The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, February 28, 2014

Round and Round It Goes...

...and where it stops, nobody knows!

Well, Ana knows! She's the one who started a round robin journal that has landed on my art table, waiting for my addition.
Oh, what to do -- the pressure was on! Would it be interesting enough or good enough or creative enough?How would it stack up with the other artists -- Eden Claire, who had already done her piece and all those yet to come?
Talk about inferiority complex! Was I relieved to be second or even more freaked out by that!
The guidelines were simple -- two pages. Your choice of media, no rules. So, I went the collage route, using my gelli and painted deli papers and a few other bits to create "Sail On," a seascape. This is a detail of the left page.
This is the right.
And this is the whole thing -- sorry for the narrow crop! A double click on the photo will enlarge it.
Now it's off to the next contributor and one day will make its way back to Ana. Sail on, journal! I've enjoyed your port of call in Michigan!


  1. Jeanie - Your art work always amazes me with its intricacy and use of color/design. Hope it's warming by you. We got more snow today, and it's windy.

  2. Beautiful work.

  3. Just glorious, Jeanie. The colors and the layers you have composed remind me of my beloved BEACH, where I crave to be right now. LOVELY! Anita

  4. It took me a while to remember, but now I know what "sail on" reminds me of - "Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Simon and Garfunkle. Remember the line? "Sail on, silver girl, sail on by..."

  5. I love the color and texture of your page. It's lovely and your friend will love it.

  6. There is no question that your page will be a most beautiful addition to the journal.

  7. OH Jeanie!
    You have created such magic here...what a perfectly lovely piece that tells such a sweet story and invites us in!

  8. Your pages are beautiful, creative, and more than good enough!

    I feel panicky each time I do a swap or a round robin...and feel just as you described.

  9. It's darling Jeannie - I absolutely love it and so will they!

  10. That's an interesting art activity, a round robin. Sure is hard to contribute your own unique touch though, considering the piece is done by other people to start, and to finish with. But sure gives a new perspective on the concept of 'Collaboration'. ;)

  11. Ooooo... what fun! And I just LOVE all the rich colos and textures you've used, Jeanie! You have such a great way with collage. :o) Happy Days, my friend! Fun to catch up with you after my break last week. ((HUGS))

  12. Clever you again. A perfect solution to the challenge.
    Keep on having fun!

  13. Oh how fun! I love it when you share your projects because as a super non-artistic person, it amazes me to see what you can create with your hands and bits of paper and such. I love the color combinations and as a lover of music, I love the use of sheet music!

  14. You did an amazing job! I just love it.

  15. oh wow....what a great idea!
    I love your additions;
    makes me warm and toasty
    seeing the sails and feeling
    the warm breeze.
    thanks for sharing the sweetness,

  16. I love it! I'm always in awe of your creativity. I don't have an artistic bone in my body which makes me admire your work even more.

  17. Brilliantly creative, I'd say. I love the idea of the RR Journal. Your addition using collage inspires me--oooo the colors and the texture! Makes me joyful and eager for summertime.

  18. I love the colors you chose, Jeanie, and the subject. I don't know how you come up with your art ideas. You are endlessly creative. I'm glad you share it with us.


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