The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Posting the Season

One last holiday post. I didn't want to let the season close without sharing this to keep in your memory bank for next year. Those of you who saw my "White Tree" a few posts back, know that I love using vintage postcards on the tree.
But I have too many, so I use them elsewhere, too! Here is my postcard wreath.
When I was going through the cards to find Christmas and Thanksgiving cards this season, I found a gem (not pictured.)
It was one addressed to my grandmother from my grandfather and posted on my birthdate seven years before my mother was born!
Unlike the card I wrote about here, found at an antique book fair and written by my grandmother to my former babysitter and showing our family cottage at the lake (sort of -- it's lost in the trees!), I have no recollection of buying this one or knowing I even had it.
In fact, Rick was the one who found it, struggling to read the street address on the back. When he passed it off to me to try, I realized it was the home where my mom was born!
It was a real gift!
The countdown to Christmas continues all over the world. From where I sit, it's about 357 days away!

And here is a little parting bling because I couldn't resist!
Ornaments in a silver tray (Gorham, a flea find for $1.60!)

Ornaments and crystals angling from the chandelier.

One of the tiny trees I made (thanking Karla for the wonderful idea!)

Silver bird, tinsel and glass balls in one of mom's cut glass bowls.

Another Margaret Furlong ornament with a sparkly tree.

(If you want to download any of the postcard images for your own projects, just click on them!)

If you missed them....Other Christmas posts from 2013!
Happy to join Beverly at Pink Saturday with this final Christmas post!  Check out others HERE.


  1. A true Christmas buff you are :)
    How wonderful to have that card from your grandfather to your grandmother.
    The little silver bird with tinsel and blue bulbs in the glass dish ~ adore it !!

  2. I love the ornaments hanging from the chandelier! That is so clever and another way to make your home more festive. I am declaring you the Queen of Christmas - you do such an amazing job decorating everything!

  3. I love seeing the vintage ornaments and love the story about your cat. I have 3 rescue cats and adore them all. Happy New Year to you!

  4. What a great story! Happy, happy 2014 and Pink Saturday too! Xo, Marti

  5. I love Margaret Furlong ornaments and have quite a collection. :). Beautiful photos of some lovely cards and ornaments. And you found a jewel of a card for sure!

  6. I love your postcard collection! What treasures you have! I love having things with the old addresses of our loved ones or our childhood. I have a jpeg of the page in a phonebook from Fort Worth in the 60's that is our address and phone number. How is that for sentimental. I wanted the phonebook on ebay, but someone else got it. ha!

  7. What a small world that you found family postcards in a thrift shop. I would have never imagined it.

    The Christmas decor is so pretty and shiny. How did you make the tiny trees?

  8. I'm sure your home looks lovely with all the Christmas decorations. You have so many beautiful things. I also hang ornaments from my chandelier...mostly because I don't like it and will do anything to cover it!

  9. It would be a real treat to see your house at Christmas! I have some catching up to do to read your other posts. I love the postcards. They truly are a treasure.

  10. How cool is that - what a wonderful treasure to find. It's unbelievable talk about fate!!!

    Love all your sweet decorations. Are you leaving up the chandy decorations? Perfect for Valentine's Day!

  11. I love that story about finding the card from your grandmother -- what a lovely piece of poetic serendipity! And your home looks lovely... I'd be sorely tempted to keep everything up for at least a little while longer. It's helpful sometimes to have something cheerful up during these cold dark days.

  12. You and my mom are kindred spirits although until this year she would have topped you in the number of trees. I love the vintage/antique cards and the sweet messages.

    It has taken me a bit to catch up with all of your posts for the past month. Lovely trees and family and friends... You are indeed blessed.

    With a husband and a dad who graduated from Auburn, we stayed up late to see the end of the MSU/Ohio State game (cheering for your team).

    Sorry I have been out of touch!


  13. Your house was completely festive and gorgeous!!!
    I hope you have an Amazing New Year!!
    Tammy x

  14. What a lovely way to end the Christmas season - do you decorate for Epiphany?

  15. lovely to see more special Christmas ♥ here Jeanie!

    Your vintage postcard wreath is so sweet...I am always drawn to vintage postcards!

    and bottle brush trees = oh my aren't those FUN!

    I kind of miss Christmas but know it will be here again before we know it ;)

  16. I love the way you
    THOROUGHLY celebrate the good stuff! Your zest for life
    is beautiful and inspiring:)

  17. Hi Jeanie! Oh, those olden Christmas card are so nice and I'll bet you were so happy to find the one of your grandmothers. Hope you have a nice week and thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. You have such a BEAUTIFUL flair for Christmas celebrating & decorating, Jeanie! So much fun to see all your decor and cards... Oh, but I LOVE the silver bird, tinsel with blue balls in the glass bowl "nest"!! :o) Happy new week, my friend ((HUGS)) P.S. Also love your word for this new year--NOW!

  19. Jeannie, Your Christmas decorations are amazing. What a great idea to use the vintage Christmas cards to decorate.

  20. Dear Jeanie,
    I am so sorry I have not been over. Had computer problems, all fixed now.
    I just adore your vintage cards.
    I am like a kid in a candy store here.. Everything is so beautiful!
    Thank you so much for visiting and leaving such a sweet note.

  21. Jeanie, you're one prolific Christmas blogger! Almost 10 posts of wonderful Seasonal celebrations. Thanks for sharing these colourful festivities with us, with me, esp., as I'm a minimalist with just one tree. ;) So, what do you think of Downton Abbey S4E1? I've just posted about it. Love to hear your thoughts.

  22. Jeanie, your Christmas collection blows me away!! Amazing... and beautiful. I love that your past and present cats get their own place in the celebrations also. The post card wreath would have to be a fav of mine... i dont think I could do turkey on the top of the tree tho :) Thanks for all your wonderfully creative Christmas posts - stories, memories, colour and of course shopping.... you really out did yourself on christmas posts!

  23. Love your vintage postcards, they are one of my favorite things to collect too. Hope you are staying warm, I see they have blizzard warning up north! Laura

  24. Since we went to our daughter’s in Nashville, we did not decorate our home at all. The Christmas tree ornaments on my last post where on her tree. Maybe next year we’ll have one for a change. I enjoyed looking at your vintage postcards and all your beautiful decorations. I still have some cards from my granddad that he wrote to my grandmother when my mother was a wee child – it’s fun to read.

  25. What fun vintage postcards! Great memories :)

  26. hard to beat vintage at Christmas time!

  27. Hi Jeanie,
    Thank you so much for visiting. So happy you enjoyed the puppets.
    They will all be available on ebay.
    What a great idea you have for the corks!
    Have a wonderful day


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