The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Leaf Porn

Leaf porn.

Really, what else is there to say?

I join with all the other bloggers who have been posting the most glorious color in sharing some of the splendor from Otsego Lake and northern Michigan.

This was our last trip up north as we closed the cottage for the winter. And it couldn't have been more lovely, with temps hitting 70!

We did a little meandering while construction people were working on the house, heading north on Old US 27 with a stop in Mackinaw City. We enjoyed looking across Lake Huron toward Mackinac Island.

And toward the Mighty Mack!


Rick tried to hold the Mackinac bridge in his hand but the photographer didn't get it right!

There were a few lovely "drive-by shootings."

Sometimes the sky looked a little threatening, yet it added a completely different dimension to the color.

One of my favorite spots was shooting at Michawe, a golf course a few miles away. I loved their bridge -- and the stark contrast of the white birches against the water and the color.

The lake was impossibly blue making the color all the more vibrant.

And everywhere you looked it was orange and gold.


Our tree life has been odd this year. Usually by the latter part of October the color has peaked and the leaves are as much on the ground as the trees.

This year is different. There is still plenty of green -- not to mention the brilliant colors.

It almost looks like a bargello pattern!

As for me, I'm clinging to every bright moment, holding it in my heart through what will probably be a long, white winter.

They always are...

Grab that sunny day! If you live in our part of the world, they are dwindling down to a precious few!


  1. absolutely stunning. I love seeing the leaves change color.

  2. These photos are stunning!! Thank you for sharing them! I wish I could have seen them with my own eyes, but seeing them through your eyes is a good alternative! Our leaves changed later than usual this year so I kind of missed the peak season as we were in Miami! And this week has been so busy that I've only been outside one night and didn't get to see much fall foliage. I am planning to go for a run tonight so hopefully I'll get to see a bit more. We go to Boston on Thursday and I have a feeling the leaves will be gone when we return. :( I wish the season lasted longer! But we have had gorgeous fall weather this week so I am soaking that up! I just dread what is to come... :/ I love Minnesota but gosh winter is just too long! Maybe we will get another mildish winter this year, though.

  3. You serve autumn well and delight us all with such lovely colors!

  4. Brilliant, amazing, amazing! Never so spectacular for us, of course. Also amazing you saying that winter is always white for you. We are haing a dark rainy day. Really dark. And so unusual that it almost feels eerie! Haha! So beautiful to see your post!

  5. Such a beautiful area! Love those brilliant colors.

  6. Gorgeous! Just breath-taking pictures, even if the bridge one didn't quite work out the way you wanted. All were just so amazing!

  7. Oh my gosh - your fall colors are the most stunning I have seen so far! Those vivid oranges! I also like those stark white trunks at the water's edge. It's snowing here, Jeanie - our winter has begun.

  8. Oh Jeanie, the photos are breathtaking! The colors, I wish I could watch the seasons pass... Always pretty much the same here in Southern California.
    Thank you so much for sharing.. And Rick did a great job holding up the bridge! haaaa

  9. Jeanie,
    The colors are just stunning~ Much brighter than here in Oregon. I love seeing it. Enjoy!

  10. I'm glad you had the perfect weather to enjoy the trip, and the Fall colours!

    I hope we get a white Winter this year. Most years we get a little snow - though not all that much, since we're right on the coast, and you never get as much right on the coast - but last year we just got a blink and you'll miss it type snowshower, which didn't even settle before just becoming a mess of slush on the ground. Still, we had some fantastic storms last Winter, so that kind of makes up for it... Only "kind of" though, since I really do love snow!

  11. Oh jeanie you made me laugh so hard. Our colors here too are mind boggling beautiful as well and I have been sharing the beauty on my instagram page. Have fun!!!

  12. Oh, Jeanie! What a fabulous trip for you. This truly is autumn "the way it 'sposed to be," and I'm so glad you were able to experience it. I must say, though -- even though the colors are spectacular, I really like those photos of the white birch. They're equally autumnal, and just so nice.

    I like the bridge-balancing act, too, even if it didn't turn out perfectly. It's still fun to see. And you brought back memories of mom sharing her photos of her trip up to Mackinac. That was a long time ago, but it made me want to see it then, and I still would love to see it.

  13. These are exactly the images in my mind when I went on my foliage trip but as you know I was about two weeks early. So thanks so much for actually making them real for me, not just conjuring up a mental image, but looking at these awesome photos. Although I must say, nothing beats seeing them first hand in real life. So, Michigan and its lake area will be an item on my bucket list now.

  14. absolutely exquisite!
    plus such a joy to see!
    We don't get many reds around here, not in the natural settings.
    thank you so much.
    your water photos are gorgeous too.

  15. Those colours are gorgeous. Fall is such a pretty time of the year. We are still in the 80's here. Enjoy your fall and cool weather. It looks like you are having fun even if the Mackinaw Bridge is not in the palm of your hands. Enjoy your day.

  16. Gorgeous pics, Jeannie! Nice work. :-)

  17. The mosst beautiful delightful

  18. The colors really do seem more vivid this year -- enjoyed them while driving east on the PA Turnpike and elsewhere, and now back in Michigan. Your photos are stunning!

  19. I love your title! These colors are spectacular. We seldom see the reds in clumps of trees like you do in your neck of the woods. We have more golds in our fall array of color. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Hi Jeanie,
    How I wish I was there... Gosh this is so beautiful!
    Thank you so much for visiting... I really enjoyed the creation of Ali the mouse.. I have had those metal wings for some time... I knew one day I would find a use for them..
    My vanished post.. Oh I was just talking about some old artwork I came across.
    I found 5 albums full of work I had done since the 1990's.. It all started when I was looking for a particular photo.. Then I opened a cabinet, and in the very back were my old albums with my art.. What a surprise that was..
    So that was just about it.
    Enjoy your weekend dear friend.

  21. So much beauty! I get distracted when I’m driving.

    These photos are stunning, Jeanie. Thanks for sharing them!

  22. HI Cutie! Oh, you captured some beautiful snaps. I'm just amazed at the beautiful of this earth God has created! Thanks for popping in to see me and your sweet words.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  23. Gorgeous photos of gorgeous scenery! Peak color has passed in town, but there is still lots of green coupled with soft golds and oranges and some purples and browns just for contrast. Even regular errands are enjoyable because of the colors and the light.

  24. All that beautiful colour! Stunning.

  25. You have such wonderful photos, Jeanie. I absolutely love fall and it's vivid colors - which is very apparent by all our posts. However, I must say I looked for the loveliness in the quiet of the end of season this weekend. Though I really don't care for winter, past the first lovely snow(s), the seasonal transitions are refreshing.

  26. hahaha... what funny title! WOW... look at all that COLOR! And such variety of colors! I so miss the very color-rich autumns back home there. Things here tend to just got yellow, burn brown and fall off without much fanfare... LOL! But still, I do try to see the beauty in it--it's just different. ;O) Soooo HAPPY too see this... *swoon*... and to catch up with you, Jeanie! I've been MIA a couple weeks due to some very full days. And when are they note, right?! LOL... Happy Days ((HUGS))

  27. Every leaf is like a raging flower in your lovely photos Jeanie.
    Such a colorful time of year ... sunglasses really come in handy LOL.


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