The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, February 9, 2015

A Little Bit of Loving Goin On!

I'm not very good at remembering this but it's important: You make time to do the things you want to do.

So, as Valentine's Day was closing in, I realized it was now or never in the Valentine creation mode! Out came the supplies! Paint, modeling paste, paper, lace, mica, buttons, glue.

In came the happy!

Here are a few of the Valentines before they were fully assembled. These have the modeling paste and stenciling on them and are painted. No embellishment. (The blue page is for something else!)

And here are some of the finished products!

This is my favorite!

I can't tell you how much fun it was to dig into this after what seemed too long a time away at the art table.

Hours passed and I didn't even notice the time. All of a sudden I realized Rick was coming for dinner and it wouldn't kill me to see if the meat was defrosted and figure out what might go with it (much less get it into the oven in time!)

Total Zen.

I also took time to work a bit on my journal pages. I still haven't posted about that workshop. Soon. Maybe next!

AND, I finally experimented with transfer paper, now that I have a printer! My transfer technique leaves much to be desired, but I think I could get hooked on this -- transferring the image, then moving the ink around for a watercolor effect.

All in all, glorious fun!

Yes, loving the love at Valentine's Day -- and every day!


  1. These are so festive and fun. Last week I brought out some decoupage I had purchased in Paris. I am not finished but had fun. Crafting is so relaxing.

  2. Beautiful works of art and the colors are gorgeous. Love your transfer photos too.

  3. Sweet past time. All it needs is a box (small, of course) of chocolates.

    About the printer/transfer technique - can you post a tutorial of what you did?

  4. We do! These are really special too. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  5. Beautiful and charming valentines. And, there are few things more wonderful than an art day. Your enjoyment shows in your work.

  6. Your joy in the making surely comes through in the finished products and in the pics of same. :-)

    Thanks for sharing the smiles. :-)

  7. I hope you will be enjoying a stupendous Valentine's Day!

  8. when you get in your do mode, you mean business! Great Valentines, Jeanie :-)

  9. I love all your Valentines! I think your favorite is my favorite. What a creative way to get the job done. Sorry I've been away so long, but I'm back now!

  10. And - I'm loving your creations, Jeanie! You're right, we need to make time for some fun. I'll be heading to the city for Valentine Weekend - a little romantic time with hubby.

  11. wow! love your bouquet of bright clever valentines! Beautiful:)
    Makes my fingers itch to dive in and make something too.
    And your transfers....gosh, there you go inspiring me again.
    Happy trails at that wonderful table of yours:)

  12. These are gorgeous!

    But do tell me, how many Valentines do you have and do they all get a card?

  13. Pretty! I love the cards you made! And I love that you enjoyed making them so much that you lost track of time! I know people make a sport of hating Valentine's Day but I love it, mostly because I love the colors pink and red!

  14. Oh my! They are gorgeous! I wouldn't even know where to begin to create something like that. I don't have a creative gene in my body. How can you bear to give them away?

    I love the transfers. The watercolor effect is bloody genius!

  15. Crafting with love... What more could anyone want? It sounds perfect! Even if dinner was almost late, LOL!

  16. Oh Jeanie, I think YOUR favorite is MY favorite too, with that gold mica! How I wish I had time to divide between my luscious reading and writing and work AND some finger painting! It must feel good.....

  17. Superb! Superb ideas, artwork and time devoted to doing such crafts. And by the way superb colors too. It is delightful to see such a warm color in a wintry February.

    I couldn't choose which one is my favorite. They are all lovely and the journal's great.

    I wish you an overflowing love this Valentines day.

    Thank you once again.

  18. "Hours passed and I
    didn't even notice the
    time." Ah, the creative
    spirit at work! It's so
    true! This is me when
    I'm writing : ) Especially
    the UH-OH moment
    when the dinner hour
    is closing in and the
    meat is still in the freezer!

    Glad you had time to
    play, and your cards
    are beautiful <3

    xo Suzanne

  19. You're going to have to do a post one day about that transfer process. I've never seen anything like it, and I really do like it. I just never would sit down and learn all the techniques you use with your cards, but those photos? That might be something I'd dare try!

    Some of those cards look good enough to eat!

  20. Oh Jeanie,
    You are at it again... I absolutely LOVE your works of art!
    That is my favorite also.

    Thanks so much for visiting.
    You know, that is one of my favorite songs.. Yes, the book has help up very well when you consider how old it is.. It is truly a cherished treasure.
    bless you.

  21. Oh Jeanie,
    You are at it again... I absolutely LOVE your works of art!
    That is my favorite also.

    Thanks so much for visiting.
    You know, that is one of my favorite songs.. Yes, the book has help up very well when you consider how old it is.. It is truly a cherished treasure.
    bless you.

  22. Totally Zen, I agree with you.

  23. Jeanie, That looks like great fun. I liked them all. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  24. Beautiful valentines! I got out the supplies to make some... but that's as far as I got. I think it's too late now. ha! Also love your transfers. You are just having too much fun!!!

  25. What a fun time .I love classes any kind. I'm going to do on line classes I like it when I finish something .Sure that is why I do so many crafts.

  26. You certainly did get busy making some wonderful and textured valentine cards Jeanie.
    This is the first year in a while that I made a small handful of cards...usually the 14th comes and goes and I am still thinking of making something.
    Your transfer method looks intriguing ... I am not familiar with "transfer paper".
    Being in flow state doing what delights you is one of the best things ever...much like a meditation I feel.

  27. Your Valentine's are beautiful. Love the look of the transfer pictures too.

  28. wow, you are so creative !!! thank you for your visit, I was very happy !!! love greetings from angie from Germany


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