The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Putting on the Glitz

Before I share Halloween around the house, I wanted to tell you about a wonderfully easy way to glitz up your pumpkins (real or faux) for the season. It's easy, inexpensive and so pretty!

USArtQuest in Chelsea, MI, has a number of classes including some free DIY sessions. I attended the pumpkin prepping one. These were the prototypes.

The lighting in the studio really shows the sheen on these little gems, much better than in my photos.

Basically, it's one product -- metallic gold glaze, brushed onto the entire pumpkin and allowed to dry. (I suppose if you can't find metallic gold glaze, you could mix a bit of gold with a glazing medium, but I couldn't tell you quantities.)

Once it's dried, tie on some raffia if you like, or add flowers or stickers. They provided the materials here.

And that's basically it. Above is the one I made in the class. The ones below are those I did after I came home.

This one is a "real" pumpkin and I just used the raffia and moss on it.

These two were faux pumpkins. One had leafy beads, the other the floral/foliage treatment.


I later tried the same technique on some gourds with great success. Most of all, I was delighted with how quickly they came together. I could get hooked on these guys!

If you have a spare 20 minutes, give it a try. I think you'll be pleased with the results and the ways you can use them in your decorating.


  1. What a fun class! Very elegant looking pumpkins.

  2. Your glitzy pumpkins are fun and lovely...I am especially drawn to the one with moss and raffia!

  3. All so pretty, sparkly and festive! Love them! :)

  4. Big question: will this stuff repel squirrels? Our biggest problem with jack-o-lanterns is that the squirrels gnaw a hole and eat the insides. Big mess. I heard that pepper spray keeps them off. But squirrels are very persistent!

    Yours all look beautiful!

  5. such pretty pumpkins you created, Jeanie - BOO! - meant in a good way!

  6. That must have been a fun class. Your glitzed up pumpkins look fantastic! I just might have to try this. You always have good ideas.

  7. I just happened to see the very same thing in a shop that features various artists and their goodies! i do like the idea and plan on trying it too! Yours are just beautiful and I really like your little pumpkin man too.

  8. Dear Jeanie,
    I love what you have done here.
    They look beautiful! You are so very creative.

  9. WOW! They look so pretty. You're putting on the Ritz (and the glitz).

  10. So charming! Great pictures (as always) -- and I sure enjoyed getting to see on in person!

  11. I love what you did with the pumpkins. What fun!

  12. Good morning sweet Jeanie!

    These are awesome! I have white pumpkins in wooden bowls and that's all I have time for this year! But it's lovely....HAVE FUN!

  13. Lovely Jobs!
    I almost wish we did Halloween decorating here too.

    Hope the scratches on Rick’s car will be as smooth after repair as these beauties.

  14. Oh fun! Those pumpkins all turned out awesome and it's great that it's such a quick and easy process! Your house must look so festive!

  15. These are so artistic and beautiful pumpkin decorations. Never thought they could be presented like these.

  16. So much more imaginative than I've seen anyone doing in the UK with pumpkins Jeanie - how clever you are.

  17. Gorgeous! I won $100 for carving a pumpkin at a party once.

  18. They are truly beautiful! If I have enough time, I might try doing the same in the office 😊

  19. Ooooo... I love this glam treatment of pumpkins and gourds... Me like shiny things... LOL! I can see small groups of sparkly pumpkins looking very charming all over the place. Fun ideas--thank, Jeanie! ((HUGS))

  20. Jeanie, you have a real gift for enjoying life and it always comes through on you blog. Love your style.


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