The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Greetings from Martha's Vineyard -- Arrival

Home again. And it all seems like a dream.

Rick and I have just spent the most remarkable week in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. If I had to decide between returning to Paris and returning to Martha's Vineyard, it would have to be a roll of the dice call. Yes, that nice.

I so rarely see the sunrise! It took a very early morning flight to make that happen!

Rick had a client on the Vineyard who flew us out, let us stay in his lovely guest house apartment and drive his car for the week. Rick would work and I would play. Oh, and John's wife ended up being someone special, too -- but that's for a later post. So, after a harried time waiting in line for security at Detroit Metro and thinking we would miss our flight, we finally took off. Two plane rides later, we landed!

While waiting for John to pick us up, I met Blue Miller. He had been on tour with India Arie and was on his way back to Nashville (Franklin, TN). Such a nice guy and interesting to talk with. It turned out he was from Detroit and had played back up on a couple of 1970s Bob Seger albums (he's a favorite) along with many others including  Michael Bolton, Aaron Neville,  Blake Shelton, Melissa Manchester, John Legend and more. Check out his website! Sure did make the wait even more fun!

After John picked us up and we got settled, he left us to have a day of fun before Rick's work began. We started by visiting their town, Edgartown, on the eastern tip of the island.

How would I describe it? Well, think white houses. And those that aren't white have the gray shingles one associates with a seaside town.

Think white picket fences, pretty gardens in front of the houses, and buildings that have been there for hundreds of years.


Think a wonderful port with sailboats and yachts, restaurants with a view, and shops that -- well, Michelle Obama can afford to shop there. But I love to look!

First it was time to stop for lunch -- and take a look at the map!


After lunch in a restaurant called "Behind the Bookstore" (because it was), we were off to explore other parts of the island -- end to end.

But first, a walk through Edgartown. I'll be back here! One of the discoveries was a Murdick's fudge shop. People in Michigan know Murdick's well -- it had its start on our own Mackinac Island! So, we gave it a wave and a pass and admired other things we might not be as likely to see at home.


Then it was time to hit the road. At the far western tip of the island in the area of Aquinnah was the Gay Head light. This lighthouse was originally built in 1856 (to replace the 1799 original). It and was moved in 2015 to the present location 135 feet away from the original. It was a massive but essential operation due to the eroding cliffs where it had previously stood.

The lighthouse is well maintained and it was interesting to go inside and note the historical documents well mounted on the walls.


The views were amazing. Take a look at that big house in the photo below. That's the Oceanmost Inn, owned by James Taylor's brother, Huey. We had hoped to eat there for my late birthday dinner (despite the extremely high price) but reservations are required. And made well in advance.

And take a look at that speck of an umbrella down there in the first photo. It's in the upper right quadrant of the picture. Quite a distance. I zoomed in on it. The photo next to it is not fully zoomed to 120x. When I did, we discovered a nude sunbather. Yes, I do have (several) photos. No, I'm not going to put them on the blog. But let's just say that if you're going to let it all hang out, remember, there are tourists like me with a very good zoom!

Near the lighthouse is a small touristy kind of "village" (for lack of a better word -- call it a shop-and-snack area).

This was a surprisingly good find in the shopping department as spots like this go and I wish we'd found it near the end of our stay for I would have surely bought more than I did!


Of course the whole area is filled with woods and water. And it is incredibly beautiful -- especially on a perfect day when the sun is high and the sky is blue.

I leave you with a few more of my favorite photos of the day.

Yes, I'm a happy girl.

Almost like a dream.

Next time we'll go to my favorite spot on Martha's Vineyard -- and you'll meet an amazing artist!

This post is linked to "Share Your Cup" (Thursday) and "Thoughts of Home on Thursday." Please visit and check out this week's other fun links!


  1. I love traveling through your posts. It is the next best thing to being there! Love to you both.

  2. Great photos! I was on Martha's Vineyard 40 years ago and still remember thinking how beautiful it was then.

  3. I enjoyed this post every much. I visited Martha's Vineyard years ago and found it so charming. We stayed in Oak Bluffs which had some adorable cottages in a "camp" setting. I also saw Susan Branch at the Bunch of Grapes books store when she published her first cookbook book. We also ate at the Black Dog restaurant -- her future husband owned it then!

  4. Thanks for the peek into Martha's Vineyard. I am storing up places to visit like this for when my youngest moves on from home. For now he comes with us and endures the shopping!!

  5. Sounds like a beautiful place to visit.

  6. Do you believe that I have been living in Mass. and I have yet to go to Martha's Vineyard? After looking at your gorgeous pics, it will not be for long. I am moving it up on my bucket list. So glad you loved it. Have a great weekend!!

  7. One of my fave places on earth too!
    The fisrt time I went was for our 25th..we have been twice..

    we have been ore often to the Cape..and we think next year it will be MV again:)
    We can drive there..and route 6A in the Cape is soo nice..I love everything about the place!
    Great pics!

  8. Now Jeanie, why wouldn't you share the photos of the nude bather? You're an artist! LOL

    Great post!.

    best... mae at

  9. Oh Jeanie, I enjoyed the photos so much, I almost feel like I was there! From that big smile I would say you indeed had a grand time. The weather looked amazing and I love the idea of the little cafe behind the bookstore. Enjoy all the book and then grab lunch! I have to go there............

