The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, October 30, 2015

Southern Exposure: A Late Autumn Visit

When my friend Jan and I decided not to go to Germany in December, we felt like we could treat ourselves to something special. So we added an additional Southern Exposure workshop to our already full schedule and decided to make a second autumn arrangement.

I'm quite sure we both wanted to do this partly for the arrangement -- and partly because we couldn't resist driving through the tunnel of trees en route, all dressed up in their autumn finery!

But as you know from reading other posts on Southern Exposure (search Southern Exposure in the search bar on the left rail of this blog), just being there is an experience. And autumn may be the best of all!

Our workshop was in the morning so after a delicious breakfast of quiche, sausage, fruit, yogurt, croissant and mimosa, we went off to the tent to make our arrangement -- a wall sconce filled with fresh hydrangea that would later dry, autumn leaves, yarrow and seedum.

Of course, the table decorations were perfect...

...and even the lights had their own garlands!

It was one of the prettiest we'd done and we were thrilled after with the results!

Then we walked the gardens and they were quite spectacular.


Pumpkins and seasonal vignettes abound.

In the greenhouse we noticed small, carefully pruned rosemary bushes in the shape of small trees. Will we see these in December with little lights as table decorations?


All the colors of fall -- bright orange, rich purples, deep greens -- were on full display.

Everywhere you looked, a pumpkin would pop out to say hello!

Even the chicken coop was was lively!


I loved these ideas for pumpkins, especially the idea of turning one into a photo album of sorts!

Here's a better look. Cover in lace, pin in the photos.

The pears remind me that the holidays will soon be coming our way. We didn't see any partridges in the pear trees, but the pears themselves looked wonderful and I couldn't help but wonder what Chef Elsie would be preparing for us at a future date!

Of course, the statuary there is so beautifully placed, so calming, it offers a gentle, spiritual presence. A place for joy, a place to grieve. A place to walk. A place to rest.

So, it was back home after a wonderful day, passing by barns in muted shades of red and trees in burnished shades of gold.

How I'll hate saying goodbye to fall. Especially when I think of lovely Southern Exposure.

But we'll be back for two December workshops, so stay tuned!


  1. Oh BIG SIGH! Driving through the tunnel of golden leaves and then enjoying the day in this special place, what's not to absolutely LOVE.

  2. Jeanie, what magnificent fall photos! I love that tunnel of golden trees! Southern Exposure looks like a magical place, no matter what the season. It looks like you gals have your arms full of fall glory!

  3. Beautiful post and stunning Fall scenes.

  4. Jeanie, I treasure your posts always, but this one is so spectacular -- a real tribute to autumn -- really puts me in the pre-holiday mood! I so look forward to celebrating this holiday season online with you via your blog posts and wonderful pictures!

  5. That barn....oh my, that is as beautiful to me as the Eiffel Tower or the grandest castle. It speaks stories! This has been a sensational fall, hasn't it!

  6. My Dear Friend,
    One of a kind and glorious tribute to the beauty of the Season and it's passage. Your photos are just glorious and Southern Exposure looks divine!

  7. The coming and going are most appealing to me: the wonderful road through the canopy of trees, and that gorgeous red barn. I do like hydrangea, though. I didn't realize it would dry nicely for arrangements. Of course, I don't do arrangements, so there's no reason I'd know.

    I did discover a whole pond filled with American lotus last month. It was in a reserve, so I couldn't pick those, but I'm going to be keeping my eye open. Of all the seed pods I enjoy, those are at the top of the list, and I might even make an arrangement if I can find some!

  8. Great photos of a beautiful place.

  9. Your enjoyment of every experience to the fullest is a real example to readers like me! Beautiful photos of such beautiful landscapes and gardens and tables.

    best, mae

  10. Oh what fun and beautiful snaps! Happy Halloween and thank you for popping in to see me and your kind words.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. Jeannie, How long are these workshops. They look incredible and you always look so radiant. xo. E.

  12. Beautiful! You look positively radiant in that first photo! I can tell you are in your happy place! The photos are all so stunning! I can't wait to see what you ladies make in December!!

  13. Each time you visit this fabulous spot I am excited to see your photos Jeanie!
    So much eye candy with delight after delight.
    That black lace pumpkin with photos is so different.
    Oh that blazing tree tunnel ♥ gorgeous red barn and so much more.
    Happy end of October.

  14. Everything is so beautiful! How I would love to do a workshop like that - everything seemed perfect. Friends, good food, learning something new, and all of that beautiful scenery. It is one of my "bucket list" items to go to Germany in December sometime and see all of the Christmas markets. I hope you get there soon!

  15. Jeanie, I enjoyed everyone of these fabulous photos! What a perfect way to enjoy the fall splendor, the drive through the trees, how could you see to drive with so much beauty? What a wonderful day this must have been, I can't think of anything better. Thanks for sharing your day……….

  16. This is a wonderful place. Absolutely gorgeous. It must be spiritually uplifting to spend a day there amongst all the glories of art and nature combined.

  17. What a beautiful drive! And what a nice way to spend an afternoon! I loved the flowers and especially seeing the chickens! Isn't that funny? We used to have a crowing rooster outside the back door of the shop somewhere in the neighborhood nearby. We haven't heard him in awhile. Seems he is gone. We all miss him! Your previous post tells me that you will be well prepared for Thanksgiving. We have all turned a big corner this weekend. I hope the coming weeks are sweet for you!

  18. I just love, love, love the photos on your blog. This post is gorgeous. Is there anything more beautiful than fall? I think not. I want to be your neighbor and go to all of the fun events with you. :(

  19. Sights for sore eyes! You are very lucky to have such a colorful environment to visit.

  20. Looks like you had a great day. The color of the hydrangea is so beautiful. I love how they dry and still look stunning. Your photos are lovely.

  21. What a gorgeous extravaganza of color and art! Looks like the loveliest of afternoons with the loveliest of company ...

  22. I don't blame you for taking any excuse to go back... I always think your trips there sound wonderful, and the workshops sound fun!

  23. What a great choice, Jeanie! Germany will be there, waiting for you... ;o) Such pretty decorations. LOVE the crocheted lace cover on the pumpkin--what a fun idea!Just love when you take us back with yo to Southern Exposure...I really could live there... LOL! Glad you'll be going back soon! Happy Autumn days, my friend ((HUGS))

  24. Beautiful . . . and where . . .
    Looked on the left bar for Southern Exposure . . .
    and I must not be looking in the right spot.
    This looks like a place I'd like to visit!
    I will keep checking . . .
    Love your lush, gorgeous autumn photos . . .

  25. I miss the fall foliage - nothing much changes around here at this time of year!

  26. These fall colored trees are absolutely amazing! What a gorgeous road to drive on!
    Whenever you do decide to come to Germany, please let us know :) I would LOVE meeting you!
    What a great day you had together :) All your pictures are wonderful. I love all the pumpkins everywhere :D
    Have a fabulous day. Lots of hugs to you!

  27. I'm excited to see the changes two months away will make. Mayhaps, snow?

  28. Beautiful! You're a wonderful artist and photographer, Jeanie! Love the pears, seasonal vignettes, the leaves, the red barn (cottage?) and the roads...


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