The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, July 7, 2014


Summer is officially here and we are officially in lake-mode! That means a visit to the farmer's market!

Rick was pleased to talk to the bread guy -- they shared bread stories, ideas, book recommendations -- and I expect to enjoy many of the results of the conversation!

I didn't buy any strawberries because we brought some north from Rick's garden -- but I sort of wanted to buy all of these!

The same with the lettuce -- that came up from my garden. But isn't this healthy and lovely?

And I deferred on flowers this time, since we were only there for a long weekend. But if I was going to be there, I might have bought this pretty basket!

But I did buy a bunch of these! What large, tasty radishes!

Then it was home to cottage chores -- clean up and sink repair. (Thanks for the new faucet, Rick!)

And of course, Lizzie spent the entire weekend as a lump underneath a quilt and comforter -- she crawls up under it from the side. Had to remove the blankets to take a photo but most of the time I just press the lumpy-bump like a squeaky toy to make sure
she's still with us.

She is! Can't wait to get up to stay!


  1. What fabulous photos! I can't believe your husband fits under the sink lol... my husband has a hard time just getting down to the floor!!!
    Your cat under the blankets is so precious. I'd be tempted to climb in there with it lol
    big hugs,

  2. All the produce at the market looks delicious.
    And what a sweet looking cat, how come they always find the best place in the house ?!

  3. From your photos I have to think you exercised amazing restraint in not buying more at the farmers market.
    Sounds like your summer is going very well.
    That sure is a cute pic of your little lump Lizzie.

  4. Wow - your Farmer's Market at the cottage looks incredible. The only thing that I'd need besides what you showed is some chocolate (cookie, cake, etc - I'm not fussy). Is Rick's ride still a go? We just to back from biking to Keystone, and we're going up Vail Pass tomorrow. Enjoy your summer, Jeanie!

  5. Your photos are just splendid and full of summertime goodness and fun!
    Lizzie is funny and you capture her so well...
    Enjoy * Enjoy
    Happy July

  6. So fresh!!! I'm hungry. Your photo's are gorgeous, and those markets are enviable. Love the colors and especially those raddishes. Lizzie looks quite content too. Stunning post.

  7. That looks like a great farmers' market. Everything looked so good. And, the flowers were really nice too. We have a small farmers' market near here on Saturday mornings. I am so excited that it is that time of year.

    Rick is so handy. He's a keeper for sure.

  8. I love the Farmer's Market photos! Those radishes look SO good! Well, everything does actually! I can't believe that I have not made it to the Farmer's Market yet. I haven't had many unplanned Saturdays but I do have one this weekend (I think) so I am planning to hit up my market after my run on Saturday.

  9. Oh, what fun! I just love markets. (Here last weekend we were at a food market... and I forgot my camera, forgot phone with cam too! I still enjoyed... ;o) Rick's break is market-quality--he should go for it! :o) Such beautiful food and flowers... Those radishes are the size of golf balls! Wonderful pics and stories, Jeanie! Enjoy your lake days! ((HUGS)

  10. I wish we had bread and flowers and such at our markets. All we get are veggies and fruits. There are some potters and jewelry makers and such, but I don't even stop to look at them.

    I have been enjoying a you-pick-it farm only fifteen minutes away. It's even better than the markets. The blackberies are gone, but my freezer is full. Now, I'm going down about every three days to pick figs. I don't do jam or any of that, but I enjoy them fresh, and they don't have much of a shelf life. True seasonal food, they are.

  11. What a great day at the farmers market! Those look like Nasturtium leaves in the pretty basket.. Are they?
    Have a wonderful week!

  12. I don't think it matters that you didn't buy all the lovlies at the Farmer's Market, you managed to bring them home with your camera!

  13. Great market photos! What a great time you will have when you stay longer.

  14. teehee.....look at that sweet kitty. Too much farmer's market for her!

    LOVELY SUMMER MEMORIES and our summer too, is in full swing here Jeanie! But we had a summer storm yesterday that blew out our electricity. So no internet for 24 hours, and I'm barely getting on line again!

  15. So lush and green and colourful! Lovely post, Jeanie. And... have a wonderful lake escape. ;)

  16. Love the look of your Farmer's Market, we have them,too but I wish we had sourdough here in Normandy!

  17. OMG!! That does it. Next trip is IN. THE. SUMMER. I want to be there.


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