The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Creativity Journal with Jacqueline Sullivan

Jacqueline Sullivan has always been one of my favorite teachers. Her instructions and demonstrations are clear, she is very generous with her time and supplies and I always end up with something I enjoy when all is done.
The Creativity Journal class was no exception. The goal was to create a journal from watercolor paper that we would bind together, having used some interesting painting techniques and tools to create the journal and papers we would include.
Our group was large and one of the delightful things about the end result was that everyone's book looked very different! Below are some of Jacqueline's deli papers.
We began by using gesso and stencils on a large piece of watercolor paper -- both sides.
The stencils had a number of patterns -- curlicues, leaves, starbursts, squares. Later we would see a little magic with these!
After they were dry and we started painting we discovered they acted as a partial resist medium and the stencil patterns showed through! Such fun! You can see it here in the upper right most clearly.
Then we painted a number of deli paper pages, again with the acrylics, to use later.
I have to say, I just loved the ones I came up with! For that matter, I loved everyone's. It's such a great surface to work on. (I discovered this in my gelli workshop, but there we were printing rather than direct painting.)
The we started working on our watercolor sheet, painting over the gesso with diluted walnut ink, sumi ink and some color when desired. We used a variety of tools for a very abstract look. Jacqueline is an officially certified Golden teacher and it was a pleasure to use the Golden paints she provided.
This was Jacqueline's...
...and this is one of mine. Notice how the stencils held the resist when painted over. You can see it in the leaves and in that brown part in the lower right corner.
We also painted a contrast sheet we could cut into pieces and use when desired. we used a variety of tools for this -- paint brush ends, corks, wallpaper brushes and more.
When all the painting was done, we started cutting apart our large watercolor sheet. The sections were folded into pages that were carefully stitched together.

As you can see, some of the pages had "flaps" which you could either glue down  to make a pocket (I haven't done that yet and not sure I will) or to serve as another page.
Then we began adding quotes and the painted papers, along with embellishments.
Of course, Jacqueline was there if we were stumped, had questions or needed an opinion.
Soon it was show and tell time. Everyone's was different!
Here are a few pages from mine.

I'm still not done, but added things after I returned home from the workshop, like beads in the front and some stamping and embellishment inside.
There are pages I'm not that fond of -- I think I filled the page too much with color and stencil and it needed more white space. I'm OK with that -- it was a class and I'm there to learn.
Next time I'll try some different things.
When all was said and done, I was thrilled with the results, enough so that I know this isn't my last journal -- it is the first of many.

(After I did this one, I did another with my friend Kate. Still learning the technique and a few pages drive me nuts -- but I'm learning! Look for more soon!)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your journal looks wonderful! I'm really sorry I couldn't go to this; it looks like such fun. I'm still tip-toeing into journaling; but I love painting and printing on papers.

  3. What fun. Your descriptions of these creativity sessions are fascinating to me. Your enthusiasm for the process and the outcome just add to the fun.

  4. Looks like fun!

    One of the things I loved about the stenciling class I took with Mary Ann Moss several years ago was the way you could see the different layers of paint on your pages. Not as much as with the resist effect you got, but you could see them.....

    I loved stenciling with spray paint. It dried almost instantly, for one thing. But the paint is so toxic -- I won't be doing that any more, at least with toxic paints!

    Good to know that some of the same effects can be achieved in safer ways!

  5. Jeanie! It's so nice to see your pictures of our class and relive the day. What fun and tons of new ideas! As always, your photojournalism is perfect! It was fantastic to finally see you there. Take care!

  6. Jeanie, your Journal is beautiful. What fun you must have had.

  7. Your journal is simply beautiful, a true work of art. I think even I could possibly do this. What fun it would be to take a class like this. Retirement is treating you well!

  8. I get excited just reading your post. Creating journals is so much fun and your class looks like a very creative approach....I think you did a great job on your journal so don't be too critical of this first one....

  9. What a fabulous opportunity -- this looks like so much fun, and the journal you made is amazing... I love those soft springlike colors! I am a little curious, though: what are deli papers?

  10. A wonderful class to take.
    What will the finished product(s) be used for?

    Have fun creating.

  11. Jeanie, This looks so intricate (and hard!). I think your pages are gorgeous - I love the colors you chose. Liking retirement, I see...

  12. Sounds like a great class! Your pages look great! And how wonderful to be able to learn in a relaxed and nonjudgmental atmosphere.

  13. Thanks, Jeanie, for a great review. Your journal i awesome. Please send photos if you do another one! Hugs,

  14. Must be a fun class! I love the colors you showed in your photo. It’s nice to create something different like this.

  15. Oh I just love what you did. What a very fun class. One you can really get into and get messy. Can't wait to see you do more.

  16. Oh, I love these! Yours is gorgeous! I keep wanting to dabble in some art-craft things, but can't find the time to keep up with what I already have going on! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  17. Oooo... Just LOVE this technique! Your pages are GORGEOUS! What a fun & inspiring day! I love the Golden supplies... hard to come by here, and VERY expensive...*sigh*... Look forward to seeing if you do more of this, Jeanie! Thanks for taking us along. :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

  18. Good morning Jeanie! What fun it truly is to sit under a master to learn and have fun at the same time. I remember taking a poetry writing class this past summer from a fabulous teacher, and like this class of art, we too laid out our "colors", if you will, of ideas and words. To be together with others who are energized by such things is SO FUN!

    Have a super Friday! Anita

  19. Beautiful! What a fascinating series of photos. You've brought us right into your class, Jeanie. I've made some hand-sewn journals before (now totally forgotten how), but never thought of compiling decorated pages to make one. What a marvellous idea. Thanks for sharing your class and products with us. Your journal looks wonderful.

  20. Hi Jeanie, Wow I think your Journal looks fabulous. It’s so much fun to learn and have a great instructor doing what you love. Being creative takes a lot of effort. I can’t wait to see more of your work. Great tutorial.
    Enjoy the weekend..........


  21. Oh, what fun! I love your pretty pages and that's a cool way to use some stencils.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  22. Jeanie! These are so beautiful! I always love seeing the process of the projects you work on as well as the end product. So cool! You are so talented. And I always love spying some Frenchie things, like the Eiffel Tower! :)

  23. I love your creative talents and I love that you share them with us.

  24. WOW!!!!
    I LOVE this! Absolutely love
    the class and the process
    and how creative and bright
    your pages! What a clever, delightful little journal.
    Looks like my kind of play:)
    Happy journaling,

  25. Good morning Jeanie! YES, I agree; those who care about the smallest details are those kind of people I want to know and learn from! And to care about a bear's clothes....oh, the sweetness!

    Enjoy your weekend as you dream, put pencil to paper and run....

  26. Just lovely, Jeanie - and so much fun to do. But I'm curious. What would you use the journal for? It looks to me like a finished project all on its own, not anything like a journal you'd write in. I'm so far removed from all things craftie I just don't have a clue!

  27. You gave me some great ideas .
    DOn't you just love being creative !

  28. What a fun class, and with wonderful results! :)

  29. This is so beautiful. What an interesting technique. I hope you'll show us more when you do more.

  30. How beautiful! I'm in awe of your creativity and talent. Thanks for sharing.

  31. This look like fun. I love journaling, but only did workshop once online. You learn a lot more face to face and sharing - Hugs nat


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