The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Quiet Weekend

I thought just for once it would be nice to chat a little about things going on in my world on a quiet weekend -- within a few days of it happening,instead of a few weeks! 
Rick took a boy-on-his-bike-hike on Friday, returning Saturday. So, I enjoyed another walk to the Ditch.
Evenings bring their own beauty.
This was the first time I'd seen a deer that stood still long enough for a few photos.
Granted, the zoom couldn't handle it without a little fuzz. Nonetheless, I was entranced.
My Saturday jaunt took me by my favorite honeysuckle bush. It smells heavenly!
Harry was out, strugging his stuff.
Again, too far to get much clarity with the zoom. Still, my Big Bird makes me happy.
A duck family was near the walkway -- mom and her four babies. Dad was in the bushes, an occasional mallard tail showing through.They seemed content to scratch the ground and just wander, play and pick on each other!
 Of course, most just liked simply hanging out in the shade on this steaming hot day.
This child (with his grandma) was entranced by them.
So was I!
They were getting big, but were still downy.
Mom's feet were bright -- ready for a quick getaway if tempted.
I loved watching this family -- mom clearly called the shots.
When she moved, they did. Otherwise, she was content to let them explore.
I love seeing people out there -- this was a group of teens by another duck area.
And supper was on for Mr. Chips here!
Rick returned that evening and we enjoyed a riverside picnic before seeing the musical "Baby."
It was tranquil, calm and quiet. We'd periodically see geese and ducks float down the Red Cedar. A few joined us on shore.
They took off, though, when a rubber raft came along! The kids' parents were on shore, walking their dog. The geese took a pass!
Then the excellent production done by Michigan State University's theatre department. This photo was taken before the crowd filled in but they still deserved a much bigger audience than it had. 
This was the last of four nights for this show -- and the last of the free season of several shows for Summer Circle Theatre. Can't wait till next year.
All this -- and I still have Sunday left -- as you can see, it's warm here, even Lizzie is a sprawling!


  1. Wow a place so full of nature close enough to walk to is awesome! I loved seeing all the animals like this.

    Hope that today was just as special for you too!


  2. What a beautiful place to go for a daily walk. I love it. The deer photos are wonderful and I know exactly how you feel when you see one. Awesome.

  3. I am glad you got out and about and got some fresh air! I love the duck pictures! Baby ducks are so sweet and I love how the mama duck calls the shots. That is great that you were able to take in an outdoor musical production, too!

    I went to Raleigh for the weekend to visit a blog friend and I had a great time!

  4. Gotta love those bright duck feet - as if she wanted a little pizzaz! Rick is getting tan - how many miles did he do? We're in the city. Bob's 90 year old Dad is visiting from FL. Hot here too.

  5. Never knew that a duck's feet could glow like that. What a beautiful walk you had. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Looks like the best kind of weekend... so glad the heat & humidity didn't deter you from enjoying it all.

    Around here, the young ducks are terrorizing the older ones, flashing gang signs as they pass each other in the pasture. No scapes yet, but peas are beginning to arrive in abundance.

  7. Looks like a very pleasant and low key week-end.

  8. Oh, not that's a lovely weekend... And love all the flora & fauna. Especially the kitty-cat variety. ;o) Happy Days, Jeanie ((HUGS)) P.S. did you make the quilt on the bed? PRETTY!

  9. the animals are interesting.visit

  10. Ohhh Lizzie! What a beautiful bellah you have :-)

  11. The deer pics are great. It looks like it was as interested in you as you were in the deer.
    I love the duck family dynamics and the red feet are stunning.
    It looks like Lizzie had a relaxing weekend also. :)

  12. Amazing shots! Made my BP drop just browsing along with you. Loved the deer.

  13. What a nice day!

    We have ducks on a new pond in a city park nearby. Your duck pics are way better than mine! :-)

    Love the heron, too. Those wispy feathers over his back.....

    And the deer.....

    Thanks for sharing your day with us!

  14. Now this just sounds like a perfect and peaceful weekend. Love seeing your nature nearby and always your Lizzie.

  15. Wonderful wildlife pictures! You remind me that there are a few places here that I could walk and see at least a few wild things. Putting it on my to-do-list for tomorrow!

  16. I tried to post a comment a minute ago, but I did something wrong. I think I've figured it out.

    I love this post. Your description and pictures made me feel so tranquil. We're at Dad's for a couple of days, and you've inspired me to go down to the creek and see what's going on. Lovely post, Jeanie.

  17. I read this post with a big smile on my face. Wonderful and relaxing :)

  18. The little ducklings are adorable!

  19. Love the ducklings and the lovely settings, but Lizzie stole my heart!


  20. You know how I am about the ducks and herons, but what a treat to see a deer, too. I saw some on my trip to the hill country, but they're pretty common up there. What was unusual was the wild turkeys!

    Of course my favorite photo is of Lizzie. That's summertime, for sure!

    The best news around here is that I think I've found the perfect cat-sitter for Dixie. I'll tell you about it later, but here's the bottom line - it only took Dixie a half-hour to get out from under the bed when I got home. This is progress, especially since she didn't hiss or swat - or turn her back!

  21. An insight into a really lovely weekend! What beautiful surroundings. We city dwellers miss a lot in not being able to come across nature "unawares"


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