The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, May 13, 2016

Memory Lane

I always love walking on the beautiful Michigan State University campus in the spring. But when you can walk the paths you walked as a student fortysomething years ago, step inside your old dorm, eat where you used to dine in the residence hall complex and do it all with one of your old college roommates, it's even better!


LeAnne came over for an afternoon that included all those things. And all these photos are from our walk because I didn't take pictures in the dining hall -- which now resembles a food court with lots of different stations. It wasn't like going through the line where they slapped salisbury steak and mashed potatoes on your plate and offered unlimited soft serve. (Actually, they still offer unlimited soft serve -- with toppings and dozens of other desserts!) I was thinking today's college kids don't have it nearly so tough as we did!

Brody Complex's main communal area never looked like this when we were at MSU!
 Then it was off on our walk. Over the river...

...accompanied by an array of white bud and redbud trees. The redbud is a candidate for America's national tree and I'd vote for it in a heartbeat. I'd never seen the white-bud trees before.

Past the baseball stadium, much improved since our college days!

Down the road by the stadium, where we ran into a friend who took our photo! Then over another bridge.

Then back to the Beal Garden, where flowers were beginning to bloom...



Cheery daisies, dogwood...


Colorful tulips...

And more redbuds!


Even the ducks were enjoying the warm humid day!

(And yes, I played with a few of my camera settings!)

Squirrels were everywhere but few paused long enough for a photo!

We passed a full-bloom lilac bush and LeAnne (and I) couldn't resist going in for good sniffs!

The music building looked lovely -- more redbuds! I'd never seen this before -- apparently this is what happens when you trim a red bud tree -- more buds appear!


And of course the statuary on the campus is a real treat. This one is title The Three Musicians by Samuel Cashwan.

We crossed over to the older dorms. Don't you think that anyone who saw dormitories like these would want to move in today?

I stayed in one of these during a high school journalism camp. The rooms are actually pretty small. But they are so charming!

Between the lilacs, apple blossoms and some other unidentified but equally sweet fragrances, it was a multisensory experience!

After we finished walking through the older part of campus we moved on to the horticulture and children's gardens. The horticulture garden really hadn't kicked in yet, but the children's garden is always delightful.


There's a certain charm to it, with its pizza garden, salad garden, maze and the arched bridge inspired by the one at Giverny.

Just being on that bridge brought back some special memories of its original counterpart! Time for a  couple of mystical special camera settings!


Pansies are my favorites, so I couldn't leave without a few photos!

Like I said, I can't resist!

I leave you with a look at two happy friends, who shared a flood of memories -- two years in the dorm, two years off campus, weddings and football games and getting to class in the winter! And, we enjoyed a far better lunch than any we experienced decades ago.

And with an invitation to those within easy driving distance of MSU -- the trees are fabulous and the flowers looking good. It won't last forever so if the weather is good, pop on over...

And bring your camera!

This post is linked to Beverly's Pink Saturday collection! Get in the pink right HERE.


  1. What a treat to stroll
    the MSU campus with
    you! Imagine that spring
    and fall are both glorious
    times to tour : ) So lovely!

    My son participated in
    "Sparta Hack" at MSU
    in February. It was a
    computer hackathon
    sponsored by the school
    and many tech companies.
    Traveled there by himself,
    so I didn't get to see the
    campus. Imagine it wasn't
    as pretty, then!

    Have a wonderful weekend
    and enjoy this very pretty
    time of the year!

    xo Suzanne

    PS: Thank you, again, for
    your sweet and thoughtful
    comments on my last blog
    post. You are most definitely
    a "magic-seer!"

  2. Trillium!
    I almost gasped when I saw that closeup.
    Trillium and lilac, too!
    Oh, this native northerner misses those so much.
    Your photos really convey the beauty of every single blossom and flower. What a lovely campus, too. Yes, I can imagine you two going to school there back then. And unlimited softserve from the dining hall! YES! Thanks for the trip, Jeanie!

  3. Taking photos in spring is just too easy, with all the flowers blooming everywhere. Your collection is really beautiful. And yes, I suspect that they've really capitulated to pressure and made dorm food better than it used to be.

    best... mae at

  4. Beautiful photos of a beautiful campus. What a nice way to spend time with an old friend.

  5. What a beautiful campus and what beautiful photos. I love redbud trees, too. I don't have one, but my next-door neighbor does. That's almost as good as having one, right? Thanks for the stroll. Loved it.

  6. What gorgeous pictures! Looks like you two had a glorious time. Wonderful.

  7. Oh my, this was stunning. Look at those gorgeous colors! So glad you took us along.
    The flowers are fantastic, but my favorite are your smiles. :) :)
    PS-Get that caftan! I hear hips disappear. :)

  8. What a beautiful campus and those trees - stunning. I love the Red Bud trees.

    It looks like you and your friend had a great time going down memory lane. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photo's with us.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  9. What a gorgeous campus. How fun to go back and visit with your college friend. The hubby and I got together with one of our college friends a few weeks back and it is always good to get together. Besides the food (and this part of your post sounds really familiar) did it feel very different to be there, like a weird time warp visit? :) Erika

  10. What fun to reunite with an old friend and in such gorgeous spring splendor too!
    All of those blooms are already history here.
    It is peony time here in Virginia.
    I have never heard or seen a white bud.
    Funny that they call the beautiful purple blooms Redbud isn't it.
    You sure picked a perfect time to visit.
    Such wonderful blooms everywhere you turned.


