The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, June 16, 2016

On the Road!

I'm taking a bit of a break this week.

I'm itching to feel sand between my toes... sit in a beach chair and hear the roar of the ocean (and yes, jump in it, too!)...

...and then enjoy glorious sunsets from atop a mountain!

Can't wait to share it with you soon!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful idea - have BIG fun whatever you get up to! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Have a great trip! Wave to the Asheville region for me as that was hands down my favorite area to visit when I lived in NC!!

  3. Have a great "sand tickling time" Jeannie!

  4. Even a stay-cation should be a fun way to relax. I'm sure you will fill us in on all the fun as soon as you return. Have a super trip.

  5. Have fun, Jeanie! Safe trip.

  6. I love the ocean- and the beaches down in NC and SC are just gorgeous. Enjoy. Can't say I've been to the western NC mountains so I can't wait to see those photos, well all your photos actually. Have fun. Hugs-Erika

  7. Enjoy your holiday, dearest Jeanie !
    Sending hugs and ever much love to you

    With so much thankfulness


  8. Jeanie, there is nothing like the feel of sand under your feet and the sound of waves lapping the shore! It sounds wonderful and I know you will enjoy. Pack your favorite summer read and enjoy. Make lots of pics!

  9. That sounds SO good, Jeanie! Have a marvelous time!!

  10. Enjoy, Can I come with you?

  11. *Waves at you across the ocean*

    Hope your time on the beach is fun and relaxing.

  12. Relax, enjoy, rest, take lots of photos. Looking forward to hearing more soon.

  13. I hope you are having a wonderful time!! Used to live much fun to see and do and I just know you're going to enjoy being back at the ocean. Safe journeys!! And the weather has cooled down some and is just perfect for a visit!! Not as hot as last weekend when it was sweltering!

  14. Wishing you safe and HAPPY travels,Jeanie! :) ((HUGS))

  15. Hope you're soaking up the beauty and unusually low humidity in my state this week, that we're being good to you:) Next time I hope to meet and greet you myself! Big joy to you in the journey, friend.
    Hope it Summers you well,

  16. Ohhhhhhh! Swooning over the thought of it.

  17. Lucky duck... the only "sand" I've felt between my toes is spilled cat litter... *sigh*

  18. Now that I live in a landlocked state, I don't often get to feel the sand between my toes.

    Hope you enjoy your trip and your beach time!

    Patti @ Embracing HOme

  19. Absolutely lovely photos...hope you enjoy a relaxing Summer vacation:-)

  20. I hope you had a nice break, Jeanie. It sounds just like something I need right now. Love that travel sign.


  21. Your break looks like my sort of place, the sand between your toes and glorious sunsets! I'm happy to be catching up with your trips
    Wren x


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