The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Table Setting Tips with Barb

My friend Barb is a miracle. She turns out an amazing salad, beautiful cake, incredible floral arrangements and she's fun!
So when Barb hosted our Paris Brest cooking gig, I thought it would be a great time to get a step-by-step (or layer-by-layer) or table setting tips!
 Paris Brest is French with a red, white and blue flag -- and those are the colors associated with Memorial Day. So Barb used two tea towels as a table runner -- and to cover up the word "VOTE" on the towels, used a rectangular centerpiece.
Next, simple round placemats. The kind you get a Pier 1 that don't cost a fortune!
Plain white plates show off the food well. 
Next came the water glasses.
Barb said we needed to jazz up the centerpiece and used red peppers. Easy, simple and functional to use your veggies in the centerpiece -- and it really gave it a pop!
Napkins and silverware came next...
...then wine glasses.
The party favors didn't look quite right on the white plate.
Since we had salad and dessert to come, added plates for those.
Supper time!

From this fun time together, I picked up these tips:

Use what you have -- and have some versatile things. Simple dishes, everyday silverware, colorful solid napkins all make it possible for you to set a pretty table without rushing to the store to buy something new.

Think creatively. I thought the idea of using the tea towels as a runner, then covering up the word "VOTE" with the centerpiece was brilliant. And inexpensive.

Centerpieces don't have to be complicated. A simple pottery tray, unmatching glass vases with a few simple blooms and a handful of red peppers made for a lovely, simple and inexpensive arrangement.

The real star is the food -- and the guests. If at least one of these exceeds expectations and the other doesn't fall too short, you'll have an event to remember.


  1. Hi Jeanie! Oh, this looks so cute! How nice to meet your friend and see her put magic on the table! The setting looks wonderful!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. This was so fun to see. I love that she put together so many things that she had on hand to make such an attractive special event setting.

  3. Pretty. Pretty. Pretty. And what a smile.

  4. You didn't specifically comment on the blue tray used to hold the centerpiece, but it's also a very nice and obviously handmade addition to the simple table setting. And using just one such item looks very effective.

  5. I love watching women get creative. The table looks cute and love the little tips. Deb

  6. Barb really is a miracle! What a festive table setting -- so fun and inspiring. I really do have to get with it and stop eating my salads while reading on the couch!

    I also liked your comment that, of course, the people at the table are the most important part of the meal. So true!

  7. I'm hopeless at this kind of thing and I always envy everyone who is good at it. I might follow your tips though and have another go next time we have company.

  8. Obviously, everyone named Barb isn't dysfunctional in the kitchen! Am I too old to learn new tricks?

  9. I noticed the red peppers right away in the the centerpiece and thought how clever and pretty. They did just make everything pop beautifully. Thanks for saving the tips and sharing.

  10. Fun! Love the colors and the use of pepper for decoration, give it a fresh appeal!

  11. Oh fun! That tablescape is beautiful! I love the use of stripes! We are not very good about table arrangements when it comes to Julia Child night as neither my aunt or I are crafty. But some striped table clothes would probably be a good starting point for us!

  12. Done with such élan! Just perfect!!

  13. Thanks for the tips! I have so many place mats that I love. I could tie them together that way she did the dish towels. That is a great idea!

    True, the important thing is that the dinner is approached in a way that creates an atmosphere of hospitality where those around the table can enjoy each other.

  14. FUN table--very festive! This was fun, Jeanie--and I learned a lot! It's often jut TJ & I around the table so I'd always get to do tablescapes and such. And when the family is over--well with many little ones, a lot of table decorating is impractical...LOL! But I love this sort of thing, and should do more of this--even for just the two of us. :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

  15. It's so nice to see how easy it is to add a touch of elegance to a table; and it makes people feel special.

  16. She does set a pretty table! Love the color and the centerpiece is genius with the peppers!

    Thanks for the wedding wishes!


  17. Very festive. Some people have such a knack at tablesetting. I love the bright colors.

  18. That stripey runner just makes me happy. What a great post!!

  19. She makes it look so easy! The result is beautiful and welcoming and I can see why you enjoyed your evening.

  20. Oh I am sure your food was delishious and your guest did feel like stars ... with such a lovely atmosphere ! Love the creativity!

  21. Barb is a Renaissance Woman - she can do it all!

  22. But as you say - it always comes down to the food and the people!

    "Tablescape" is a new one for me - just one more reminder of how far off the beaten path I live my life.

    I did just get a new book in the mail, about the Algonquin Round Table. I'll have to keep an eye out to see if they have any decorating tips!

  23. Some very clever and very useful ideas. I love setting a pretty table....! I always end up using all my "good" China, because I LOVE Good China. And over the years I have collected lots of pretty things.
    That Centerpiece is wonderfully imaginative. The Red Peppers---a brilliant touch!


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