The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Calming Nourishment of "Same"

One of the things I've loved most about this past year is having the opportunity to share some posts with Modern Creative Life.

So, instead of sharing here today, I'm sending you there to enjoy a reflective look at "The Calming Nourishment of 'Same,'" which is a look at where and how I find peace and why sometimes different isn't always better -- just different.

I hope you'll stop by and read the post! (And thanks to editors Becca and Deb for publishing this one on my birthday! Yay, Medicare!)

And may I suggest you scroll down and check some of their other inspiring posts that touch on so many lovely things. You might want to check the submissions page, too! (hint, hint!)


  1. Here I go to check this out!

  2. Oh my . . .
    Loved, loved your piece about/in . . .
    The Calming Nourishment of Same . . .
    What a joy it must be to have this place, to create, rest, reflect, renew . . .
    Sacred indeed . . .
    And written so beautifully . . .

  3. Your essay about the cabin is beautiful, Jeanie. I enjoyed!!!

  4. Oh so great love it.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  5. You write SO well, Jeanie. This was an amazing piece, so well written and touching.

  6. Jeanie, my visits to your blog always feel like a mini vacation. Love your photos! Heading over to check out that post right now. Happy Medicare! (Does Hallmark have a card for that?!)

  7. Hi Jeanie,
    Your posts always leave me with a smile.. Enjoy your weekend, and thank you so much for your visit and kind words.

  8. On my way there and I love the photo here.........
    Happy weekend.

  9. Love this! Thanks for the share:!

  10. Loved the article. How very special to have a calming retreat like this family lake home. You make it sounds so welcoming and give me the desire to run there to the lake and that wonderful cabin.

  11. Hi Jeanie! I'll pop over and check this out!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. I enjoyed reading your calming nourishment of same, worlds apart from my life at the mo - as you will see in future months! How special to have had that family connection to your 'pond" going back to childhood, we don't have that in our life. Beautifully written :)
    Wren x

  13. It looks like a great blog Jeanie.
    You and your writing are always special so congrats on being included.
    AND Happy Happy Birthday week and month and year!!!
    Hope you're still celebrating ♥

  14. Well written, my friend! And happy belated birthday! I knew your birthday was close to my mom's (which was yesterday) but I was thinking it was after hers, not before. I hope that you had a special day!!!

  15. I very much enjoyed reading about your days on the lake, Jeanie. It seems like you have a peaceful place where you can relax and get inspired. Just perfect! I totally get that you love it so much.
    Happy belated Birthday!
    xo Julia


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