The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, November 25, 2013

Giving Thanks

This has been a huge year for us in many ways.
Many thanks are due.
Thanks to the support of so many friends, families, bloggers and even kind strangers during my health issues this spring and summer. I don't know if I'm out of the woods yet, but I like to think I am, at least for awhile. I'm sure the support and prayers I received helped tremendously. (Below -- last February.)
Thanks to Rick for all that, for sharing Greg and Kevin with me, and for so much more -- he has become a bread baker. My hips gladly pay the price as I devour all his experiments and successes!
Thanks for wonderful classes at SmittenDust with some of the finest teachers one could imagine. I've learned so much and had such fun.
Thanks for Lizzie helping me move through my grief in losing Gypsy last year. Lizzie will never be Gypsy. She will be Lizzie -- and that's OK.
Thanks for 32-plus years at WKAR and now many more to come as a most joyful and elated retired person. I hope many of my WKAR colleagues will soon know that joy!
With that comes thanks for time. Time for art camp at the lake...
Time to read and enjoy my book club more because I've actually read the book!
Time to take walks at the ditch and hang out with
Harry the Heron!
Time to celebrate all for which I give thanks.
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.


  1. I wish you many happy years of retirement with much to be thankful for!

  2. "Happy Thanksgiving, Jeanie"

  3. This year has certainly been an eventful one for you. I'm so glad that you are in such a positive place as it comes to an end.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. ... and always keeping your smile! :-)

  5. Yes, much for which to be thankful this year. Love the pic of Harry and of Lizzie - not to mention the pics of you and your friends, w/ your ever-ready smile. :) Happy Thanksgiving, dear Jeanie. (By the way, that camera you asked about doesn't have a lens attached. I was using a zoom lens).

  6. I am thankful for you, Julia.
    ~Avis <3

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Jeanie! Thanks for sharing with us your 2013 journey (so far) in this beautiful post. Looking forward to the exciting month of December.

  8. Dear Jeanie,
    As long as we have our health, all the rest is icing on the cake, right?
    I am so thankful to have come to know you.. Great photos, wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving, Jeanie!!I am so glad, that you feel good and that you are so full of power...creative power!! I read all your last posts and admire the wonderful things you did together with other nice ladies. I suppose you don`t know boredom, do you?
    Have a marvellous day together with your family
    Best wishes

  10. Happy Thanksgiving right back - what a wonderful trip down memory lane - what a difference a year makes, eh? So thankful you are on the mend and creating your retired "self" - I love following your journey and thinking ahead to my own next adventure. Thank you for your blogs, as well. I took time to actually get back to my "other" blog and am SO glad to do so. But I will always remember your words of warning about that push-pull of operating in two universes, as it were:).

  11. Goodness.... I had no idea you were hooked up to a drip at home! You poor dear! You do have a lot of things to be thankful for, I believe those that know they are blessed... are doubly blessed in return. So, you've got that to look forward to! lol...
    big hugs,

  12. It has been quite a year -- mostly wonderful -- for you, Jeanie! I'm so happy for you that you're so enjoying retirement -- and anticipating many more years of living in gratitude! I hope you and Rick have a very happy Thanksgiving!

  13. This really has been quite a year for you, from the big health scare to the joy of retirement. I am glad that you have a long list of people/a pet/things/experiences to be thankful for. I feel blessed to also have a long list reasons to give thanks! Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend!

  14. A lovely list (and beautiful pictures to illustrate it, too!) I am so happy for you, friend, happy for the improved health, your many sustaining friendships, and the new integrity you seem to have found in your life. Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Happy Thanksgiving to you. You indeed have much for which to give thanks! That photo of you from this spring just made me so sad. I'm so glad to know that you are so much better. I am so very happy for where you are in life right now. Blessings overflow.

    It has been a rough year for me too. I am so thankful that we have our blogging world where we share each other's joys and sorrows.

  16. Soooo much to be thankful for--YES! Thank you for sharing your year-in-review, Jeanie... it was good looking back with you--the honesty of life in all it's ups & downs. So very thankful for the gift of your friendship, and extra thankful you're holding steady in the health department. Have a blessed Thanksgiving week :o) ((HUGS))

  17. you do have many wonderful blessings my sweet friend.Wishing you, Rick and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


  18. Dearest Jeanie
    A lovely post!
    AND I'm THANKFUL for having you as one of my faithful bloggy friends!
    I feel happy when I open up my blog and find a comment from you - always so supportive and positive!

    This is just the beginning of retirement for you - wait until next year when it really takes off!!!

    Much love
    Wishing you and your family blessings for this Thanksgiving.

    Shane XOX

  19. Oh, Jeanie! A blessed and most thankful post indeed! I wish you many blessings and a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  20. As soon as I came here I was hoping you would say how you were doing. It sounds like you are doing just great. Thankfulness is good no matter what time of the year, but especially as we approach the day for Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. I'm so glad you are doing well. It's good to have a real pause to focus on the good things. I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving! Have fun with the decorating!

  22. What a wonderful celebration it will be for you, for Rick and for all who gather with you. Sometimes it can be difficult to believe we'll move past the hard times, but once it's happened, the gratitude can be overwhelming.

    I'm thankful for you! - for your smiles, and for your willingness to admit, now and then, that smiling isn't always possible. Have a wonderful celebration, and give Lizzie a little pet from me and Dixie!

  23. Wonderful photos and post, Jeanie. Happy Thanksgiving!

  24. So happy to hear you are doing so well, and retired, etc.! Enjoy, enjoy!

  25. I understand these words very well, Jeanie.
    "I don't know if I'm out of the woods yet, but I like to think I am, at least for awhile."

    You had a tough year, but your attitude has been inspirational. I hope lots of good days are ahead.

  26. I understand these words very well.
    "I don't know if I'm out of the woods yet, but I like to think I am, at least for awhile."

    You've had a tough year, but your attitude has been inspirational. I hope lots of good days are ahead, Jeanie."


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