Lake that was enjoying its last summer. Good to be with family, even if the moment was a bit bittersweet.

August brought me a birthday and Medicare! It also brought art camp and my favorite piece from the week friend Kate and I spent painting.

In September Rick did a London Ontario-to-Vermont bike trip and I picked him up in Canada where we went looking for my dead Canadian ancestors.

One of the highlights of October was going to the Detroit Symphony with Kevin and Molly -- who, we learned a couple months before, are expecting what will be our first grandlittle!

In November I enjoyed my third art class of the year -- this time we made Christmas cards!

And December, Christmas. Christmas twice and with people I love.

Onward to 2017 and the wonderful experiences that await!


  1. Wow! I made your list! I'm flattered. I don't even think I had that photo -- must have been in your camera. You had a great year, I'd say. I hope 2017 will also treat you very well and that we will meet again during the year.

    I just posted half the year in review on my blog too -- second half tomorrow.

    best ... mae at

  2. A beautiful year you had! All the best in 2017!

  3. What a wonderful year it's been! Wishing you all the best in the new year ahead.
    Thanks for sharing all your fun adventures.

  4. How fun. I love seeing all the fun things you did this past year! I hope 2017 is just (if not more) fun. Hugs-Erika

  5. Lovely photos, and great that you were also able to be out and about so much, and visit wonderful classes. Hope the new year will be good, too. Hugs, Valerie

  6. What a lovely and varied year. Your are indeed busy with doing wonderful things and meeting wonderful people. Good idea to view yor year like this.

  7. Glad Bleubeard and I could inspire you to post these past 12 months of memories. I do this every year. Later in the week, I'll do my calendars, then my art. Since I post nearly every day, I can't have just ONE retrospective.

    I remember all but two of these. I think we "met" maybe in March. I know I have been honored to know you and look forward to seeing many more of your uplifting and inspiring posts in 2017. I really LOVE these, each and every image.

  8. that is a neat re-cap. I must've started reading your blog about May or june, then. Prior to that it doesn't look familiar. That scarf day looks so fun!

  9. Hi Jeanie! What a fun year you've had! I love seeing your pretty little smiling face! Here's to another year of blogging with you my sweet friend.
    You are a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. What a fabulous year you have had, dear Jeanie!! Hope your 2017 is the best yet!!

  11. Onwards and upwards towards 2017 indeed - may it be filled with just as many cakes and creativity, music and wine, friends and family fun. It's lovely to recap the year and relive events isn't it? Thank you for your blogging friendship Jeanie through out the year!
    Wren x

  12. Loved your re=cap of 2016 and am inspired to try it myself. Watch this space

  13. It's great to look back on the highlights of the year like that.

  14. That Eiffel Tower painting, OH MY! Happy 2017 Jeanie!

  15. What a lovely scrapbook about the year which is going to leave us, darling Jeanie, thank you for another wonderful post of yours !

    Sure you had a wonderful Christmas Time,
    with my heart filled with joy I'm sending all my best on your New Year coming.

    With utmost gratitude

    Xx Dany

  16. This is a fun approach to recapping the year! It definitely had a lot of highlights!! It's always amazing to list out the highlights of a year as it reminds you how much you did and saw! Hope 2017 is just as full of wonderful moments!

  17. Yep! If I blogged my year, YOU'd be June too!
    What a cool idea. I guess 2016 wasn't as bad as it seemed.

    And here's to a fabulous year ahead!
    Love to you and Rick, and Lizzie C --
    Maryanne in SC

  18. A lovely walk thru 2016!! 2017 here we come.

  19. Jeanie, I enjoyed seeing all the photos of glad we became friends this year.. Happy New Year!

  20. Love the recap . . .
    Think it makes a great New Year greeting . . .
    Wish me luck . . . in trying my first . . .
    Recap of 2016 . . .

  21. Lovely happy photos, it's nice to look back and think of all the fun things. This year seems to have gone in fits and starts to me... some bits have lasted for ages, others whooshed by! Happy new year to you and Rick and your loved ones!

  22. Jeanie, this year sounds like it was an eventful and good one for you. Not such a good one for me, but let's hope the new year will be a sweet one! I really like that picture of Rick playing the guitar next to the pretty tree. My son plays also, and would love him to continue. It's such a special talent. I remember many of these things that you did this year - making Christmas cards, painting, trips to Myrtle Beach. And the red roses in the fountain made me smile. They are the most beautiful flower to me.

    May the new year be a bright one for you, Jeanie. You deserve all the goodness that comes your way.


  23. Your posts are always so joyful, Jeanie. What a fun year you have had. It's nice that you went to Myrtle Beach and linked up with an old friend. I hope you come back to the Ontario area again sometime and visit us this time.

  24. I love this idea for a yearly recap. Wow, Jeanie, you've has an exciting and fun year! All those smiles to prove it.
    All the best in 2017!

  25. What a lovely review of your year. I enjoyed remembering past posts from you. Have a wonderful beginning to 2017.


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