The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Picky, Picky

I've been playing with two online photo editing sites, picmonkey and pixlr express to see what I can do to my photos.

I haven't decided which I like best of the two -- which I guess is a good thing. It means they are both worth a try.

Here are some before and after looks.
Above and below -- a Venetian Mask. (Pixlr Express). I think that in this one, the effects add to the age and mystery of the mask.
Above and below, a scene from Mackinac Island. This is using PicMonkey. The filters add to the vintage feel of the photo.
Above and below, the window in my friend Jerry's Parisian courtyard. This was done with PicMonkey. (Actually, these are different photos of the same window; I couldn't put my hand on the original, but you get the idea as far as colors go.)
Above and below, the view from Jerry's apartment. (This is from Pixlr)
The windmills at Kinderdijk, Netherlands. (This was done with Pixlr Express)
A gate in Giverny, France at the cemetery where Monet is buried. (This is PicMonkey)
So, give them a try. If you want some great tips on PicMonkey, scroll down Beth's blog and check out her photos -- she does a lot of her photos with this system.

I don't think every photo should be altered and to be honest, I don't always like it. I like the documentary quality of from-the-camera, maybe cropped or color corrected or converted to sepia or black and white. But sometimes, manipulation can really help you tell a story in a more dramatic way. It helps move the image from just a memory to something with a history. I think you can see that in a couple of these. Have fun!


  1. I especially like the altered photos of the bicycle and the view from Jerry' window. I have never used either of those editing sites, but I'll have to have a look.
    I think about you a lot, Jeanie, and I hope you are doing well.

  2. Fun to see the differences. I need to play more with my photos. You chose some nice photos to play with too.

  3. I've been wanting to try Picmonkey for a long while....just waiting for some spaces to open up in my days
    for some photo playtime.
    thanks for sharing the fascinating

  4. These are all fun, and altering photos with these programs is another form of artistic expression, I think. You have lots of great photos to use as fodder for your experimentation, so enjoy!

  5. I love the nostalgic feel of that bike one, Jeanie - sometimes I fool with mine and sometimes not. I've used PicMonkey but also use some apps on the iPad. Hope you're out and about this weekend - gorgeous here in Denver. (No snow!) Tell Rick that Bob is going to The Tour of CA next weekend. He's taking our sons. (I'll be in AZ with Girlfriends.)

  6. This is fascinating to me. My DIL experiments with photos, but I've pretty much stayed with my iMac editor, when it pretty straight forward. I will try this. Thanks so much for the links.

  7. Wow, Jeanie! That's just so cool! Amazing what one can do these days!

  8. These are delightful. You know I love playing with photos in digital programs, but I do agree that often, straight out of the camera is great, too.

  9. Joanne Thieme HuffmanSunday, May 12, 2013

    Actually, that last comment is from me (Joanne Thieme Huffman); Kate was using my iPad and the directions for signing out are in Japanese.

  10. Hi Jeanie: First of all Happy Mother's Day!
    I love the editing in some of these shots! I love the Monet as it brings back memories of when I visited his grave!
    I also play around editing in my apps.
    hugs to you xo Anna

  11. Oh, Picmonkey is my favorite! I use it every week to make my headers! Thank you so much for coming by to leave a comment! It has been wonderful to meet new people this last week, and if you have time coming this Friday, come on over to click on the links to visit the participants of the link party! Have a lovely Mother's Day! Anita

  12. Oh fun! I think the bike one is my favorite of the bunch! I haven't tried using an application like that before. I agree that it is fun to alter photos to make them a bit more dramatic!

  13. I guess I am old fashioned, but for me, I like ALL the 'orignals' better.
    I'm not big on photo manipulation.... I understand lightening things a bit to fit what YOU actually saw through the camera lens...And, of course, I understand and very much being able to crop a picture...But all the rest? It's not for me.
    Just a personal preference, my dear.

  14. Jeanie, all of these look great! I like playing around with my photos, too, and sometimes I get good results. It's just something fun to do.

