The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Incoming! Egg Cartons, Part Two

In my last post I told you about the cartons I sent to April and Jackie for our egg carton swap.These are the treasures that arrived at my home over the past few days!
Jackie's was first. I'm not sure you can get the elaborate cutting and texture of her carton lid. If you see the "Paris" word on the side, you'll know she captured one of my interests!
There you see it! It was so stuffed that it came "tied up" with a pretty ribbon.
Then inside, the butterflies on the inside top lid were also dimensional. Beautiful.
And look at all the pretties within! I loved them all -- the buttons and bird-in-a-pot, the pretty pin, the fun lace trims. There were beads, thread, and these very cute tags to use for keeping notes!
It was such a treat.
Of course, the treats weren't over! April's then arrived. Hers was hand painted with a very pretty and spring border on it that made me sing! And it was one of my favorite colors, too!
And it, too, was stuffed with goodies. April is a jewelry maker and there were two lovely pieces she had made, along with Easter eggs (which she had also made), buttons and beads, pretty trims. I liked the "shred" she used -- patterns! She also made the wee bunny of paper mache. And I loved the bottle filled with beads!
She really captured so many of my passions and interests! I was delighted!

I can't say thank you enough to these two wonderful, talented and generous women for sharing their art and their gifts with me. And a special thanks to Jennifer at Amusing Provincial for pulling it all together!


  1. Did I read this right? You got this from someone. Love it. Such imagination. There are no limits for this gal.

  2. what a fantastic idea!!!
    i've never seen that done before.
    what a wealth of joy:)

  3. What a great swap, decorated egg cartons, how unique. The two you received are just beautiful.

  4. I think you got as well as you gave in this swap. You all must be very happy.

  5. Such a fun idea and an eclectic mix of goodies! The magic of bloggers in action :)

  6. I think putting these together must have been a delight for all of you. Of course you know what word I'm thinking of - your cartons were filled with oddments! Very pretty ones, too.

    Thanks so much for sharing these bits of beauty with us - such a delightful variation on the usual Easter goodies!

  7. How fun, Jeanie. These are like getting little treasure chests in the mail.

  8. These are just so much fun, Jeanie! What a wonderful way to exchange spring time gifts. I love this! So glad you shared... Happy Weekend ((HUGS)) P.S. now that the weather is getting better, days warming up, and feeling better as well, I hope be out & about more with my camera...and sharing a bit more of Norway and other fun finds! :o)

  9. How fun is this Jeanie!
    I love it!
    Thank you so much for coming over to see my sister's art. I am so happy you enjoyed.

  10. What a clever idea....using an egg carton for a container.

    You certainly received a boat load of wonderful things.


  11. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog Jeanie! Your carton swap looks like fun :-) They are all so different!

    Happy new week,

    Madelief x

  12. Oh my! I am fascinated at all the gems and personal touches of these cartons... antiques, collectibles, hand-crafted, messages across the miles. Wow! Even a wooden spool of thread. The boxes are each a trove of memories and personality.

    Tu as bonne chance!


  13. These are true works of Art, and so delightful,too! FABULOUS!!!

  14. Lots of creativity and generosity!

  15. What a delight to open a package and find these treasures. Such love and detail sent with love.

  16. What a fun swap loaded with goodies too!

  17. Oh how fun! I love that one of them captured your love of Paris! That would be a good place to keep small keepsakes from future trips to Paris (I assume you'll be back at some point!!). How lovely and fun!


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