    I just want to SHOUT with joy when I see redbud trees, and JEANIE, you have WHITE BUD?????? And look at these pink crabapples trees! LORD ABOVE.....this is fabulous. Hasn't this been just the best spring????

    And you have dogwoods! We used to see them in Boston, with their almost floating flowers suspended in the misty air. Love this.

  12. Thanks so much for the wonderful trip through spring at MSU. I miss the beauty of the red buds and dogwood and lilac - all trees and flowers that just don't make it in Texas. Your blogs are just the best. Love to you and Rick.

  13. Beautiful captures of spring flowers, the campus looks so alluring, what a lovely day you must have had together.

  14. Glad you had such a wonderful time re-exploring your old college campass, and catching up with your friend.

  15. Oh what a beautiful campus Jeanie. Those trees and blooms are enough to make one sing out loud!!!! I have a redbud tree and they are stunning. Our spring is long gone and I am strolling up and down looking at these fabulous photos. What a beautiful show of springtime you had for your visit down memory lane and lunch with your friend. Great post……….
    Happy Saturday.

  16. Absolutely lovely . . .
    Every little blossom, flowered, petal, path way and bud . . .
    Just beautiful . . .
    Your spring . . . just a few hours from mine is much more in bloom.

  17. I wonder what a lovely, unforgettable time you had together, in such a stunning, gorgeous place, furthermore ... this fairy frame has made your day even much more precious, hasn't it ?

    Enjoy your weekend, dearie, may it be filled with so much joy,
    sending blessings to you across the ocean

    xox ~ Dany

  18. Look at those pink blossom trees at your old college campus, they're beautiful. Love that arched bridge. It's nice to see a picture of you, you have such a warm smile. That must have been funny seeing all the squirrels. You know, I love taking pictures of the squirrels, but I'm a bit afraid of them. What a nice day you had with your college roommate.

    Thank you for the Birthday wishes. It means a lot to me.


  19. Wow, all of these photos are gorgeous! How fun to take a walk down memory lane with a good friend and do so during such a beautiful time of year. We do not have many of those redbud trees, or at least not in the area of Minneapolis where I live but I remember seeing them a lot when I lived in Charlotte. They are so gorgeous!

    I haven't been back to my alma mater (UND) in many years but it would be fun to return some day! I know it has changed a lot in the 13 years since I graduated so can't imagine what it will look like even further down the road from when I've graduated!

  20. What a beautiful campus. You take great pics.

  21. I didn't realize Michigan was so colorful and beautiful. Quite impressive.

  22. Oh my golly gosh what an amazing trip down memory lane - I must say I really think the US do college campuses really well, well I think of the concrete jungle that we have over here. Those flowers and trees could be in any park in the world and people would come from miles around to see. I hope the beauty of the place is appreciated by todays students, although maybe it takes 40 years for it to really sink in what an amazing place it is!
    Wren x

  23. Somehow I've missed this post until now. I would love to travel back to one or two of my alma maters. Your campus is gorgeous, and the trees are amazing. Truly beautiful and so colorful, too.

    One thing I can say about Wichita State (where I got my Ph.D) is it has one of the country's best selection of sculptures. It used to have the most sculptures, but now I think another campus has more, since we've stopped buying them.

    One thing about my undergrad college is all the buildings, including the old and new ones, all model themselves to look similar. They are all made of brick and marble, which is mined close (in the same state) to the campus.

    My Master's degree was achieved mostly at night, in a city 50 miles from where I lived, so I didn't see much of it, nor did I ever stick around to appreciate it.

    I'm so glad you had a good college experience, and I'm sure I would have enjoyed those dorms if I'd ever stayed in one. They have such an impressive charm to them.

    Thanks for taking us on your trip down college memory lane again. It's certainly fun to visit there with you (and your friend, too).

  24. Jeanie...Love all the gorgeous pics. My best friend's daughter went to MSU law school and she always commented about the beauty of the campus. Hope you have a great week. You and Lee Anne look like you could get in some serious trouble together!!

  25. How amazing to revisit those beautiful chapters with your old roomie!
    That's just brilliant:) As is your smile:)
    I like the way you honor your journey.
    Thanks for the inspire,

  26. One of my husband's old friends went to MSU and he gave us sweatshirts several years ago. One day we were out walking a popular path and several people we passed smiled and said "Go Blue." We were so confused until my husband looked down and saw that he was wearing the sweatshirt!

  27. My, that is an imposing and beautiful old place. Most British colleges don't seem to offer such attractive surroundings. Even the Oxford and Cambridge ones tend to lock the best gardens away for the high ups to enjoy, although I guess I'm generalising somewhat there. The redbuds look as if they are pink - and they look as if they should have fruit later in the year. I wonder if they do.


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