The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Welcome to the Beach!

For a number of years, Rick and I have been coming to Myrtle Beach for his annual trade show. We missed a few years and returning was like seeing an old friend where you always have a good time.

Actually, that happened -- I saw an old friend (human) and had a wonderful time!

Our destination was a new motel (to us), the Sea Echo, a block from the beach and a few blocks from the convention center so we could walk everywhere. It wasn't fancy and could use a couple of inside cosmetic improvements but the owners were great and you couldn't beat the convenience, location or price.

We arrived after a ten hour trip from Columbus and we were pooped! (The drive through the gorgeous states of West Virginia and Virginia was breathtaking. Hearts out to those in WV and other parts of the South dealing with the aftermath of the recent terrible storm.) But a walk on the beach does a lot to cure that!

Rick had to teach a seminar the next day but a friend from my PBS days who lives in Columbia came down for the day. I hadn't seen Maryanne since I retired! We talked as though it had been yesterday, then enjoyed time on the beach. (This is what happens when you open your camera lens in SC humidity after being inside air-con!)

Did I mention the beach? It's glorious! Huge, crashing waves that slap you down. Everyone in the water seems as though they are each other's best friend -- young or old!

This is what happens when you get to Myrtle. You walk between the condos on Ocean Boulevard, over a boardwalk and see a view of the ocean through the tall grass.

Then it's this. Row after row of colorful umbrellas!

And then this! Yes, that's Rick, riding the waves!

Should you turn around you see condos like this -- miles and miles of them, up and down the beach!

Maryanne brought bubbles that floated in the air! Perfect!

She also brought a bottle of prosecco so we could toast to our mutual blog friend and inspiration, Vivian Swift. Maryanne won Vivian's drawing for some of her glorious original art and we wanted to celebrate both having Vivian Swift originals! (Unfortunately, she didn't think she should imbibe before riding home that evening, so she left the prosecco for Rick and me. We did imbibe!

Our dinner on the porch that night was the best of the Piggly Wiggly -- some cheese, meat, and in lieu of a real baguette, Italian bread in a wrapper. Not the best, yet exactly what we wanted -- to sit on our porch and enjoy the warm but breezy evening.

There is more to Myrtle than the beach. In the distance we saw the skywheel.

And some of the flowers are drop-dead gorgeous -- just blooming on any old bush!

But truth be told, to me, it's all about the ocean, the umbrellas, the beach.

Footprints in the sand.

Stacked up beach chairs.

Walking on the beach at dusk.

And watching the almost-full moon...

While holding hands.

I sure am glad Rick decided to take me along!

And this one?

It says it all.


  1. Hi, Jeanie. What fun. You look deleriously happy.

    My sister lives in WV. Her county is relatively safe in comparison to others. My brother heard about it while he was walking the Camino in Spain and he called het. Huge news everywhere.

  2. Oh this makes me want to run to the sun and the beach. I would love the umbrellas and stacks of chairs too, but most of all spending it with a good friend and your special love. Glad he took you too.

  3. Sigh. You look like you've come home in these pictures... any chance? (We sure would miss you here in the midwest, but, gosh, you look awfully happy here.)

  4. I'm sure you had such a wonderful time, dearest Jeanie, to meet old friends always fill our heart with so much joy ... I mean both Maryanne and your Myrtle Beach ... and if you're already back at home you certainly are still living that joy in your inner world !

    Wishing you all my best for the remainder of your weekend, dearie, sending hugs and so much love to you

    Xx Dany

  5. Wonderful photos! The weather looks fantastic. I like location, convenience and cost in a motel (and cleanliness) more than the latest fittings (tho those are nice too). Have fun!

  6. Looks like a wonderful trip and most of all, a lot of fun! I enjoyed your post and felt like I had a few moments of being there with you. :) Erika

  7. I have very much enjoyed your photos, I love the sea and beach, and it is something I miss here. Glad you had such a wonderful stay there and enjoyed meeting up with old friends for a happy time. Hugs, Valerie

  8. What a great post. Love all the beautiful pictures and wow those umbrella's oh so very pretty and colorful.

    Sounds and looks like you had a wonderful time. It's always so nice to met up with old friends and catch up.


  9. Oh Jeanie, blowing bubbles, laughing, seeing old friends, the beach does that to us, doesn't it!!!!!!!! I am so happy you are enjoying your time there! Much love!

