The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Hanging Out at Habitation

Won't you join me today over at "All Things Girl" as I join their "Habitation" writing team!

I'm writing about my visit to Southern Exposure, where we made a wonderful living wreath. You might recall part of the visit in THIS POST -- we went in early spring.

But I was waiting to share the wreath-making part of our fun day over at Habitation! Check it out HERE!

"All Things Girl" and "Habitation" combine posts from a number of different writers and you'll find all sorts of things there, from interviews down to how-tos, decorating, recipes and more! I hope you'll stop by and sample lots of the posts!


  1. Wonderful, Jeanie! I'll visit right away!!

  2. VERY exciting, Jeanie... off to go see! Your wreath is so pretty! :o) ((HUGS))

  3. There is nothing like getting a group of writers together, language teachers, lovers of poetry and wordsmiths! The atmosphere is buzzing with an energy and ideas that bounce off the walls! HAVE FUN, JEANIE!

  4. That's a lovely article you have there on All Things Girl Habitation, Jeanie. The photos are beautiful and nicely displayed. A wonderful end product too. Thanks for sharing the whole process with us.

  5. Nice article, Jeanie!
    How fun to participate and share life experiences. The wreath making class sounds just super, especially getting to spend time with other like minded new friends.


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