The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Few More Drawings

Here are a few more watercolors from my summer journal.Yes, I have spent a little time with a book right here on the beach enjoying the summer!
You've seen this view before. I keep trying to get it right!
The one below was hard for me.
It is from this photo and I never did get it quite right. 
Well, I never thought I'd be Norman Rockwell! More to come!


  1. Hi Jeanie! Oh, I love your sweet watercolors. How nice and relaxing for you. The views are just lovely.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. I just love your watercolors. Or any art you share. You are so talented!!

  3. I think these are delightful. My favorite is the enticing lawn chair.

  4. My favorite's the bird and nest - both the photo and the drawing. It's just lovely. I can see why you might think you didn't get it "right", but if I'd seen only the drawing and not the photo also, a comment like that wouldn't have made any sense at all!

    The days are clicking down!

  5. The beach scenes make the setting look like a place I would love to be....well done.

  6. Jeanie,
    They all have such a warm feeling, I do not see anything wrong with the bird and nest. I think it is spot on!
    The beach scene makes me want to take a trip.
    Lovely work Jeanie, thank you so much for sharing.

    You are always so kind to stop in.
    I am so happy you enjoyed Matilda and Phoebe.. Thank you for your kind words.

  7. Your heart shines through in all your work from choice of subject to execution. Kudos to you for throwing yourself in to this adventure in journaling your world.

  8. no worries, there's no such thing as "quite right" anyway. because no one's work is ever "quite right"--even the great masters. it's what makes someone's work their own. :)

  9. They are all so charming! I love the bird & the nest as well -- especially the texture you achieved with the nest. And that lawn chair? Gosh, it sure looks inviting...

  10. Can you believe it - I have the exact same stone bird on a shelf in my living room. I bought it at a yard sale years ago!

  11. Your watercolors are sweet and make me smile. I'd love to be in that lounger by the water, or watching the sailboat float past. And your bird is very much like the photo. Who needs Norman Rockwell when we have Jeanie!

  12. Your watercolors are looking super Jeanie...
    I think we are each our own worst critic!
    btw ... I have that metal dove/bird :)

  13. Your style is just different than Norman. I like it. Keep doing and keep creating and playing.

  14. Very nice! I think your art is wonderful.... keep painting! I'm reading The Art Forger right now... it inspires me to paint in layers!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. your drawings are beautiful
    and rich in heart and warmth
    and feeling
    and reflect your layers of
    thanks for sharing
    (I think you're better than you think!)

  16. I wish, really wish, I could draw! Lucky, talented girl.

  17. A nice idea to keep a picture diary. These days I am lazy and snap with my camera, but it is NOT the same!

  18. Your watercolor and many other artistic talents never fail to impress me. I'm always impressed by anyone with artistic talent since it's something I lack completely. Your watercolors always make me feel relaxed and calm. Keep them coming!

  19. These drawings are lovely! And we don't need you to be Norman Rockwell. Just be YOU!


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