  10. I'm glad he took you too... You can't beat time spent on the beach, that's why we decided to move right on the coast a few years ago. Or, rather, why it was spacifically the coast we decided to move to when the decision to move was made.

  11. Those vibrant yellow and orange flowers are native lantana. The tropical variety is pink and yellow -- both varieties are lovely, but I'd be excited to see these. I think my favorite photo is the stacked beach chairs -- or maybe the view down to the beach through the sea grass.

    What a lovely time you had. It's a little too populated for me -- my preference is for a cottage on an isolated stretch of beach -- but given the need to be close to a trade show, I'd say you found the perfect spot. And Piggly Wiggly! We don't have them here, but every time I hear the chain mentioned, I think of "Driving Miss Daisy."

  12. Well you don't need to convince me, I love the beach. It does wonders for me, sitting in a chair under the umbrella, waves crashing and a good book. Evenings are wonderful walks and mornings sitting on a balcony and enjoying the view with my cup of joe. A toast to beach girls…………….
    Enjoy your beach days Jeanie…...

  13. You look so happy!
    You always do..Hope Vivian sees this:)

  14. Refreshing in every pic and word . . .
    Oh golly, miss Molly . . .
    What a fun read and the views!
    It makes me want to grab my bathing suit and jump the waves . . .
    Loved the colorful "brellies" . . .

  15. What glorious pictures! That is good PR for Myrtle Beach. We are not too far from there but somehow have never been there, and that is too bad. It looks like a wonderful place to relax and your pics show that you are doing just that. Enjoy it!

  16. Your beach photos really capture what makes a beach so irresistible.
    best... mae at

  17. You look so happy in these photos! That is great that you were able to reconnect with a friend while in MB. You did a great job of capturing the best parts of MB. I went there with my mom, sisters, and sisters-in-law in October of 2013 and we had such a great time. There's just nothing like being on the water and hearing the crashing waves!

  18. Jeanie,
    You know this: the time we spent together just zoomed by, but it was so good to see you and Rick. I cherish the time we spent on the patio at the Sea Echo,with our mutual show-n-tell.(Your art journal was inspirational!) Lunch with the cute waiter, then both of us giggling like kids as we sashayed into the surf. It was like a big beach vacation compressed into a couple hours.
    Thanks for these pix, too (nice cropping, chiquita.)
    Hope our paths cross again soon-! XOXOXO,Maryanne

  19. Looks like you had an all around super time Jeanie.
    There is something special about getting sand between your toes and sea salt on your skin.
    And connecting with old friends too.
    Nice way to celebrate the start of summer.
    One of the things we really enjoyed about the Myrtle Beach area was nearby Brookgreen Gardens! Really wonderful place.

  20. Love the beach! Glad you got to enjoy it! And - a visit with an old friend.... What could be better? :-)

  21. This is a gorgeous place and I really enjoyed your take on the motel and meal. Had to laugh at the best Piggly Wiggly had to offer, because we don't have those stores here in KS.

    Since I've never been there, I thoroughly enjoyed the photos and the wonderful time you and your friend had while Rick taught his seminar. It was a simply wonderful post for me, since everything about it was new. Loved it all!

  22. Looks like an amazing time! Love seeing your happy face! I've never been to Myrtle Beach... I've got to get there.

  23. Looks like y'all had a great time! So glad you got to go...and that you got home safely as well. Your pictures are pretty! Love those little mom/pop type hotels (many converted to condos now)....those were around when I was a very small child! Many of them still look the same.

  24. Dear Jeanie,
    There is something about sitting near the ocean and smelling the air.. Just takes me away. So very calming... You certainly know how to enjoy each day to the fullest.. You and Rick look like you are having a grand time.

  25. Jeanie... The Mister and I took our first vacation together in Myrtle Beach. Love it. Your pics are darling and your darling face lights up every photo you are in. Enjoy your week!

  26. Those colored umbrellas are delightful. So many interesting pictures on here today......the skywheel, footprints in the sand, the moon, the orange flowers, and the "holding hands." I am no stranger to the ocean, as my husband and son are both surfers!


  27. Dear Jeanie,
    I LoVe your story telling, and what a great ad for Myrtle Beach!
    Thank you for sharing the fun,


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