The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

At the Market

I can't resist a farmer's market -- and August in Michigan is a fine time to go!
We have spectacular sweet black cherries -- I couldn't resist buying as many as I could afford!
There aren't a lot of crafters, but this one had dish cloths -- very colorful, but I'm not sure I'd sell them for $2.50 each -- figure one to two hours plus your yarn and your hourly rate is under $1 an hour...
The popcorn stand is always very popular!
Rick is into his bread baking, and he had a rather long and illuminating talk with one vendor who was generous with his time and tips. I bought a loaf of his sourdough and it was terrific!
Then he spoke with another vendor who specialized in whole wheat bread. It was a good learning experience for him!
And of course we bought a few veggies for dinner!
And the dill was great, too!
All in all, great fun! Can't wait to see what's in season when I return!


  1. Wow. From medical triumph to farmers' market. My head is spinning. Life is normal and happy again. Wahoooo.

  2. One of the many great things about living in Michigan is the wonderful Farmers' Markets.

  3. Farmer's markets and summer really go together ...
    great photos and those cherries are making my mouth water...yum!

  4. LOVE farmer's markets! We don't have one locally, and sorely miss having one! Fun photos, Jeanie... thanks for taking us along. ((HUGS)) P.S Will Rick be sharing the bread-making tips? ;o)

  5. Yum, those cherries look SO good! I love going to farmer's markets. There was a great one full of local vendors that was about 2 blocks from my Minneapolis apartment. Since moving to Charlotte, I have only been to one, mostly because I get nervous walking in crowds with my boot because it's clumsy and I always worry I will step on someone's foot. But I am hoping to ditch the boot at my podiatrist appt on Friday now that we know the true culprit. So maybe I will celebrate this weekend by going to a Farmer's Market!

  6. Our little town has a farmer' market every Saturday and I love to go. I wish we had cherries like yours here.
    Wow, a man who bakes are a lucky woman, Jeanie.

  7. The cherries have me drooling! I wish we had a good farmer's market near where we live but sadly we don't. I love buying fresh produce straight from the farmer.

  8. Oh my...those sweet black cherries look almost like chocolate-covered cherries! And in case I forgot to say it in your last post (The Verdict is in): WHOO HOO!!! (And thank you so much for coming by and visiting!)
    Bisous, Kirsten

  9. So happy to see you out & about, strolling through the farmers' markets in style. Enjoy those cherries!

  10. Your market is NICE! I'm impressed with the quality of the produce! That bread looks amazing too-- and so nice that the vendors are friendly. :)

    I'm sorry to read that you were struggling (understatement!) with your bronchile-ick, but am glad you have a better prognosis. Been thinking of you lately and wondering when you have your next wine tasting-- Cork Masters, right?

  11. the dish clothes are amazing! I love the colorful arrangement.

  12. For once! I know something about a craft you show - the dish cloths! They sure look to me like they've been done with Sugar & Cream cotton yarn. My mom used to make them - and she could whip through one in no time. I just love them. She tried to teach me how to do it, but... well...

    Anyhow, I'm glad to see someone else putting them out there for sale. They're so pretty, and really nice to use. I have one at the sink right now!

  13. Now this is a farmers market.. Ours here is very small. What fun Jeanie, great photos!
    Wishing you a beautiful week.

  14. sounds like Rick can do it all - biking, wine connoisseur and a bread baker too - holy moly!

  15. Farmer's markets are the very best. Your market looks wonderful and those cherries, oh yummmmm!

  16. Hi Jeanie! Oh, I love farmer's markets and this looks like a good one. Those bing cherries are calling my name. I could get 5 pounds at one time! ;) Then I'd have to go to the bathroom! ;) My bad! Anyway, so nice and glad you found some lovely veggies too.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. I just love farmers' markets and get to them all too rarely. Thanks for taking me along -- via your wonderful photographs -- to this one!

  18. Fun! I'd be like a kid in a candy store!!1

  19. I could almost smell that artisan bread from here! I am so glad that Rick was able to talk with two bakers and I am betting that you are having some of Rick's bread tonight!


  20. I can still taste those Mich. cherries. I need to pick Rick's brain for the tips he learned about the bread! 'Tis getting close to your special time. Are you getting excited or having mixed emotions? Love to both of you. Kitty

  21. I do love a farmer's market. Your pics capture the festive atmosphere. I craved cherries when I was pregnant with my son. When he was born, he had a small indentation on his butt. I always said it was a bing cherry.

    Loved your last post. I left a comment. I'm so far behind on my blog reading.

  22. what a festival of beauty!
    thanks for taking us along,

  23. I love all the beautiful colors in this post! The peaches are most tempting. ;)

  24. I am catching up after a few days away. You like the same kind of places that I do. And those cherries, I would have bought a couple of boxes. Here, we've been picking blackberries (wild ones). In the area we go to, the blackberries are nicer by far than anything you'd get in a shop or even a farmer's market. Blackberry picking is one of my treasured things for this time of year


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