The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, May 31, 2013

Holiday Weekend Recap

Before it gets to be June, which is coming up mighty quickly, I wanted to recap bits of our holiday weekend.
This weekend has been long in coming -- no holidays for us since New Year's! As you saw, we spent lovely time doing our Paris Brest dessert, but what I didn't show in that post some of our other fun at Barb and Mike's.
It was a gorgeous day and we walked Barb's labyrinth, where we saw a butterfly with a hurt wing and much more.
Then wine on the porch, enjoying the birds at the feeder, and the onto the events in my last post.
Sunday was flawless weather-wise, too -- a perfect day to see Rick's aunt and cousins at their cottage not far from home.
And we got to meet the newest addition to the family, too.
We even saw one of Harry Heron's cousins!
Sunday was the start of our rain. But before it came down we went to the cemetery to plant flowers for my parents, aunts and uncles. This is a tradition in my families as it is in many.
We walked around the cemetery for a bit, stopping at the graves of a friend and her mom who died a year ago, fairly close together. They were near my college roommate and high school friend. Then, after a picnic (interrupted by weather!), we went off to the cemetery where my great grandfather was buried.
That cemetery is the oldest in Lansing and holds great local history in its earth. But that's for another time.
Home again, to roasted chicken and veggies, Rick's bread and watching "Rosemary and Thyme" videos -- a favorite of mine, new to Rick. As the rain came down, we were just happy and relaxed -- and isn't that what counts?


  1. Love your photos. Gorgeous centerpiece, it is so creative ! I love walking labyrinths ~ a friend of mine designs them. She has several gorgeous large labyrinths on her lovely property.
    Oh yes, and I came by way of Penny's blog I am Willow owner of the lovely parrot Buercup, that Penny used in her felted inspiration :)

  2. Everytime I visit my friend, Lea, the first thing I want to do is walk her labyrinth. It usually ends up waiting because there is so much talking to do (LOL, is that just like women?) but we get out there eventually.

    I'm so happy to see you out and about. Quiet visits with friends and easy adventuring are a great healer for your state of mind.

  3. Oh Jeanie,
    What a beautiful post! It is always such a treat for me to come here.
    Your new addition to the family is just adorable! All are such lovely photos.

    The comment you left for me took my breath away.. I must say you have made my day! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    Have you been over to visit Willow?
    I see she left a comment here.
    If you have not, I hope you do, she has such a lovely blog.

  4. From your photos, looks like a fun, restful weekend. I really like walking in old cemeteries - such beautiful stonework. What a fat-cheeked, adorable baby! We just got Sam for the weekend (speaking of fat cheeks). At nearly nine months, this is his first time visiting us in Breckenridge at high altitude.

  5. It sounds like you had a good Memorial Day week-end. I love that people have their own labyrinths.

  6. That just sounds like the perfect way to celebrate the past weekend.

  7. It sounds like a perfect weekend, Jeanie! Love the photos -- and that new little addition to the family is absolutely beautiful!

  8. Happy and relaxed...yes, that is what counts, my friend. Sounds like a perfect weekend. The smiles in the pictures brighten the screen and my heart.
    Always good to visit with you, Jeanie. I'm challenging myself to more cooking this weekend. Sigh... It's such a funny feeling. I start out excited and a bit scared, then I am pleased and very peaceful. I am really enjoying this new level of cooking. Now if only I'd find a way to leave the calories out. ;) Maybe I should challenge myself to exercise next. :)
    Have a lovely weekend.

  9. Happy and relaxed is exactly what counts. We drove up and back to see the grands yesterday. We were exhausted last night but very happy. Your weekend sounds perfect. So glad that nothing prevented you from enjoying it.

  10. Good morning Jeanie,
    Thank you for coming over to meet Buttercup. I am so happy he gave you a smile.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  11. At last! The weekend you deserve! So glad to hear these updates. It all sounds completely lovely.

  12. Yes, that is what counts! Your weekend looks great...friends, family, good food, and Mother Nature.

  13. A good time. And amazing to have a labyrinth of one's own!

  14. Hi Jeanie! What a busy grand time you've had. Nothing like being with family and friends. That little one is adorable. The bread sounds delish! Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. The recounting of your weekend brought a smile to my face. You had a wonderful relaxing weekend. That is just what the doctor ordered. I love visiting old cemeteries and reading the headstones. I loved the beautiful face of the newest addition to the family. Those lips are just too precious. And those eyes...

  16. oh Jeanie those baby cheeks are just so cute!

  17. This has everthing a perfect holiday weekend needs - friends, family, food and Harry's cousin! I'm so glad you had a wonderful time - nice to walk someone else's labyrinth instead of your own real-life one!

    Here's to a happy June. Is all that pastry gone yet?

  18. You've been busy busy Jeanie...
    Still wondering HOW it can be June already!
    Enjoy ♥ Enjoy

  19. You know how to have a good time!

  20. VERY NICE, Jeanie... a sweet time! Just love a long weekend... :o) ((HUGS))

  21. I am glad that you had a wonderful memorial day weekend! You definitely deserved a weekend like that! I am glad the weather was agreeable for most of the weekend!!


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