The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dreaming of France, of Summer, of Warm

Have I mentioned in my previous posts that it has been cold in Michigan? Even though we are having a bit of a January thaw, more snow is predicted for today and the rest of the week. To this is say "Bah!"
I've been devouring photos in Shane's blog from New Zealand and Blissed Out Grandma, who lives in Minneapolis and is as tired of the white as I am. So, I thought it a perfect time to join with Paulita and her "Dreaming of France" meme. You can find more about it here.
The photos you are seeing represent the best of floral France -- Monet's garden in Giverny.
I visited here in June 2009. It wasn't even in full flower yet, but nonetheless, gorgeous with its deep lavender-pink poppies.
Of course there were lilies...
...and the pond was beautiful, with its graceful willow branches and (I think) bamboo. It sure looks like it here.
When I was there, the color was clearly "pink."
But now and then a spot of yellow would flash its sunny face.
Even the countryside was beautiful -- pastoral sheep grazed near the road.
They were rather friendly -- perhaps they thought we had a special treat for them!
And of course, more poppies.
I long for that warm June day, for the water lilies...
...and for the poppies.
And, for riding along in the French countryside with not a care in the world but to simply revel in a perfect day.
Yes, on a cold Michigan day, I am dreaming of France! Check out Paulita's page for more links and feel free to play along!


  1. Gorgeous photos. I am so ready for flowers. Deb

  2. Oh, my gosh! These photos are so welcome. They are balm for the winter heart. Even though I like winter, I'm beginning to think of spring. It's foggy, wet and dark here today, but not when I visit you.

  3. Our weather hasn't been as severe as yours but bad enough to make these "Dreaming of France" photos wonderful to see. The one of the pond with the willow branches and bamboo is a dream in itself.
    I keep threatening to plan a trip to Paris but my travel buddy is going to Italy during the time I was thinking about. This has definitely revived my interest in working on a plan.

  4. Is there any better garden than Monet's? I don't think so.

  5. Thank you for taking us to France and sharing all its color and beauty....I love the sheep....It must be about sheering time as they sure are full.....Be safe in all that snow your way....

  6. Jeanie, Sorry I posted a snowy picture on a day you wanted to forget about the snow. Lol! I love Monet's Garden and thanks for the lovely photos as a reminder. So glad you played along with Dreaming of France.

  7. I am not tired of winter, but I am always glad to look at France..... :-)

  8. So glad that garden has been kept up. I just dream of summer, France or anywhere else :) We are not as cold as Michigan here, thank goodness but the rain can get you down.

  9. Now you have me thinking of Poppies, too! (Mine are resting under feet of snow.) I thought you were going to tell us you were shearing that sheep because you needed a warm wool coat!

  10. Oh it is wonderful to see pictures of green grass and flowers! I am wishing you guys an early spring - and a slow thaw so that you don't run the risk of flooding... This was always a tough time of year for me in MN as the drab winter really started to get to me in mid-January... So I am trying to enjoy the mild winter down here as I think/hope it will be my only winter in the south!

  11. Winter's such as the one you are experiencing this year can be soooooo long and dreary! I will pray you have a surprise early Spring. Oh do I love your photos of Monet's Gardens. How I would love returning there one day. Any time of the year it is just gorgeous.

  12. Such BEAUTIFUL pictures to go along with such very precious is so wonderful that you have traveled so much and have collected so very many lovely special memories.....It's one of the best things about taking pictures of these trips---you will always have these to remind you of the beauty you got to see at a certain time in your life....!

  13. Ahhh, beautiful!! Yes, I needed this shot of color and scent of spring today... am ready for this any time!

  14. Gorgeous pics! Lovely dreams! I love poppies! I hope it warms up for you soon!

  15. What a beautiful thing to share to shake the winter blues. Great counterpart to frozen, snowy blues.

  16. Even the weather report for Paris today, in mid-January, sounds wonderful -- this week high temps are 44 - 52 with at least glimpses of sunshine. Perfect for a walk in a garden (though I think the Giverney garden may shut down in mid winter). Better than being still in the deep freeze!

  17. Monet's garden is always a beautiful place to think about and look at. For me sitting here in a rather hot Australian summer, it looks cool and inviting!

  18. Beautiful photos, beautiful place….thanks for taking us along!

  19. Oh, how much this lifted my day and daydreams, Jeanie! It's been snowing all week here--literally all week--and there's close to 20-inches of the white stuff out there now... LOL! Thank you for these moments that warm the heart. :o) Happy Weekend, my friend ((HUGS))

  20. losing a dear friend - that's a tough one. Sorry for your loss.

  21. What gorgeous pictures! I'm so with you on longing for sunshine and flowers. It's cold and dreary here in Utah with a nasty inversion that's predicted to be here for the next week at least. Yesterday I was pleasantly surprised to see little green sprouts of crocus poking up in my flower bed. They made me smile and reminded me that spring isn't that far off.

  22. Wow... what amazing photographs... The French Countryside looks simply divine x

  23. These photos are just gorgeous! How I long for spring (sigh)


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