The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

I send you all greetings for a safe and wonderful new year. May it be filled with joy, creativity, friendship, love, treats, treasures, happiness and growth.

The Marmelade Gypsy will be back in a few days with the "word of the new year," favorite books of 2014 and more! Meanwhile...

Happy New Year!

(Thanks to Lorraine -- whose posts often include freebies of vintage postcards! I love these two images!)


  1. Happy New Year to you and Rick too. Love and wishes for a wonderful year.

  2. Happy New Year! The vintage cards are great!

  3. Happy New Year to you and Rick.
    Aloha from Hawaii.

  4. Bonne année et bonne santé from Normandy!

  5. Wishing all the best to you and Rick in the new year.

  6. Happy New Year to you and your family. Thank you so much for your wonderful Christmas Card, which arrived yesterday.
    I especially love the great round stamp!
    Best wishes

  7. Happy New Year, Jeanie! I hope 2015 brings joy, good health and peace for you.

  8. Happy New Year, Jeanie!
    Wishing you and your family good health, good friends, and plenty of good times in 2015! Looking forward to sharing them with you!

  9. Jeannie,
    Happy New Year-I hope your year is filled with happiness and health. The photos were from prior trips. I did not make it to France last year.

  10. Jeannie, Happy new year to you too. I'm so grateful for your support this year and hope you have much joy in 2015.

  11. Happy New Year to you as well! I hope that 2015 is off to a great start for you. We had a fun, low key New Years celebration with friends and today was very peaceful and quiet. Phil watched football while I read, and then I made chili and we watched a movie together. It was quiet and relaxing which is just the way I wanted it! I hope that is a sign of what is to come in 2015!

  12. Happy New Year and looking forward to blogging with you this new year.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Hope it was a great day Jeanie. Happy New Year!

  14. May your 2015 be as delightful as you deserve.

  15. Happy New Year Jeanie :-)
    I don't think I could just have "one" word for the whole year.. so I am going to pick a new word every single week :-)
    big hugs!

  16. Happy New Year! Loved these vintage greetings.

  17. Happy New Year to you, as well. I am counting down to the last day of May - the last day of full-time employment, if all goes according to plan. 2015 - Look out!!!

  18. I'm so behind!

    Happy New Year! Looking forward to your reviews!

  19. And a very happy healthy new year to you and yours dear Jeanie ♥

    My word for 2015 is SIMPLIFY...
    that should keep me busy ;-)

  20. And a wonderful HAPPY New Year to you as well!


    Sheila :-)


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