The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, December 13, 2013

On the Shelves

When you have a bunch of Christmas things, you don't stop at the tree!
You can create a fairy village, white with snow...
...or a scene magic and mysterious!
Sometimes overkill is really fun! (More to come!)


  1. Clapping wildly, these are awesome !

  2. So beautiful, Jeanie! I love your decoration ! You have a lot of small trees. that is cute.
    This year I tried to get one of These putzhouses . Unfortunately I can´t get this in Germany. I think should build one next year by myself.
    This Weekend we want to buy a real fir tree here at the countryside !

    Happy Friday and happy Weekend to you and your Family.

    ♥ Stefanie

  3. Beautiful! I do love my tabletop stuff! I don't have as many flat surfaces to display on as I once did! I think the day is approaching when I don't put my little houses out..... I love your things.... Merry Christmas!

  4. So pretty - I didn't decorate much this year. I'm still hurting from the fall I took...did get the tree up and it is very cheerful.

  5. I love miniature anything! Looks like fun.

  6. How beautiful! I am never imaginative like this with my Christmas decorations although I can do a mean Christmas card. :)

  7. Enchanting and magical -- an antidote to all that is cold and dark around us!

  8. So wonderful! You are very creative! I love these scenes. :)

  9. there's something about the wreath and the light that gives motion to this winter scene. so beautiful!

  10. Love the extra decorations: they're not excess at all! They're brightening the room, the house and holiday!

  11. Love it!! I'm one of those more is always better when it comes to Christmas decorating!


  12. How beautiful, Jeanie!! I love such scenery very much.
    Have you got snow??
    Here it is too warm and rainy. Hopefully next week the weather will change, but unfortunately it is often too mild around Christmas and first in January we have snow. I think we should celebrate Christmas in January..:-)
    Best wishes

  13. I'm counting on you to decorate for me this year, Jeanie - I see you are in full swing! Happy Holidays! I hope you're feeling well.

  14. If you can’t go over the top at Christmas, when can you. I look at my traditional German figures and thing:
    Pure Kitsch.

    Ah well, who cares.

  15. Your decorations are beautiful. I bet they're even better in person. Don't you just love turning on the Christmas lights with no other lights in the room. I do it every night purely for my own pleasure.

  16. I love overkill and yours is very nice.

    My daughter hasn't even put one decoration up and I wonder if it was because I did overkill when she was growing up. Neither of my children is into decorating. I hope my little "D" loves it.

  17. I love seeing all your Christmas decorations! So pretty! Growing up we also had decorations all over the place, like a holiday village on the banquet table in our dining room. I mostly just had a tree in my pre-Charlotte life, but could see my collection of decorations expanding over the years.

  18. Sometimes overkill is really it:):):)

  19. So pretty - overkill is a good thing at Christmas! :)

  20. Sometimes overkill is the only way.

    Good job.



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