The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, July 18, 2016

Postcards from the Lake 2 -- Bits and Pieces

Enjoying time at Rick's family reunion so here are just a few pix from the week. The captions say it all.

Building art                      
Favorite Petoskey store -- Joie de Vie

Horton Bay bookstore

Visit with Mark and Katie!

Farmers market favorite! Sweet black cherries!

Crafternoon with Katie making scarves!

On my walk

Another sunset. I know they look all the same but I can tell the difference!

A little rain means time to talk by the fire!

Hi Mary! Good to see you!

Nothing like a good fire!
Back soon with more postcards from the lake!


  1. Wonderful photos, looks like you are having a good time. Erasmus had a great attitude! Hugs, Valerie

  2. What wonderful days you're having, Jeanie! I especially love the images of talking by the fire with family and good friends on a rainy day!

  3. This looks like a wonderful summer time experience. Those cool evenings with a fire, what a great fireplace, and book shops and crafts. This is a magical time away. Hugs-Erika

  4. It looks like peaceful, slow living at the lake. We cozy by the fire, too. Today it's raining here, but I don't have as many visitors as you!

  5. Oh wow. Oh wow. I love all your postcards. I really like the fish and the family time together around a fire. What a lovely time you must have had.

  6. Great pictures of your reunion - the are terrific. Enjoy your time with family.


  7. It looks like you have a wonderful time, Jeanie. Wishing you more lovely days at the lake.

  8. This is a wonderful postcard, although that fire made me pause. Is it actually cool enough for a fire, or do you have the air conditioning turned on? It's been so hot here that everything seems ready to spontaneously combust. If you have cool, I envy you!

  9. Great images of what will surely become very fond memories.

  10. Oh my . . . does that look like a "cottage of comfort!"
    Great pictures Jeanie!

  11. I love your postcards from the lake. Great photos and it looks so comfy and cozy there. Got room for two more! Enjoy dear Jeanie, every hour of every day…………


  12. Mmm... Cherries!

    I'm glad you're enjoying your Summer.

    I've always believed that no sunrise, or sunset, or anything else in nature, is completely identical. That's why I happily post photos of the same view out of our window of the ocean... I believe every one is different, even on days when the weather is the same, if that makes sense.

  13. What wonderful remembrances of a special summer. Sitting by the fire with special friends and relatives is priceless! Sunsets, flowers, crafts, loved the sign (Yes, for books). The cherries, yummo! And the shop looks like one I would love too.

  14. Beautiful photos! That sunset photos is gorgeous! And pass me some cherries - those look amazing! They don't grow in this region so I am envious of people who live in regions where they grow as that is one of my favorite fruits! The fires all look so cozy, too!

  15. Looks like a great time with Mark and Katie! Glad you guys got to have a fun reunion!

  16. Wonderful images, life is good!

  17. My best Summers growing up were at the lake and this post brings back such warm memories.

  18. Your summer posts are exquisite, Jeanie! I know what you mean, although we see flowers and yes, sunset everyday, they are always different every time. Love that flowery window, and the fireplace. Glad you're enjoying yourself. Your Joie de Vie is contagious. ;)

  19. This looks like such a fun stay-can you send me your address again.
    Thank you.

  20. Oh, my it looks absolutely idyllic! Those pretty flowers - and the cherries- and the sociable circle around the fire... and the fire itself. So much atmosphere! I hope you continue to enjoy your lovely holiday, Jeanie. Wish I could join you! :D


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