The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Southern Exposure: Wine and Canvas

Let the season begin! Southern Exposures spring workshops have begun and I was pleased to be at the first, "Wine and Canvas."

But first, a look at the gardens as they are waking up to a new year. Let's wander through the gate. Not many flowers are in bloom yet.

But the buildings are looking terrific.

And so, too, is the statuary.

I couldn't resist playing with some of the tricks on my new camera! With one, you shoot one frame and it alters it in any number of ways, adjusting color, zooming in and out! I never know till I download what I'll find!


Maybe even a sketch!

I find a visit to Southern Exposure is the equivalent of a spiritual retreat. There you are with nature, beauty, loveliness all around

And should you think there were no flowers in bloom, think again! Daffodils were joined by potted pansies ...


... and primroses were everywhere!


There is good camaraderie among the participants, both at dinner and while working on the project. And of course the tables are beautifully set and the dinner divine. (This time it was a Monet-inspired dinner of chicken stuffed with brie, asparagus, new potatoes and a salad with a marvelous vinaigrette, all topped off with a marvelous apple pastry.)


Then it was on to the craft tent where the chickens joined us!

I have to say I didn't feel the project worked for me. We only have about an hour to do it, so our canvas was prepped with a neutral taupe/brown. We were given leaf stencils and white paint. I, of course, didn't always stencil well -- it's not my artistic strong suit! I ended up using some straw from the hay bales we were working on to "fix" my mistakes (and make some veins).

Final verdict? Very fun and OK -- but I wasn't satisfied.


So, home I go -- and, yes, you guessed it! I got out the acrylics, some French text, texturing mediums, and got to work.

 And the vertical... (there's some camera glare, but you get the idea).

I'm feeling better about it now. It's not my best but a good rescue for me! I can already see it at the lake!

I have three more trips to Southern Exposure planned for this spring, so stay tuned!


  1. Your time there appears both peaceful and productive, even if you aren't thrilled with the final result. The food sounds very good too.

    best... mae at

  2. Always love your photos of Southern Exposure. Cool settings on your camera. I like how you
    fixed" your canvas. - it's all good.

  3. Your project looks wonderful to me. This looks like such an inspiring place to get your creative juices flowing. Thanks for sharing with us at Talk of the Town.

  4. I always love seeing your pictures from your trips to Southern Exposure. The grounds look so beautiful and I love that there were already some flowers blooming!

    I really like the changes you made to your painting. The first one is just not 'you'. But with the changes, I see your artistic personality coming through and it's way more beautiful and interesting!

  5. Oh my gosh, how beautiful!
    I love the acrylic pieces.

  6. Did you have to say "chicken with brie"! There is no comparison between the fern beginning and the bird ending. (You make me smile.)

  7. Your photos are so pretty. I need to backtrack and read about Southern Exposure. Jemma was telling me it's like an artist retreat?

    Happy Thoughts of Home on Thursday. :)

  8. Love seeing you play with paints and your new camera. You always have so fun adventures to this wonderful place. Loving what I see.

  9. Wow- what a gorgeous place. I can't wait to see your next trip's photos. And great art. You must get ltos of inspiration being in such a beautiful place. :) Erika

  10. What a beautiful tablescape and the menu sounds so good.

    Love all the things you can do with your camera. I just have a Digital Sony camera that my son got me about 4 years ago. Nothing fancy, will have to save up my money and get a better one.

    Your garden is pretty even without your flowers blooming. Love all the statues.

    Have a terrific weekend.

  11. Jeanie,
    I have the best news to share with you.
    You have inspired me! In June I am working with a team of other Texas Ladies to host a art/craft workshop at my home!
    It was you, who turned me on to this idea and here we go.
    Now, we won't have chickens and such but we will have food, laughter, friendship and crafts!
    Thank you for sharing your snippets of life with us and for sharing this post with us at Thoughts Of Home On Thursday!

  12. You're project turned out beautifully. What a metamorphosis.

    The food sounds delicious. It really is a beautiful setting for art classes, and it does have the feel of a retreat. Spring is bursting out all over down here. I'm so happy about that. Although it was rainy yesterday. Of course, we can't have flowers without rain. :)

  13. Somehow I thought I had already left a comment, but saw this was on my screen when I woke from sitting in front of my computer. Not the best way to take a "power nap."

    This looks like a remarkable place to share fun, food, drink, and art with like minded friends. And the early spring garden is beautiful, too.

    Personally, I liked your creation better than the one that had been planned for you. I have a problem with stencils, too. So glad to see you made this canvas your own.

  14. I'm sorry you aren't too happy with your project. It sounds like the workshop itself - and the trip out there - was as much fun as usual though! Also, other than the chicken part of it, dinner sounds fantastic once again; a perfect Spring menu!

  15. I'm always happy for you when you get to go out to Southern Exposure. You clearly enjoy it so much, and that's good. But you know -- by the time I look at all the photos, I'm feeling just slightly claustrophobic. It seems like such a cluttered place, and I just don't do well with clutter -- as you know. Still, I expect by your next trip, spring will be in full bloom, and I always enjoy seeing the floral displays out there.

    I do love the final result of your project. I think you improved it mightily, and I certainly can see it at the lake.

  16. I can see how you could feel you were on a spiritual retreat, it is beautiful there. I love the features on your camera, fun playing like that! I think you did a great job with your "rescue" and it will be lovely at the cabin. Your dinner sounds delicious and the table was lovely. I'm sure you will enjoy all of these…….
    Happy weekend.

  17. I could stare at your pics all day. I really love the purple shot up top and the flower pics.

  18. What a wonderful place! As for the craft project, sometimes we learn the most from something outside our comfort zone and not quite satisfactory!

  19. You have such gorgeous statuary in your garden. This post is such a happy addition to Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Thank you SO much for sharing the joy.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. Dearest Jeanie! HAPPY SATURDAY!

    You and I are on the same weather path and it's encouraging to see your landscape is developing at the pace ours is. The trees have this green "fuzziness" to them, the forsythia is in bloom, but yesterday, we got a squall, ice rain, and clouds. I guess that's the payment for spring, the sad clouds bring happy colors. WHAT A GREAT CAMERA YOU HAVE! Do tell, what kind is it and what great functions! Almost a built-in Photoshop!

    The adorable is THAT! A great inspiration to have nature around you as you create. HAVE MORE FUN!

  21. Oh my, loved your "rescue!"
    Very creative . . .
    I need to read up more on Southern Exposure . . .
    I know I looked it over when you mentioned it before
    but I need to check into it more.
    Looks like a beautuful setting . . .

  22. This is all so delicious.
    Inspired and delighted
    and loving your camera-play:)
    Thanks for sharing what's blooming
    in your life's garden:)

  23. Talk about the perfect spring retreat! Southern Exposure sounds like so much fun.

    (I'm catching up with blogging. I couldn't blog after my cataract surgery. The glare was too much on the screen.)


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