  15. Hi Jeanie! I love the look of the fiddled with snaps. My favorite is the one with the bike! ;) Don't you love it that there are some free photo editing sites! Thank you for the sweet comment about my little mother!
    Happy Mother's Day to you if it applies. I'm sorry, as I'm just getting to know you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. These are great examples Jeanie!
    I've used both sites but i can see I need to let go and be a little more adventurous!
    I just love the Pixlr mask - can you remember exactly what you did??!!!
    Great information and thank you for passing on your knowledge - it's nice to share x
    Shane ♥

  17. These are all inspiring! And very appealing options, especially with Adobe forcing everybody into the cloud (for $50/month!). Love the windmill, the mask, and the bicycle... all of them, really.

  18. Lovely seeing your photos Jeanie ... both before and after.

    I enjoy using Pixlr and found it so easy with a great number of possibilities...may have to check out PicMonkey now too :)

    Another reason to sit here in my favorite chair ;)

    Hope you had a really lovely Mother's Day!

  19. Dear Jeanie,
    I hope your day was full of joy.
    I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    The photos are really interesting.
    I have never used PickMonkey before.
    I believe the bike is my favorite.

    Thank you so much for your visit and kind thoughts.

  20. Dear Jeanie,
    I hope your day was full of joy.
    I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    The photos are really interesting.
    I have never used PickMonkey before.
    I believe the bike is my favorite.

    Thank you so much for your visit and kind thoughts.

  21. LOVE seeing all the before & after! You've done a great job enhancing your already GREAT photos, Jeanie! Like you, for a while, I've been playing with different photo edition and having a lot of fun with it--so many options. And I love Pixlr! But I also think that not all photos require editing. There can be a fine line between all that. Sometimes a photo straight from the camera can be compelling just as it is. It's nice to have so many options now, but be flexible with choice. :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

  22. I like them all, but perhaps the French ones are the most evocative ... do make me think of those early French photos. Lovely !

  23. I love processed photos. I'm not so fond of photoshopping - the cat riding a bicyle sort of stuff - but I do like the atmosphere that can be created with programs.

    On the other hand, here's a "photoshop" story. The one photo I've altered is the one of me with Zero the Chimp. In the original, my bra strap was showing. I didn't realize how deeply ingrained some things were, but that's one - in my day, you did NOT allow your bra straps to show! So, with the help of PicMonkey, I got rid of it! LOL

    I've not used Pixlr at all, so that's my next project!

  24. I had no idea that all that could be done!


  25. Thank you for the before and after shots of these two programs. I totally agree that there's a time and place for manipulation, but I do love the story-telling affects you can provide, at times. I will definitely have to play more - though my newest blog post is from a day of play with some new equipment. Both have in-camera creative options. So many photos, so little time! Stay well:)

  26. The name of the plant in the previous post is hellebore. I grow lots of them.

    Like you i don’t find messing photos about always good. Some photos need to be left alone.

    Something arty is a different matter. Frankly, I don’t understand what it is with all these ‘textures’ and stuff.

    I’m just not artistic.

  27. I love these two photo-editing programs. I use them, along with an old Microsoft Digital Image Pro almost exclusively. Your Pixlr-o-matic pics are outstanding.

  28. Love the before and after shots. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for stopping by to see me recently. I've only tried PicMonkey but need to play around a little to find something I like better.
    Bon Semaine to you!

  29. Hi

    i use picmonkey, but am going to have to try the other. It's fun to mess around with the different options.

    Thanks for stopping by - enjoy your week!

  30. I love them all, but the one of the apartment building is my favorite of them all.

  31. Great altered photos! I love the Michigan related pictures. I have used picmonkey and like it but have not tried the other site. Have a great week, Laura

  32. The transformation is awesome! The photos look a little bit classy and some are creepy. It’s perfect for suspense and terrifying novels, don’t you think? But I envy you because since last year, I’ve been trying to learn Adobe Photoshop, but it just won’t get into my nerves. Darn, I’m so disappointed.

    Hannha from Online PhD UK

  33. it is fun to see what you can do with these programs. each photo is wonderful!

  34. I've only used PicMonkey and just to put a Ripple Effects watermark on to deter copying. Never have i tried the special effects. Guess I'm a 'purist' when it comes to photography, except necessary enhancement such as sharpness and exposure/contrasts. But for your purpose, esp. of doing arts and crafts too, these are interesting effects. But why do you have to choose between the two?

  35. Isn't it fun to play with pics? That's one of my very favorite things to do.... :-)


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