The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, February 17, 2014

Getting Creative: A Valentine for Rick

Note: My computer has crashed. I'm periodically on loaners but if you don't hear from me or if I don't visit, there's a reason! I'll try to post and reply to comments and visit as soon as I can!
Making valentines hasn't been my only jaunt into creativity lately. About a month ago, I took a workshop with Jacqueline Sullivan and we made journals out of large sheets of water color paper, using gesso, acrylics and other media to create the base.

Each year I write a poetry "yearbook" for Rick and generally make it into an art book. I've done pop-up, envelope books, tag books and more. This year I decided to make the journal.
It's called "Two" because last winter I was too sick to make a poetry book for him. I'll never call the poetry good -- but it's personal! This one includes poems reflecting 2012, like "Lizzie" and "Gypsy."
It also covers our trip to Europe.
This page opened out into a wide spread.
There are poems for each of the kids and the family reunion, along with my retirement.
And guess what -- a few poems you can't see!
So, I will leave you with a song. (And this post is also in reply to a number of you -- including Rick -- who said "But what are you going to DO with them?" Fill them with pretty!)


  1. These are wonderfully creative and lovely!! I love the idea of making something so personal for someone you love.

  2. You're brilliant,
    pure and simple.
    I love a heart that loves
    as big as yours does:)
    What a beautiful idea.
    I'm making similar books for my
    kids but now inspired to
    do some extra loving on my man
    that way:)

  3. Gorgeous work, Jeanie! I love the way your writing and visual artistry come together so beautifully -- bet you got a swoon out of it, too!

  4. Fabulous idea. I admire not only your talent, but your ability to make such a personal keepsake.

  5. You are never short of an idea, are you?
    Creativity is all. It must be lovely to receive your special books, wonderful to be able to give such a gift to your special people.

  6. I love this! What a special Valentine for Rick! And something he will always treasure, I am sure. I am very glad that your health is so much better than it was a year ago!

    Sorry to hear about your computer issues, though. Those are never fun. I had to replace mine in December so I can relate! I feel lost without regular access to the internet! I have my iPhone but it's no replacement for a laptop.

  7. What a special, personal and love filled gift. I love your ability to turn memories into art.

  8. Such a personal and beautiful tradition; Rick is very lucky.

  9. What a great idea -- and uniquely lovely Valentine! Rick is a very lucky man!

  10. I was watching PBS this evening and couldn't help but think of you. The show was "Sister Wendy's Grand Tour" and tonight she was exploring art in Paris. It is a good show but I like your descriptions better! I love your valentine. And you. And Rick. Kitty

  11. Jeanie, this is superb. Being creative and different is what makes a special day like this even more extraordinary! Anita

  12. Yes, indeed - this answers my question about "what you'll do with it." You never fail to impress and inspire with your creativity. What a delicious gift for Rick - better even than chocolate or wine!

  13. Now that is a very sweet idea. I am sure he will love it.

  14. What a lovely Valentine's Day gift! I'm sure your day was memorable....

  15. What a beautiful idea, and a precious gift Jeanie!
    p.s. sorry about your computer.

  16. this is so adorable! I hope your computer gets fixed soon.

  17. Oh Jeanie! I see you came over to NOWHERE! teeeheee....that is a fantastic place where four of us (me, husband, my friend in California and my friend in The Netherlands) get together and post and laugh ourselves silly. You are so kind to come and visit us! Rattus and Tea Rat are illustrations that I do, but my friend in California has needle felted them for me to the exact likeness!

    I hope your computer issues are getting resolved. Have a super day! Anita

  18. Oh, this is such a wonderful gift, so personal and from the heart. I know Rick loved it. Beautiful!

  19. Love Love Love the mixed media art. Lucky Rick! Never mind "What are you going to do with them?" It's enough that you created them and now they exist for enjoyment. Thanks for sharing your inspired work with all of us.


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