  10. Thanks for sharing your idyllic summer journeys. Everything is beautiful, especially that last photo. Dreamscape captured.

  11. Ohhhhh, I want to go here. I know I would fall in love with it. Everything is wonderful. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  12. What a fab place you visited, you really get around! Love all the photos, thanks for sharing, and thanks for the comments you left on my bog. Have fun, hugs, Valerie

  13. Looks like a fun trip! I love those fences ♥

  14. I've never been to Martha's Vineyard... Your post certainly has me sold on making a trip!

  15. Martha's Vineyard is a special place. I've been there a couple of times many years ago, in the off season, but it was still beautiful. Loved seeing your photos and glad to see it hasn't changed much. What an awesome adventure you got to have. Hugs-Erika

  16. How lucky are you! I've never been there, but i have fond memories of Marthas Vineyard from Julia Orminds version of Sabrina, when Harison Ford, the older brother, steals her heart... your pictures are gorgeous. Thanks for taking us with you. Look forward to the next installment...

  17. Jeanie, there is no where like New England, is there!

    Of all the 11 years we lived in Mass., we never made it to the Vineyard, but Marblehead and other coastal towns were always are weekend destinations, and nothing beats a light house or a cottage with a picket fence. GLORIOUS!

  18. Oh my gosh, how lovely. I'm not sure I'll see Martha's Vineyard in my lifetime.

  19. What a great trip! Martha's Vineyard is incredibly beautiful. I love all your pictures....! I'm happy to see you are traveling and that must mean you are feeling pretty good, my dear Jeannie.I'm happy for you and Rick.

    Thanks for your comment......I have been having a very rough time of it and on top of all my Health issues, my Guest Bathroom fell apart----It is a nightmare! I cannot leave the house so all the horrendous work is going on with me right here in the middle. My lungs are not happy!! Too complicated to go into but lets just say the "toilet" had a Nervous Breakdown----(trying to be light hearted about it), but......between the nightmare of it all and the COST----OY VEY!...
    I'm not on my computer very much at all these past months. Sorry about that, but---that is the way things are at this time.Getting old "Ain't For Sissy's" to quote Bette Davis---and she was right. Turned 85 in June! HELP!!!!
    Thanks for staying in touch, my dear.....
    BIG Hugs to you and Rick...((((((((((HUGS))))))))))

  20. It does look like an idyllic week. I love the lighthouse, especially, and the views of the water. I'll probably never get out there -- to many places between here and there to stop at first! -- but it's always a joy to follow you and Rick around. You know how to enjoy life!

  21. Jeanie, I think you've just taken my dream trip! I so enjoyed seeing your photos here and on Instagram. You always have the prettiest smile. ;)

  22. I'm late getting here, but I am in love with this post. You look so happy and the photos are incredible. Had to laugh at your 120X lens. It's truly amazing, and you got some simply incredible shots, too.

  23. Dearest Jeanie,
    after this period of 'interlude' which I had to allow myself due to work reasons - the Short Lets I manage here at Tenuta Geremia, the speech about the Empress of Austria I had to prepare and to perform at the conference which was held last Saturday at Madonna di Campiglio, in our Dolomiti, some works of restoration here and the family to join and follow took me far from the pc for more than a month and a half - I'm so happy to enjoy your posts again, I've been missing you so, so much sweetie !

    With these amazing photos of yours you truly made my day, believe me, with them you share so much gladness and joy !

    Hope you're enjoying your day, I'm sending my dearest love to you

    Xx Dany

  24. What a fabulous place, and what fabulous images! Thank you.

    Eager to see more. :-)

  25. What an amazing getaway for you two - I am glad you were able to join Rick. You look absolutely radiant in these photos! Summer and travel sure suits you well, Jeanie!

    I have never been to Martha's Vineyard but I would love to visit some day!!!

  26. Oh, Jeanie... such GORGEOUSNESS!! I could just cry--the beauty... *sigh* ... I never been, but have known it to be beautiful, and now I get why--adding to the bucket list! ;) It's like a dream come true kind of place. So glad you had a chance to go along with Rick and that you both had time to drink it in and enjoy... Look forward to more! Happy Days ((HUGS))

  27. Well I guess you saw everything! wink, wink. Lots of name dropping too! You fit right in with all the beautiful people. Gosh what a lovely place to visit in summer!

  28. Thank you for sharing your Martha's Vineyard adventure. I felt like I was right there with you. Such a charming place.....I want to go!!!

  29. What a fabulous place Jeanie! I'm so glad you got to go. Easy to tell from the photos that you had a great time! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  30. Looks lovely . . .
    I must go . . .
    Bucket list!
    Never know what the zoom lens brings into focus . . .
    Wow . . .

  31. Jeanie, your photos brought back memories! Six years ago, "the girlfriends" rented a house overlooking the water for a week. We had such fun exploring. I wonder if the little cupcake shop is still there? We frequented it often.

  32. I just love your smile, Jeanie. :)


  33. The lighthouse, behind the bookstore...we were just there! It is so beautiful! Pam @ Everyday Living


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