The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Random November

I'm working on a couple of other posts that seem to be taking longer to get right. So until I do, I thought I'd share a bit of random sights from my neck of the woods.

This fabulous peace fence greeted me after my watercolor class this weekend (that's one of the posts I'm working on).

Isn't it wonderful? Makes me happy to look at it!

It was a good weekend indeed -- choreographer/dancer Billy Bell ("So You Think You Can Dance") was in residence at MSU's theatre department and spent time choreographic a piece with the university's dance group.

In addition to the department's performance of Billy's piece, Happendance, an area dance collective, also performed several pieces.

It was really exciting to see these talented young women (and a couple of men) perform.

And even more interesting to hear Billy talk about his vision in choreographing the piece, the music he selected and working with the students and community.

I admire dancers so much. Their grace, talent and flexibility are all qualities of which I have little. Bad feet? Yes. I've got those! This much we have in common!

The event was held at the dance studio which is located in this converted barn.

It houses a number of tenants, including a church fellowship and the studios for music lessons.

And it was a perfect day. Brilliant blue sky.

Even the shadows were interesting!

Hunting season opens soon and I dread what might happen to the deer at the ditch (that I have yet to see this summer) or others.

These two were in the yard across the street from a friend of mine -- a fairly busy residential neighborhood.

They seemed right at home -- and very wary.

I leave you with another look at the peace fence.

Let there be peace on earth. And let it begin with me.

This posts joining the Share Your Cup blog link party. Check in HERE for more fun links to exciting and creative holiday fun! 


  1. So lovely to hear about talented young people ♥

  2. Hi Jeanie! Great blog you have here. What a great fence to look at. I think you can never spread enough Peace around in this world we live in! And the deer are so beautiful... I don't know how anyone could shoot such a beautiful creature. Thanks for sharing these great photos.

  3. Cool fence! I'm also fascinated by dancers - so many moves I could never make, using your body as an instrument of art.

  4. Jeanie... Love the peace fence. And that beautiful deer! Hunting season breaks my heart. Have a good week.

  5. I like where you live:) How artistic and colorful!

  6. Tom Sawyer would be jealous!

    best... mae at

  7. I love that peace fence! It's so beautiful and whimsical.

    I admire dancers as well. They have such grace and poise. It's amazing what they are able to do!

    I love that you have so much exposure to the arts where you live!!

  8. Beautiful deer! That barn is lovely and wonderful for all that it houses inside! I really like that peace sharing fence too!

  9. Wonderful photos of the peace wall and the dancers - we need more music, dance and peace in the world. Hugs, Valerie

  10. I can't dance either, but I'm impressed by the people who can.

  11. The deer need to be wary! I've never understood the "sport" in killing such beautiful creatures.
    Love love love the peace fence. At a time like this we need it more than ever.
    And finally, like you I am not a dancer. Graceful has never been a word used to describe me but I love watching dancers and am amazed at the control they have over their bodies. Thanks for sharing these bits of your life with us. You take me places I'll probably never see in real life, and I always enjoy the trip.

  12. Yes, definitely let it begin with me and each of us. Love the peace fence. Also the dancing would delight my heart. And those deer, please be safe dear ones.

  13. Love the Peace Fence. Every community, no matter its size, should have one and honored as the heart of the community.

  14. Love the peace fence. Thinking about letting peace begin with me -- I can act it, but there are plenty of times when I can't feel it. Not sure if it counts if I am not being truthful, but sure it is better than acting out non-peaceful feelings! Starting where I am...........

  15. I would be very interested to watch the dancing! (Spent many years watching dance through my daughter). That is a cheery fence, too! -Jenn

  16. You live in such a beautiful place, Jeanie! I love the peace fence and the devotion to the arts of all kind -- though dance is particularly close to my heart -- and the beauty of nature and wildlife all around you. I realize that what we see through your eyes is based on your gratitude and appreciation of all that's around you -- and I thank you so much!!! It's a nice antidote for the ugliness we've seen recently.

  17. Love the Peace Fence . .
    I would have enjoyed the dance group . . .
    Hunting season is here . . . those deer best keep their eyes opened,
    someone might find dinner . . .

  18. Dancers are amazing! I took dance class in high school. There was a character on a soap opera I watched who was a dancer and I loved watching her dance. I thought you could just, you know, LEARN how to dance like that. Nope. Well, maybe you can, but you need to start well before you're 16 or 17!

  19. I adore that peace fence. I have never seen so many unique and unusual peace signs anywhere before.

    I hope the deer survive, too. We have pheasant season which opened last weekend, so deer season won't be far behind.

  20. Aren't those deer beautiful?!
    I hate hunting season.
    The peace sign fence is great!

  21. Very interesting read . . . love the fence, it made me smile :)

  22. I love the fence, Jeanie. I makes me smile too. Hopefully the sweet deer will survive the hunting season.
    xo Julia

  23. Cool cool fence. It would make me happy. And the dance looks like a fun event. Its always good to live near a big university to be able to enjoy. Yup, hunting season. We're in it. The deer are smart though-they hang out in the backyard because they know they are safe. Have a great day. Hugs-Erika

  24. Love your peace fence, Jeanie. It's always nice to see something cheerful that lifts the spirit.

    I admire dancers, too. So much work and dedication to get results.

  25. I'm glad you had the chance to see the magnificent buck, but I must say -- with no hunting, the number of white-tailed deer who would starve to death would increase exponentially. Game management is both science and art: that's why bag limits, season length, and so on, changes from year to year. Hunters, fishermen, and farmers are some of the world's most diligent conservationists. They have no interest in wiping out a species. On the other hand, I understand the feeling of protective awe. I saw the biggest buck I've ever seen last weekend, right along one of our highways. The good news is he had some protective woods to dart into: what a handsome boy he was!

    Strangely, my favorite photos are the pair of the silo: against the blue sky, and with the shadows. Maybe it's that three weeks in the midwest that made me favor them!

  26. What a great way to start my day with all of the (make me smile) photos! I love the peace fence, there is one in my favorite vacation spot in FL and i love to photograph it. Dancing, how I love to dance but not so much these days. These kids are fortunate to have a talented choreographer in the class, fun I'm sure. The barn is such a beautiful site, peaceful and surrounded with nature. Such blue sky, gorgeous photos........I loved this post.

  27. Jeanie,

    We need to create Beauty even more now, on the fence, in a dance, capturing it in Nature... you've said it all here.

  28. I love dancing! Though, I'm not the most coordinated person in the world:)

  29. Such a wonderful building for a dance studio. So glad you enjoyed seeing the dancers.
    Fun peace fence too.

  30. Your wish for peace is a good one. I hope it is embraced by many.

    I used to do ballet, but that's the only kind of dancing I was any good at, and even that I wasn't excellent. I'd have probably improved with time, but didn't do it for long enough to get very good (not my choice). I remember being part of a performance on stage though, and loved it. I couldn't do it now though. I'm not sure what would give me issues first, my back, my legs, or the dizzyness I sometimes get. Still, I have the memories...

  31. Jeanie, the peace fence is wonderful! I can't wait to see the post about your watercolor class. I play a little, but would love a class to find out how to do it correctly. :) We see lots of deer in our neck of the woods. Saw a little fawn crossing the road the other day. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  32. Oh, my darling Jeanie, you always publish such cheerful and wonderful posts, filled with all your joy of living, it's such a treat to visit with you, blessed be !

    Hope you're having the best of weeks,
    I'm sending blessings on your coming Thanksgiving Day

    Xx Dany

  33. That Peace Fence is really wonderful! I hope that the idea spreads. It should.


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