The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Postcards from the Lake -- Something Sweet!

The weather during this first couple of weeks in July has been unseasonably cold at the lake. I've plowed through four books and yes, some art too (although somewhat hampered because I neglected to bring some critical supplies!).

 We've enjoyed some cozy fires, good food and some brisk walks!

You know it's cool when I'm wearing socks with my sandals, which the kids would tell me is a cardinal fashion faux pas!

To get a break in the action, we took a road trip to Grayling, about 20 miles away, where we enjoyed some outrageously expensive but delicious ice cream.

 The diner was charming, filled with Coca-Cola memorabilia and on a gloomy day, it was particularly appealing.

I had the soda, but Rick chose the chocolate shake.

And in both cases, they were delicious!

 Of course, my boy wanted to get back on the bike!

 So he packed up his tent and sleeping bag and took a bike hike!

 Off he went for an overnight about 100 miles away. It's good training for his Canadian ride -- and it gave me a little "Jeanie time."

This, of course, included a visit to the farm market. The cherries are beginning to come in and some strawberries remain. They always have a musician playing -- these two weren't bad (but we've heard some that belonged in bad karaoke bars!).

 My first extended time at the lake is rapidly coming to an end...

 But I'll be back!


  1. A fire at night and ice cream at that cute diner in the day sounds like a perfect lake visit, especially with that reading time thrown in. I hope Rick's ride goes well.

  2. It all sounds wonderful. I can't think of a better way to spend summer days and nights.

  3. More chilly here the usual as well! How are you, Jeanie? Life is looking good at the lake....
    I am doing a lot of biking this summer (Rick, I got a new Trek! Made in Wisconsin!!) Travel plans to San Francisco and back to Bali in August.
    I miss our back and forth. Going to try to get online more often to check in with you.
    Take care Jeanie! kerry

  4. A bit of a chill in the air sounds wonderful to me right about now! It's 108 and humid here in rural Arizona.

    Isn't retirement lovely -- allowing you that extended time at the lake? Sitting by the fire, getting an ice cream soda in a fun little place, hitting a farmers' market with music yet! It sounds just perfect! Hope you keep enjoying your time there -- and get a touch of warmth along the way.

  5. It's been unseasonably cool here, too! I hope it warms up while you are still on your extended lake trip! Sounds like you are finding plenty to entertain yourself. Well done on reading 4 books! That's my kind of getaway!

    That diner is so cute. I love charming places like that!

  6. Looks like an idyllic holidaying for you. I'm sure you made best use of your 'Jeanie time'. The retro diner is so attractive, reminds me of the old TV series like 'Happy Days'. ;)

  7. Dearest Jeanie, you are ENJOYING a good old-fashioned summer. Ice cream at an ice cream parlor, bike rides, brisk walks..what more could we ask for! LOVE IT!

  8. socks with sandals - oh, Jeanie - no, no, no!

  9. Any little idyll that includes ice cream and a fire is ok in my book. But then, you have those beautiful purple flowers, too. All in all, it looks wonderful. I do hope it stays warm longer in the fall, so you don't get short-changed with summer!

  10. My favorite parts of this are the art and the ice cream.

  11. Time at the lake would be just delicious in so many ways. Good food, good sights, good books, and a little art play time. Just wonderful!

  12. Yum! That ice cream looks delicious! And the diner is great. I love little places like that.

  13. I love that you found such a fun soda shop! And yes, the decor absolutely adds to the experience.

  14. Hi Jeanie,

    I love this diner! it sure takes me back to the good old days...
    Looks like you are really enjoying yourself.

  15. So much fun, as always, to see about your lake days, Jeanie! Wow...socks with sandals--it must been cold then! LOVE your pic of the ice cream!! YUM... That diner is wonderful--love the PINK!! I admire Rick's long ride overnighter. That's a long way to ride. Glad you had some girlie time... and art time too, even with limited supplies. It's always fun to see what can happen even with few supplies. ;o) Happy Summer Days ((HUGS))

  16. Lovely photos of a lovely time.

  17. Dear Jeanie,
    Thank you so much for traveling with Bebe to Tuscany and leaving such a kind note.
    I am so happy you enjoyed your stay.

  18. Thank you Jeanie, for coming by our European party tour!!!

  19. We've been in the midst of a heat wave, but it is supposed to break this weekend! Glad you are enjoying your summer! That ice cream soda looks super yummy! :)

  20. Nothing is wrong with wearing socks and sandals!!! :)
    I Hope you're having a great weekend!
    Tammy x

  21. That’s the trouble when you’re having fun: the time always comes to an end.

  22. Although I am partial to a chocolate milkshake, that soda rocks! Tell Rick that he looks ready to ride Le Tour today. I am envious the cooler weather. "Hot and humid with afternoon thunderstorms" is the standard weather forecast for us in July and August.


  23. I'll be sorry to see these lake posts end - such beauty and nostalgia. Liked seeing Rick on the bike. My son and Grandchildren just finished the Courage Classic 3 day ride to raise money for Children's Hospital. The weather held and we cheered them loudly at the finish line!

  24. Ah, well, he burns off all the calories in that icecream! Wish I could say the same about me.... :D

  25. Isn't this just perfectly lovely too!!!
    Your photography and narrative really take me away and I enjoy that SO very much!
    Thank you Jeanie ~♥~


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