The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, December 30, 2013

More Christmas!

A few odds and ends from Christmas...My friend Judy and I met Santa at lunch.
(When I showed this picture to Rick, he said I have turned into a Santa slut. I just make sure all the bases are covered!)
Here is Lizzie's tree. It's right by her bird window!
As you might expect, some of her predecessors are featured...Stimpy...
...and Muffy (my childhood cat, who wasn't orange but when it says "Muffy" you know what's is supposed to represent!
Lizzie, meanwhile, is quite the packaging assistant. She is particularly "helpful" with ribbons and tissue paper. Looks innocent, doesn't she. You might think so. I couldn't possibly comment.
Lizzie missed this moment! A mouse at the bird feeder. Though given her past experience with mice, she'd just try to stare it down -- and lose.
Here's the maribou wreath -- easy to do, wrapping a boa around a wreath form and adding a few bits. Birds, of course. (When it hangs, the feathers cover the hole a bit -- it's also pretty on the table with a candle or Santa in the center - best of all, it takes five minutes to make!)
And here is the "Dad" tree. All the ornaments represent my Dad in one way or another -- fishing, boats, outdoors.
On the mantle you'll find a Santa or two...
Or three... (or five)...
There are some spaces in my house without Christmas, but not a lot!
We hope your holiday was merry and bright!.
Enjoy our wishes of Peace, Hope and Love in the New Year!
May your days be merry and bright!


  1. Love these, Jeanie! It's an appreciation you have for Santa in all his incarnations, an affection and enthusiasm I always enjoy. Truly, 12 days of Christmas are not enough -- maybe, like Bronners, we should consider making it last 364 days a year...

  2. Lol. Love the Santa whore comment from Rick! The one you most recently saw sure looked authentic! One of my friends posted a photo of the Santa at the Bloomingdale's in NYC and his beard was totally fake! I was a disappointed as I thought the big stores in NYC would have THE BEST Santas!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, dear friend!

  3. I don't know why I'm surprised that Lizzie had her own tree. But... gosh... I'd better not let Dixie Rose know, or I'm going to be in real trouble!

    Actually, we had a small Christmas miracle here. When I came home from my travels, Dixie wasn't under the bed, snarling. She was in her chair. She sniffed my fingers, accepted a treat, and moved over to the sofa to go back to sleep. Her kitty-sitter left a note that she never found Dixie under the bed. She spent the entire four days out in the open.

    Santa brought me a cat-whisperer for Christmas!

  4. that mouse in the suet feeder is priceless!

  5. You have the most fun decorations and trees. I hadn't thought to do anything for Joey and a friends sent him a gift. He has been carrying it around the house, so funny. I did a small tree for mister little D with bears and books and put it on his little table so he could undecorate it.

  6. It's so nice to see how much your home is filled with the spirit of Christmas.

  7. Your home looks whimsical and warm,
    like you,
    and I love the theme trees:)
    Hope this next jaunt around the sun is your sweetest so far
    and that you thoroughly enjoy the moments as they come,

  8. Jeanie,
    Has anyone mentioned how MUCH the young P.L. Travers in the movie SAVING MR. BANKS resembles you?

    Happy New Year to you all.
    Warmer days ahead, I'm sure!

    Maryanne in SC

  9. Wishing you a New Year filled with hope, love, good health and creativity!

  10. Lovely trip you've taken us on dear Jeanie with your photos and you have me giggling with your relationship(S) with Santa LOL ;)!

    Somehow it seems that Christmas came and went so year I think we'll try and stay home in December and that will help all around (hope I am not repeating myself OY!)

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful New Year full of things that delight's to your health and happiness in 2014 ♥


  11. I know those ribbon-hungry feline eyes, bright with anticipation for the "kill". *swipe* *chomp*

  12. Happiest of New Years, My Dear! I hope it's been a splendid holiday so far. Wishing you all the best!
    Xoxo, Kirsten

  13. Love your themed trees, what a fab idea, your home is so festive with Santas everywhere, and the feather boa wreath is inspired!
    Happy New Year from Normandy.

  14. So lovely! Hope your Christmas was filled with blessings. And a very happy new year to you! The swans returned today, along w/ their two cygnets. I was so happy to see them, as though I was welcoming long-lost friends. They've been traveling since last summer. I think their auspicious appearance on New Year's Day bodes well for 2014. :)

  15. Hello, dear friend.
    I have a few wishes for you.
    May 2014 bring you much joy.
    May we all have peace in our homes,
    laughter by our firesides,
    time spent with family,
    and contentment in our hearts.
    Be well, my friend.

  16. Glad to hear that Rick has his power back! Love the "Santa Slut" comment!

    Wishing you many blessings in 2014 too my sweet friend.

    Happy New Year!

  17. I love your themed trees, especially the one for your dad, a great idea! Cute pic with Santa. I’ve enjoyed your Christmas pics, love everything you did. I think Lizzie would be a great friend to keep you company while you pack away Christmas decorations.
    All the best for the new year.........

    The French Hutch

  18. Love seeing and hearing about your collections!

    Merry and bright to you, too. :-)

  19. Always love your pictures..... I love Santa, too! Happy New Year! I hope you have a wonderful 2014. And I hope the power situation is better there now.

  20. Sooo much FUN, Jeanie! Christmas looks happy & festive at your place! And a BIG Happy New Year to you & yours! So lovely to catch up with you here post-holidays and travels. :o) ((HUGS))

  21. My dear, you look fabulous in that bright blue with Santa's arm around you. I used to have a sweater in that color and I have red hair, too. I'm not sure if that shade is supposed to look good on redheads or not, but I always thought it was flattering.

    I have to make one of those maribou wreaths. I love it.

  22. Christmas all around at your house, Jeanie. No wonder Santa was flirting with you! Now you must put it all away!!

  23. Haha! Rick's comment made me laugh - Santa slut! You sure DO look happy with Santa, mind you! :)

  24. How do you do all this? I love your Christmas spirit. So does Santa. He knows his true believers.


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