The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, November 21, 2016

My Official Start of the Holiday Season

Every year the weekend before Thanksgiving, my friend Jan and I head to the charming town of Northville, MI for what I consider my official start to the holiday season. Our primary destination is the greens market where we get wreaths along with cuttings to make our own baskets.

After, we hit some of our favorite shops -- and we'll do that too, too! Read on!

The day before we left it was 73. But that morning it was cold and snowing. Sort of snow-rain-hail. Needless to say we bundled up!

There are scores of beautiful wreaths, festive baskets and kissing balls.

Of course, we're both into picking the best we can find. But when there are so many choices it is both easy and yet difficult!

I liked this heart shaped wreath but opted for the traditional circle.

Kids could even mail their letter to Santa!

Our favorite shop in Northville is one called Gardenviews. We've been coming here for years and years. It was as festive as you could imagine.

There were beautiful trees everywhere.

And lots of magical displays.

You won't forget about the magic of Santa here...

...nor will you miss some country charm.

And if your style is more formal, well, we saw that, too!

You'll find woodland joy in sweet animals...

...and lovely ornaments.

And if being at Gardenviews doesn't get you in the holiday spirit, I'm not sure what can!

As we left town I couldn't help but notice how charming it all was -- "The Snow Queen" at the theatre, the town clock with its wreath, the church on the corner and the American flag. Yes, even the town felt a little magical this day.

Onward! Let the holiday season begin. A Happy Thanksgiving to you and a Merry December!


  1. It sounds like a wonderful outing to put you in the holiday spirit. Enjoy the lead up to Christmas. xx

  2. What a delightful shop. I loved the country charm. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one starting to decorate. Let Christmas begin...and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.


  3. Ohhhh Jeanie! That looks like so much fun. I wish we had a wonderful place around here for beautiful greens and things. Just looking at your photos makes me happy!!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. You had a great outing and I loved seeing the greenery. Here most people have an Advent wreath, with a candle for each Sunday in Advent. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the season. Hugs, Valerie

  5. What a great start to the holidays!

  6. Oh I would have gone for those greens. They were all so wonderful and tempting. How fun to have this tradition of beginning the holidays. I took myself to the Christmas show at the antique mall on Friday. It does just delight our hearts.

  7. Jeanie, This looks like it would make anyone feel festive. Thanks for sharing.

  8. This was a feast for the eyes! Everywhere I looked I saw holiday inspiration. Thank you for giving me my first real feeling of the holiday season this year. I look forward to seeing all your decorations.

  9. Jeanie, what a fun place to get in the Christmas spirit. The fresh wreaths and greenery are stunning, looks like a perfect place to spend a day!

  10. Dear Jeanie,
    This is such a beautiful place to spend a day to enjoy the Christmas season that is soon upon us. Thank you so much for sharing.

  11. Hi Jeanie, wow, the greens market is so cool!--never been to anything like that. They sure do sell pretty stuff! What did you end up buying? the pictures look frosty...i felt shivery just looking at them, LOL Sure is a pretty little town. Love all the festive pictures.

  12. Wow- what a gorgeous place. I would go back there every year for sure. Some garden centers have the most wonderful decorations. Thanks for sharing. Hugs-Erika

  13. What a great way to kick off your holiday celebrations!

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  14. Jeanie, what a great little town (love how you captured its essence in that photo), just perfect for getting into the spirit of the holidays! I loved the Gardenviews store, and I can personally relate to your comment of so many choices, so easy and so difficult!

  15. What a charming area to visit! You captured the spirit of that town so well! Sounds like you had the same abrupt change in weather that we did. It's been a bit of a rude awakening here! But I know we were lucky to have warm temps for as long as we did!

    I need to buy a wreath for our front door when I get back from Spain!

  16. My very favorite part of this entry was the evidence of cold weather! Oh, wouldn't we love to have something just a little cooler to enjoy. But another front is coming, and though it won't bring snow, it may bring a beautiful Thanksgiving day.

    My favorite of the items displayed was that wonderful, white reindeer tucked under the tree. So elegant, and simple. He made me smile.

  17. Love that town and shop..and all that greenery..I may have succumbed to the heart..non conformist that I am..(not):)
    Have fun in this lovely holiday season ans Happy Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  18. What a wonderful way to begin your Christmas, beautiful fresh live greenery! My kind of day, I would have a hard time choosing only one because they are all so beautiful. My kind of shop too, such beautiful decorations and trees. I'm sure you came away with loads of inspiration. Enjoy the season sweet friend.......

  19. What fun! Lovely greens! I'm ready for some holiday cheer!

  20. Jeanie - How very magical indeed. Mmm I could almost smell the pine. Just lovely. Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. Wow - yes, I guess we're getting closer to Christmas. What an abundance of cheerful photos - it is lovely!!! Who can resist that red?
    I wish you a happy Thanksgiving as well!

  22. Oh so many temptations! We watched it snowing at a Michigan football game last weekend and couldn't believe it! The town is charming and magical, and those greens, wow!

  23. Oh my gosh. How lovely. What a way to get in the Christmas spirit.

  24. Don't you just love small towns like that. So charming. It's like taking a deep breath and stepping back in time a little. I know what you mean about so many choices being both easy and yet difficult. I have a hard time making up my mind when I have too many choices. This post has put me in the Christmas mood. I'll start decorating after Thanksgiving. H has already taken the straw man down and the pumpkin on the front step, too.

    Have a happy Thanksgiving, Jeanie.

  25. Oh how I love the small hometown feel especially at Christmas time! And you too had a jump in temperatures! From 73 to COLD? Yikes, Mother Earth is confused.....

    But, we shall rejoice and make merry this year! Bless you dearest Jeanie!

  26. Oh, this shop is right up my alley, Jeanie. ;) I think I could browse in here for a long time. The trees are beautiful, but I especially liked the one with the red balls and the red and white striped ribbon. That little house to mail letters to Santa is so charming. And the heart-shaped wreath is lovely. How nice that you spent the day with your friend in this charming town. It sounds like you are getting into the Christmas spirit, Jeanie. Me too!


  27. What a fun outing! I love fresh greens and can't wait to get some for our home. I buy some and I head down to my fil's and give his pine a good trimming every Dec. :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.


  28. Stopping by to play catch up. You certainly picked a great spot to get in the Christmas spirit. I love the white tree with the red ornaments. And I would never be able to choose a specific wreath or kissing ball. They are simply mind blowing.

    Loved the charm of the old city, too. Odd how I thought the umbrellas tied up in front of the Bread Co. were decorated trees until I enlarged the photo!

    I actually call this the SILLY season.

  29. I realise that this year I am really pleased to see the festive things appearing. I think maybe it is because I have been away and not had time to get used to them.

  30. this is lovely. I love all the red for Christmas.


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