The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Does Anyone Know What Happened to August?

Maybe it's because Labor Day is so early. Or maybe time just flies when you are having fun. No matter what, something happened to August -- it flew by and now it's gone, faster than a bunny can hop!

What a whirlwind! There were days at home, working my herbs and tomatoes -- and enjoying plenty of gazpacho.

There was a terrific folk festival with wonderful music under the stars.

And plenty of farmer's market visits -- this little girl was savoring the sweet black cherries at one vendor's spot, much to her mother's chagrin!

Rick and I enjoyed some wonderful dinners outside -- at least the grill will keep going for awhile, even if the chillier evenings bring dining inside!

Rick was volunteering at the bike races held in Lansing -- some of the races decided state championships.

It was great fun to watch lots of bikes racing for glory. Not quite the Tour de France, but it would have to do!

Then there was a visit to Columbus to visit friends Lin and Larry. Of course, shopping and lunch were involved!


So was making art with Lin's two grandchildren. We did drawing, journal making and tag making...

... and topped it off with Scrabble!

It wouldn't be summer without art camp. That's when my friend Kate heads to the lake and we create  all the art we can manage in a few days.

Lots of it is prep -- I worked on canvases, journals and a swap. More of that to come! We both did plenty of gelli-printing!

On the last day of art camp, the sun came out. And, we noticed a beautiful heron had shown up more than once.

I wonder if he is related to Harry? The distant cousin from the north perhaps?

After art camp, I returned home, repacked my bag and headed to Cleveland to celebrate the upcoming wedding of my cousin's son Mark with the lovely Ms. Katie!

Yes, count down is right!

The tables at the shower were lovely with a bird house motif.

If you look at the mason jar favors, they were cupcakes, layered with delicious icing. Katie's mom made 80 of these with her elf-helpers. And they were fabulous and wonderfully cute, tied with colorful ribbon and a wooden spoon for easy eating!

The best part, of course, was being with my family, both just hanging out...


...and at the shower.

And I definitely enjoyed the wildlife in the cousin's backyard.  I'm not sure they are so enamored with the deer eating birdseed and hostas as I was!

It wouldn't be a visit to Cleveland without catching up with my friend Jane. We did so in style at a Japanese restaurant.


And then home and back to the lake again -- with you know who expressing her displeasure in being confined in her travel box for the better part of the road trip. She looks so sweet and innocent with that cute face and big purr -- but trust me. She knows how to rattle the cage.

It's time to savor the last minutes of August, make more art and wait for Rick to arrive from his bike ride.

Where did August go?


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful August. I find as I get older the time goes so much faster than when I wasn't retired and working. Now I am just taking it easy and enjoying all the beauty that God has to offer.
    Your photo's are very good. Thanks for sharing all your lovely photos.
    Happy long weekend.

  2. What a happy post .
    I so enjoyed it ,
    and the joy of life with friends and family that filled it .Of course I also was
    clapping my hand in delight when I saw the deer picture ~ hope I didn't scare them away ;)

  3. You've had a very busy month. No wonder it seemed to fly by. Actually HB and I were just mentioning how fast this whole year has gone.

    I love the photo of the little girl enjoying the black cherries...and the photo of the heron. Simply beautiful!

  4. You sure had a memorable month. Smart of you to include the highlights in this post - when you are wondering in a couple of months what you did over the summer, you can look back at this and know. :-) All your photos are wonderful, as usual, but I'm particularly impressed with how in focus the critter photos are.

    Pat K.

  5. What a wonderful, busy month you have had! I'm so happy we got to spend time w you, and I'm also so glad you are enjoying retirement and making the most of it!
    - Bonnie k

  6. What a lovely August you had. I can't believe it's over. The entire summer flew by. Love the pic of the heron and the deer, too. Really pretty. Here comes fall. It's a beautiful time of year, too.

  7. Looks like a jam packed August!
    Mmm...that Japanese feast has made me hungry.
    Heather :)

  8. Sooo sweet was your August, Jeanie! Looked this little look-back. Like you, I'm wondering where the weeks went. Hard to believe we turn the page to Sept. on Monday, and entring last quarter. LOVE seeing the paint-splashed palette--AND the prints! So many wedding showers you've been to this season... how many now?! LOL... Love is in the air... *sigh*... LOVE that! Oh, Miss Lizzie--she's so sweet. mmm.. SUSHI... want sushi! :o) Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))

  9. You packed a lot of fun things in this month! Looks like a wonderful month full of family, friends, and art. Oh and your tomatoes are beautiful - I'm envious of those as nothing tastes as good as a home grown tomato!

    August flew by for me as well. I don't really know where the month go as it seems like it just started and now it's over. It was a great month for me as it included spending time with my family at the lake, celebrating Phil's birthday, and continuing to catch up with friends that I hadn't seen since moving back!

  10. I think I know where your August went, you were enjoying it so much it took wings! And, it all looks wonderful, spending time together and with family and friends is the best. Love all the snaps you shared.
    Have a wonderful Labor Day Jeanie.

  11. Such fun to see all your August activities. The month is a bit of a slog here, mostly because every time someone has a good idea for something to do, we look at one another and say, "Maybe in October!" But weather doesn't make any difference when it comes to the pleasure of family and friends -- I'm glad so much of it came your way.

  12. Wow! You were incredibly busy duringAugust; no wonder it sped by. Great pictures.

  13. What beautiful pictures of a beautiful time. Loved them all. Blessings to you and your family.

  14. You have a rich and eventful August, Jeanie! Beautiful photos of memories and love that Blue Heron and the deer, esp. the fawns. I saw one in my neck of the woods the other day but could only catch the back of it as it darted away. Wonderful that 'your' deer stood still to pose for a picture.

  15. JEANIE! This is such a fun post from the bunny to the darling child with her face full of SUMMER...YES YES YES! Let's pray my friend that our winters are not as brutal as last year! We devoured out summer time, didn't we!!!!!!!

    Oh the deer and the family...such a great memory for you, beautiful Jeanie! Thank you so much for coming by to visit! Anita

  16. A lovely review of August. A perfect way to celebrate. I love the art and adventures and cupcakes in a jar are so pretty. Then Lizzie rattling the cage a bit delights my heart. Welcome to Autumn and fall time adventures. Hope Rick had a good bicycles adventure too.

  17. Thanks for sharing your wonderful August. I, too, am sorry it is over. But onward to fall!

  18. Wonderful photos. Beautiful heron shot. Looks like you had a great month.

  19. The summer has flown! Looks like yours was filled with fun times! :)

  20. What a fun time to spend with your family. Love the photos of the deer too! You sure did pack in a lot of fun this August. Can't wait to see your swap pages!


  21. I'm asking where did summer go? I only know August and the prior months have been so busy that I've neglected staying caught up with my blogging friends. You've been on my mind, even if I haven't been taking the time to read your blog. Now I'm back and plan to get caught up with you. I hope all is well. Your August looked like it was perfect-full of fun and family.

  22. So glad you had a wonderful event-packed summer, Jeanie! And it's great to see the heron, too. :)

  23. Lovely artwork, great to see Lansing's capital, and I wonder where August went too, as well as July, which seemed to slip by even faster!

  24. Cupcakes in a jar, genius!! I'm so inspired. :)

  25. Family and friends
    celebrations and lots of fun doings!
    So much to enjoy here with you Jeanie.
    Your nature photos are splendid and seeing all of those fine gelli prints makes me want to get busy too!
    Being in the ninth month already boggles my mind!
    Happy September to you and yours...

  26. I really don't know what happened to August -- or September, either!

    Loooove that last shot of the lake at sunset........ So peaceful......


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