The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sort of Square

Part of my artful summer was pulling together some 4x4" canvases.

I figured it was time to share a few of them!

All of these will be going to my late-November sale (unless I sell any of them first!).

I can't tell you how much fun it is to pull these little guys together. They're made all the more fun since I've been using more and more of my own gelli print papers on them (although the pretty paper napkin certainly figures in, too!).

And, I had fun making the paper clay leaves and hearts. It works up so quickly with such little mess!


I sort of had birds on the brain when I was doing a few of them. But what can I say other than...

Go ahead! Make my day!

(I couldn't resist! More creativity to come soon!)


  1. These are absolutely Stunning! I Love all of them! I miss being able to create art but right now my life has no room to create. What little "me time" I have I am trying to just rest. But I know things will change and once again I can enjoy life a little Moe. Your art has been growing by leaps and bounds! I still cherish all of the pieces of your creations that you have sent during the past several years! I know you will sell many of these wonderful jewels!

  2. Your pleasure in your work bubbles out... :-) I'm always glad to see what you are up to.

    One of the things that can be extra fun about squares, I think, is putting groups of them together.

    I'd like to do something with lots of (moveable) squares........ It seems like a relatively easy way to make a big piece. One that is different every time it's rearranged.... :-)

  3. Your creativity amazes me. I love these. What fun you must have doing these.

    I like this idea. I think these will be snatched up right away.

  4. Happy Sunday Jeanie!
    Oh my word.. These are absolutely beautiful! I especially love the birds!

  5. LOVE these Jeanie. Working in that small size is so satisfying. Fast. Less gives more. Hugh impact. When you get tired of it (haha) send Paris my way.

  6. Such gorgeous things to look at! I love them all.

  7. That playful one is so playful! I love that little girl who looks so sober. Always busy creating, Jeanie.

  8. They make me think of tiles. How cool it would be to have these wonderful decorations screenprinted on tiles, perhaps in different colours. ##(I always like the look of somewhere tiled throughout in plain tiles with a few decorative tiles as an "accent". )

  9. These are just beautiful, Jeanie. Each one a treasure. You're so gifted!

  10. They're also beautiful Jeanie! I like them all, but I think the birds are my absolute favorites. :)

  11. These are wonderfully creative! I love how you use found objects to create the little "stories" on each canvas.

  12. These are SOOO PRETTY & CHEERFUL, Jeanie! Love all the bold colors and variety of textures and themes. So much fun to see what you've been making and in your previous post too--and just great to catch up with you after a few days away. I love working with mini canvases and have been lately too--that 4" square is a fave of mine too! :o) Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))

  13. How on earth do you transfer those images? I have tons of these tiny canvases that I used for some really fun watercolour experiments, and anything with birds is my passion! But these are just exquisite, Jeanie! Have a marvelous Monday!

  14. What surprises me most is that I really, really like the two blue and silver ones - blue generally isn't my favorite. But they're all delightful.

    That serious little playful girl made me laugh. Behind such serious expressions often lie truly sophisticated, heinous plots. She's up to no good, I'm sure!

  15. Once again you have created masterpieces. I like "I need Orange"'s idea of combining and rearranging them. Perhaps in a frame with some pegs or velcro to hold them in place, or perhaps just a place on a wall with some "easy move" sort of goo. I love them all. Kitty

  16. O these are cute! I've seen tile squares but not canvas. I suppose with canvas you can do much more on them, like you have here. All wonderful! I like the birds, of course. Yes, you've made my day. (LOL) Now as to Gone Girl, it's meant to shock and surprise. Maybe your cup of tea. However, I must say it's quite clever.

  17. Hi Jeanie! Oh, these are just wonderful. You really are talented in making these little art pieces. Thank you so much for your kind words on our little redo of the kitchen. Hope you have a wonderful week.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  18. Jeannie, I love the creativity, the color, the mixtures of textures. I see you still have France on the brain in at least one of them.

  19. These are marvellous pieces, bright and colourful and very artistic.
    Love them.

  20. Oh fun! I love these canvases - they are all so unique and beautiful. It's tough to pick a favorite but I do especially love the bird ones towards the end. I, of course, have 2 of your square canvases proudly displayed on a bookcase in my bedroom! When my friends came to hang photos they noticed them and have lots of compliments and wondered where I had bought them!

  21. Hi Jeanie,
    These little canvases are just stunning! You really did have an artful summer with these creations. The colors and shapes, the designs, all are gorgeous. So happy you decided to share..........

  22. These are lovely-they are so colorful.

  23. Beautiful - as always - colourful and clever! My fav is 'playful; although that was hard to choose.

  24. Jeanie, these are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing them!

  25. You are so creative. There is this one shop I always visit. They sell creative stuff like what you make. I always look at them, imagine I'd do the same but when it comes to actual work, I can't even start. I guess I am simply not artistic. I admire your creativity. Please continue sharing :)

  26. I love these little bites of art!
    Something so wonderfully chunky and whimsical and bite-like
    about perfect little unique cupcakes all grinning up with love:)
    Inspires me so.
    thanks for sharing the beauty
    of your living,

  27. Whoa! You are super talented and your 4X4s are fantastic.

  28. Love the 3-D effects with the clay leaves, buttons, lace, moss, and feathers. All just look like you had so much fun.

  29. You've been busy and so productive...such a fine array of little canvases you created dear Jeanie!


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