The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Angels We Have Heard on High

I can't help it. I have too many trees. I don't care!
The angel tree stays up all year in the guest room, where (when I can find the top of the bed) I sometimes go to meditate.
It's a peaceful place and it's filled with all that good angel energy!
I love the Margaret Furlong angels -- I have a few.
Wish I had a lot more!
This is one I made with my friend Richard eons ago. We had macaroni all over the place!
This, a gift from my friend Judy.
Not that there aren't angels on the other trees, but this one is just a little different.
There are those who might call some of these fairies.
I say it's more or less the same thing -- and it really doesn't matter.
I just love 'em!


  1. There's no such thing as having too many trees. I love the idea of an angel tree being up all year long.

  2. I love it. I agree you can never have too many trees! Love all of your unique little angels.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  3. Beautiful angels! And can we ever have too many trees? Likely not! :)

  4. I love that you leave the angel tree up all year. Full of good energy, as you say! :-)

  5. The lights glowing behind each angel really bring those photos to life -- beautiful!

  6. I love that you have multiple trees! That is awesome! I'd love to have a mini Paris-themed tree some day!

    I love all the angels, but I especially love the one made from macaroni! How creative!

  7. What a lovely collection of angels.
    Love Margaret Furlong angels and have several too. Love your macaroni one too.

  8. Oh so beautiful - I love that you have enough beauties to have a themed tree.

    Merry Christmas!


  9. How peaceful your guest room must be. Those angels are beautiful. Enjoy and don't even think about having too many trees. Lovely, just like you, Jeanie.

  10. You're welcome Jeanie and you can pop in to see me anytime you want to.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. You're not even close to having too many trees. Take a look at this article about a woman in Maryland who has 277 trees!

  12. I like your macaroni angel – that is certainly a nontraditional angel. I also like your Margaret Furlong angels – I had never seen one before – they look like a scallop sea shell – very pretty too. One of my friends in France collects angels, not just on a tree – she also has them in her garden and on top of her garden fountain. I have seen some pretty angels in cemeteries – like the ones in Savannah, most of them from the Victorian era.

  13. Quite an angelic collection you have! They're all so cute. Putting them to good use is only the natural thing to do for a creative and artsy person as you, Jeanie. Thanks for sharing them. I love seeing all your festive ornaments. :)

  14. Love all your angels! I made those pasta angels, too. They are so fragile and so special that they often stay in the drawer! Made a bunch one Christmas with my mom and my sister..... great memory!


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