The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cooking with Mark

I don't know if most people my age don't celebrate Sweetest Day or if it's just one holiday that I pass by, but when my cousin Mark said he was making a Sweetest Day gift for his sweetest Katie, I had to get pictures.
And actually, it's a terrific recipe! Mark decided to make frozen chocolate-covered banana bites.
First up was toasting the coconut and melting 12 oz. of chocolate (with 2 T. veggie oil).
He also got out a selection of additional toppings -- sprinkles, heath bars, graham crackers and pretzels.
Then he cut several bananas into half-inch slices.
After the chocolate has cooled about 15 minutes, he dipped each banana slice into the chocolate...
And then into one of the toppings and set it on a cookie sheet.
A word to the wise -- this isn't exactly the neatest and tidiest project.
Gloves would have helped, although we did discover part way into it, that using a fork or a couple of spoons for the dipping was a good idea!
When done, pop the tray into the freezer for several hours...
...and prepare a lovely box, separating layers with waxed paper.
They were delightful, delicious, delovely and Katie loved them! Oh, and there were plenty of folks around to take care of the leftover chocolate!
Try them! I think they'd be good with Butterscotch chips, too!


  1. What a sweet guy....those balls looks delicious and oh my the choices for toppings are endless....

  2. Everything about this post is as sweet as can be. I was not aware of "Sweetest Day", but Mark sure got it right.

  3. How sweet to make these for his sweetie! They look really good. I would have just eaten all that melted chocolate. :-)

  4. For me just one problem: I hate bananas. But I bet you could use some other center!

  5. Nice! When I lived in Milwaukee, Sweetest Day was promoted with ads, etc. But here in Minnesota I've never noticed a single mention of it.

  6. Yum, yum! I don't think I could eat only one...

  7. I have never celebrated sweetest day, but how sweet that Mark does! That recipe looks awesome and best of all (for me) it's gluten free! I think these would be a great treat for me to make at Christmas time so I'd have something sweet to enjoy while the others eat cookies! I will have to make these when I am home. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Oh my -- that looks so decadent! And totally delicious, too. Worth making up a holiday if it permits indulgence like this...

  9. OK, this is something I could do and would love. I love frozen bananas and have never thought to just make chunks and dip in fun things. Yummmo! What a "Sweet" gift!

  10. Celebrate "Sweetest Day"? I never heard of Sweetest Day. It sounds like another marketing gimmick to me, something to take up a little slack before Halloween. (Cynical, much?)

    On the other hand, those treats look wonderful. I'm a great fan of bananas. They're my favorite travel food. You can eat them while driving and they don't drip!

    But dipped in such yummy coatings? Oh, yes!

  11. I haven't heard of a "sweetest" day before Jeanie - what next!
    Good for Mark creating something sweet for his love in the kitchen - I would love a man that cooks!
    Shane x

  12. What a sweet guy! and what sweet treats!!

    Thank you so much for your leaving such a kind note for the Mouse Inspector.. I always enjoy your visits.

  13. This is a great idea for my baking daughter. I'll suggest she do this for the next bake sale. Thank you :)


  14. Sweetest Day... somehow I always forget this one! Must note better on calendar, and do something about it. LOVE seeing the guys making sweets for their sweeties. ;o) Such fun to be back here with you, Jeanie. I hope to be around more when I can, now I'm doing better--I'm online a little less still these days. The less technology is not a bad things.. LOL! I posted for the first time in weeks--it felt good, sweet! HAPPY DAYS, my friend! :O) ((HUGS))

  15. How could anyone resist such handmade sweets - obviously a very sweet guy and a lucky recipient!!

  16. When you are young and in love you celebrate. What a sweet guy, I hope his girlfriend appreciates all his hard work! Have a great weekend, Laura

  17. Sweetest Day? Interesting idea - but thatnks for the recipe! while I'm in India, this weekend in Diwali, which the locals celebrate with sweets. I've had the chance to enjoy some of my favourite indian sweets with no guilt - because that's what you do when celebrating Diwali!

  18. Good to see men getting their hands dirty making sweets. ;) These look fabulous.

  19. I don't know what Sweetest Day is.... but looks yummy!

  20. Yum! We were actually married on Sweetest Day, but have never specifically celebrated it. I do remind my dear husband when it comes around - but mostly because it's tied to our own special day. It looks like you had a wonderful time:)

  21. Looks wonderful. Katie is a lucky girl!

    I remember when I went away to college and was shocked to find that many people had never even heard of Sweetest Day and that it was a holiday primarily celebrated in the Great Lakes region. I always loved the extra chance to get candy! It was a candy makers idea - and definitely a promotional thing - but it has been around for almost 100 years, btw.


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